Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 186: Insurance

The eye of the eye accurately captured the information of the scroll of the Shield, and the brow was wrinkled.

"Baby, sitting on the white body, don't move, my brother will bully them!" The wind smacked a kiss on the baby's face, in exchange for her giggling, only to display the "spiritual dance", slowly floating from the air. under.

The effects of the phantom and the enveloping enchantment have not disappeared. There are misses in the bows of the sky, but because of the inability to escape in the air, when he falls to the ground, dozens of nearby archers also attack three rounds. He has destroyed more than 5,000 of his life, and his eight-line magical auxiliary skills have all been completed.

The wind fell steadily in front of the hall, and countless swords attacked him. He smiled coldly and swallowed a Ling Mudan. His life was full and the black energy gathered in his hand.

The hand of death! The accumulated probability of death of 39% can definitely be more than 5o% under the high fortune.

Warriors and Shields have no high hits for assassins and archers, so they attack almost all missed attacks on the battered "phantom" state. The wind and the display of "shadowing" in the middle of the messy crowd in front of the random movement, avoiding countless weapons and arrows, while the hands of the ice bursts, each time brought a few black damage.

The hand of death can bring people into the hands of the **** of death in death purgatory!

Although it only suffered 2% of the damage, the shells and thunder that kept falling on the top of the head still caused a lot of pressure on them. What scared them even more was that the terrible Shura could still kill them easily!


The rare black damage floated frequently under Shura’s hands, giving them different fears. After a second, the 20 meters in front of the door still couldn’t flood into too many people. As soon as they stepped in, they would The giant sword that was flashed with light took away life, and the black numbers were shocking.

It was a ground-killing wave. All the enemies in front of the door were again shaken. The 15-second death hand ended, and the wind swallowed another Ling Mudan again. His face was slightly helpless.

One person is against a thousand people, but also to protect the buildings behind. Is it really God when I am?

"Xuanyuan Shengyan!"

"Even with a strong defense, you still can't get rid of the fate of being killed!"

In the golden light, the brilliant ice swept the six enemies approaching. At the same time, the six whistling souls flew out from the Shura illusion and attacked six people respectively. Under the double attack of the icebreaker and the Wraith, the six people were without exception. , all killed by the moment.

Every time you kill a person, you will add one to the sorcerer's illusion, so the wind does not have to worry about the loss of the sorrow, and repeatedly harvests the lives of the enemy in the ice and the ash. Every time you perform it, you will be teleported to other positions, and the countless sword arrows will be almost completely lost.

Every time the crowd falls down, it will be filled up by the crowded people. Everyone gives up the middle door of the attacking hall and tries to capture the changing position. But the result can only be dizzy, only when the other side suddenly attacks. Sometimes you can hit the other side occasionally, and your fate is usually spiked.

The face of Scorpio is getting more and more gloomy, because this Shura’s power has come out of his imagination, and he has persisted for so long under the human tactics. He is still not dead. On the contrary, there are fewer and fewer people. Under the powerful attack of shells and Shura, the number has decreased by nearly two hundred.

At least one level is lost for each death, and the equipment is also dropped by 1-2 pieces, which represents the decline of the gang's strength.

The red big net gradually faded, and the face of the beautiful sky finally showed a sneer.

3o seconds, a little bit past, the wind and worry is finally coming - the effect of Feng Jiejie, Mirage, Xuanyuan Shengyan almost disappeared at the same time.

"The magician gave me a concentrated attack, and the priest rushed to the auxiliary state!"

The wind has finally brought out his killer.

Shura’s eyes!

The eyes of Shura, the demon wolf gang and **** gang experienced in the past have once described the fear of breaking into the abyss on the Internet, but they did not pay too much attention, but ridiculed their timidity, now they finally understand What is horror, what is hell.

More than two hundred people were locked and trembling, and the weapons in their hands were frozen in the air, and they no longer dared to resist. Until a awake person groaned with fear, they woke up like a dream and lost their helmet. Abandoning the madness of the escaping, never paying attention to the command and anger of the lord, just want to escape as much as possible, the farther away from this devil is the better!

There was a large open space in front of the wind, and everyone didn't know what was born. He was afraid to go forward. It also gave the opportunity to breathe, the life is quick to reply, and the tight spirit has been retired for a while.

"The eyes of Shura said in the forum?" Tianzhu Fengyun thought a little, then he said in a low voice: "Don't care, he has no tricks to use."

"Call... I knew that I didn't need to use the Thunderbolt scroll at the beginning." The wind screamed and the eyes of Shura consumed the roots of the soul. Once locked too many people, his brain appeared strong. The vertigo, even the line of sight has become a bit fuzzy.

