“I… I tell you, don’t be too arrogant, I will come over immediately Boss, see how my Boss will clean up you.”

Cross-eyed Thug After the call, the look of towards Su Ming was still a bit wrong, and he said sternly to Su Ming, for fear that Su Ming would go up and stop him if he was upset.

Su Ming can’t hear that this guy is diverting attention, but Su Ming is not too interested in this guy, playing him stopped.

After all, this is not the Boss of the demolition company. He said that he is a man, and he said that he is not a dog of the demolition company Boss.

But just this guy called and called him Boss, it was more convenient for Su Ming, save yourself from taking the initiative to find him trouble, just to solve the demolition today.

So Su Ming said: “I have no interest in you. What are you waiting for? Boss is coming.”


This Cross-eyed Thug heard this sentence, although I didn’t say anything in my mouth, but my heart was disdainful to think that when my Boss came over, you must be abolished.

“ga zhi”

Cross-eyed Thug’s Boss was very fast. About twenty minutes later, two Wuling Hongguang vans rushed over and slammed down, and suddenly the door opened and there was a lot of hooligans.

About two or thirty people were on the two cars, and they all had weapons such as steel pipes and even sharp knives in their hands. It looked very scary.

For a time, the residents of this residential area have been afraid of it. This group of fierce and sinister people must be bad luck if they are provoked.

Then there was a black Mercedes-Benz suv coming over, Su Ming’s eyes glimpsed, and said that this should be the Lord.

After seeing this Mercedes-Benz, Cross-eyed Thug seemed to see his relatives and ran very eagerly, opening the door of the rear of the Mercedes-Benz.

“Chief Cao is good”

At this time, I saw a bald head squatting down from the car. It looked like an imposing manner. All the thugs of the horse immediately screamed loudly.

So many dozens of people shouted at the same time, the sound was still relatively large, and the group of people behind it was shocked. For a time, looked towards the bald head, the eyes were wrong. It is obvious that this influential figure made them very scared.

Only Su Ming’s face is still calm as usual. It is obvious that this routine is Cross-eyed Thug’s Boss arranged in advance and looks very ugly.

But Su Ming’s heart is extremely disdainful. The routines of this items/weapons are too low-level, so that the snoring that Su Ming’s items/weapons Master sees is about to break out.

This bald name is Cao Yiheng. It used to be a local gangster in Ningcheng City. However, people are a bit of a degree. In the society, they have gone through arduous training or hard work and founded their own company.

However, this company is a demolition company. It is not a serious business. It is a demolition. In fact, Cao Yiheng’s aim is to violent demolition.

It is precisely because of Cao Yiheng’s unreasonable practice that he has made great interests for him. In just a few years, Cao Yiheng has now several hundred million net worth, and in Ningcheng City, where many rich people also It is a small person.

For example, if the residential building where Mukè’s home is located, if the compensation is based on the normal market price, the price of Ningcheng City is not low. It is said that the compensation for one household has to be 1 million.

As a result, Cao Yiheng of the black heart planned to give only a thousand dollars to a family, and how much profit can be obtained from it.

“what happened?”

Cao Yiheng was very satisfied with the performance of his own men. Shake the atmosphere of this items/weapons. After getting off, Cao Yiheng said to frowns about Cross-eyed Thug.

This cross-eyed eye is considered to be a person who is more valued by Cao Yiheng. He usually gets rid of it and dares to die. So Cao Yiheng gives him the demolition and is at ease/reassured.

As a result, there was an accident today. Cao Yiheng thought that there was a big scorpion in the eyes of the chicken, and immediately took the other hits of the company.

The cross-eyed eye pointed at Su Ming and said, “Chief Cao, that kid, he stopped us from demolition.”

Cao Yiheng glanced at Su Ming, who was as usual, and then turned black, and had the urge to give Cross-eyed Thug a slap in public.

Resist the anger in my heart, Cao Yiheng said: “With such a kid, can’t you solve it?”

“Boss, things are not as simple as you think.”

Cross-eyed Thug knew that Cao Yiheng had misunderstood himself, so he said, “That kid is weird, we can’t move him.”


Cao Yiheng obviously did not believe, said: “I don’t believe that you so many people can’t help a kid who doesn’t have a long hair.”

“It’s really Chief Cao.” The cross-eyed eyes immediately said: “The kid is so strong that we can’t beat him at all.”

Cao Yiheng still didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter. He didn’t care to say: “Isn’t that the strength is a little bigger? I don’t believe that I can’t kill him for so many people.”


Cao Yiheng came to Su Ming with someone, but suddenly found something wrong. He said, “Boy, why are you alone? Don’t you be afraid?”

Seeing Su Ming, but a young man of about twenty years old, the face on his face was so calm, which made Cao Yiheng feel a little strange, and asked.

Su Ming now Realms of weapons/weapons has reached the point of the kind of the point of perfection, the face is slightly smiled, very comfortable to say: “To deal with you, I am enough alone.”

“If I call someone, I am afraid I will scare you.” Su Ming continued to calmly say.

Su Ming not at all Lying, dealing with this ordinary person, even if there are hundreds, there is no pressure on Su Ming, it is too simple.

However, this sentence is not the case in Cao Yiheng’s ear. It is too mad to say that this kid is talking. Who can he shout out in his dress? Even scared to death.

So Su Ming succeeded in getting the anger of Cao Yiheng’s heart. After preparing to clean up Suao’s stopped Cao Yiheng, coldly snorted, he changed his mouth and said: “Yes, then I will give you time now, you will give me immediately. Calling people, if you shout, if you scare me, I will kill you when I get there.”

When it comes to the last three words “killing you”, Cao Yiheng’s tone suddenly changed, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

However, not at all scared Su Ming, only Su Ming showed a more helpless expression, continued to say: “I have not lied to you, I am really afraid of calling people will scare you.”

Ps: The third today!

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