Fortunately, the effect of the holy shield reel has also disappeared.

The sorrowful spirits are constantly flying out of the Shura illusion. The double attack annihilates the enemies that rushed up. Now he can summon eight sorcerers at a time. Therefore, every time the illusion of illusion flashes, it will take away eight lives and simultaneously The number of souls is quickly full.

Countless bows and arrows and all kinds of magical overwhelming attacks, the wind screamed, two chasing shadows teleported to the magician group, a ground extinguished more than a dozen people, but the middle door of the hall was frequently hit It is already in jeopardy.

"This time... is it okay to protect the gang that Yao's establishment?" If he wants to escape safely, they can't stop it, but if they choose to flee, they completely deviate from their original intentions.

And... I used to hide after the pursuit, so that countless attacks bombarded the door...

Never let Yao's gang be destroyed!

The wind smashed his teeth and quickly returned to the front door to resist all attacks. At the same time, he stepped forward and cleared the enemy who could attack the door. His movements made the Scorpio look sneer and gestured.

"Set the formation, don't worry about the other! Give me the direction of attacking the door!"

Under the death command of the Scorpio, the Scorpio gang had to rush forward with a magic bullet. The magician's attack distance is about ten to fifteen meters, and the archer is about 25 meters. Therefore, the warrior shield is in front, and the magician is surrounded by a circle ten meters away. The archer is surrounded by a circle 20 meters away. An orderly attack against the wind in the middle, as long as he avoids, the attack will fall to the door.

The baby's attack can blast all the archers and magicians within five meters, but even so, there will be more than twenty magic attacks and dozens of arrows per second on the wind. And once the attack team has a vacancy, it will be filled again by the same occupation.

"Little white, go down and save Shura brother!" Baby and the team, you can naturally see that his blood tank is falling rapidly.

"No!" The wind immediately ordered the action to stop Xiaobai's action. If it rushed down, the baby is likely to be attacked. With her more than 3,000 lives, she can't resist the concentrated attack of too many people.

Moreover, once his temper is up, one hundred cows can't pull back. If he wants to run away, no one stops, if he uses the pursuit to avoid, plus the extremely fast life recovery, these people can not do anything about him, but he would rather bear all the attacks, and they are not allowed to hurt Go to the back door.

"Sura brother, if you don't obey, the baby has to jump..."

The wind slammed all over the body, and the Shura Pluto fluctuated, blocking all the enemies within 20 meters in front, and using the "Dark Soul Eater" to restore life to a small half.

"Baby, obey, I won't have anything! (All the way, ap.bsp; the voice just fell, the distant footsteps and shouts suddenly sounded, the crowd of black pressure from far and near, the sound is like a galloping horse, The number of people is never less than 3,000.

Everyone stopped the attack in their hands and looked at the crowd in the distance.

"It’s finally coming, it’s not too slow.” The wind sighed with relief. The second he had, he had already started to contact Maple Leaf. Their gang station was very close to this place. They won't help each other.

The weather is dark and uncertain, and he is not sure of the other party's purpose.

"It turned out to be a small donkey. Are you also interested in Shura?" Tianyi Fengyun had a gentle smile and could not see the slightest change on his face.

Maple Leaf hasn't talked yet, and Maple Leaf Haoran has already taken the lead and said: "It turned out to be Fengyun Brothers. It is really an accident. Oh, we definitely don't want to be enemies with Fengyun Brothers. It's just that Love Story is good for me and Xiaoyan. Friends, her gang incidents, we must not stand by, just--why would you be so motivated by such a small gang? Is this not weakening the reputation of Scorpio?"

Looking at the wind in front of the door, Maple Leaf Haoran’s face suddenly revealed: “Oh, I think I understand the intent of the Fengyun brothers. I don’t know if Fengyun’s brothers can sell our maple leaves to help a face. You and Shura’s grievances will definitely not interfere. But it is related to the love of the wind..."

Scorpio Fengyun waved his hand and smiled with a big smile: "It turned out that this time, the brother is reckless. Well, since it is a friend of Xiaoyan and Yun Brothers, that is my friend, I will take my hand right away. After leaving, I will definitely not love the idea of ​​Fengge in the future. I also ask the two to apologize to the love story."

Maple Leaf sighed with a sigh of relief, and said with gratitude: "I am so grateful, if the Fengyun brothers have any instructions, we will never give up."

The next chapter notice: Shura’s identity is finally exposed, and the person who is now his identity is a three-year-old boy.

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