After hearing the command of the cross-eyed eye, the worker who was manipulating the excavator at that time showed a trace of awkward look on his face, and he did not dare to directly touch it.

To know that this excavator is not a joke, this thing shovel down, the building caused by reinforced concrete can give a hole directly, let alone a flesh-and-blood human.

The worker wearing the helmet is very clear. If he pushes the joystick forward, if the shovel goes down, the life of the young man in front of him may be gone.

In the face of this kind of human life, the workers still did not dare to do it.

The cross-eyed eyes are full of crazy expressions at this time. It is obvious that he must kill the chicken to warn the monkey. Even if he is making a life, he will not hesitate to scream. “What are you afraid of?” Give me a hand, and Boss is helping us with the big things.”

After hearing the cross-eyed order again, this time the worker couldn’t hesitate any more, and he was originally eating under the Boss, and there was no need to lose his job because of Su Ming.

Moreover, their company’s Boss is indeed a powerful figure. In the past, many things were solved after the forced dismantling. When the workers were not hesitated, they pushed the excavator’s joystick forward.


I saw a huge shovel directly shoveling towards Su Ming, and suddenly many people closed their eyes in a scary way. I didn’t expect those who demolished the company to be so mad.

If this shovel goes on, it is estimated that Su Ming will be blurred in the flesh.


After hearing this loud noise, everyone knows that the shovel of the excavator must have been smashed. As a result, they looked up and they saw a picture that was very against the sky.

I saw that Su Ming casually lifted his right hand, and even with such a difficulty, he caught the huge shovel of the excavator.

Then the small courageous people opened their eyes one after another. After seeing this strange picture, everyone was shocked.

Someone could directly pick up the huge shovel of the excavator by hand, and it seems that Su Ming’s face is still very relaxed. How is this possible?

As everyone knows, Su Ming immediately opened the Malphite two Ability, Passive and eAbility, and immediately became a powerful Granite Shield on the surface.

So the shovel of the excavator not only did not hurt Su Ming, but was caught by Su Ming’s forcibly hand.

Cross-eyed Thug also immediately looked at it. What is the special situation? Why do you feel that the shovel of the excavator seems to have stagnated for a moment?

So Cross-eyed Thug almost subconsciously thought that the workers did not dare to do it. The shovel listened to it in midair and immediately shouted: “What do you do, shoot me.”

I don’t know if the worker was very shocked at this time. Just now he obviously shovel the excavator and smashed it directly down. As a result, forcibly could not go down in midair.


When the workers saw the chicken eyes ignited, they immediately pushed the joystick forward again. As a result, the flexible joystick seemed to be blocked by people, and it could not be pushed at all.

In fact, because Su Ming’s power is too strong, forcibly grabbed the shovel of the excavator with one hand, so that the shovel could not move.

Just like a person’s hand is caught, if the strength of the other party is stronger than you, then you may not be able to struggle.

“Manager, maybe the excavator’s joystick has failed.” The worker then put his head out of the window and then loudly said.

Don’t look at this kind of cockroach’s eyes, usually a mix of looks, in fact, he is a manager when he talks about the level of the demolition company.

“Special, it is a problem at a critical time.” Cross-eyed Thug heard that the excavator had a problem, and suddenly shouted with dissatisfaction.


As a result, the words of the cross-eyed eyes have not been finished yet. Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Su Ming’s other hand was placed on the shovel of the excavator.

The two hands slammed hard and broke the shovel of the excavator. The long shovel was forcibly broken by Su Ming from the middle.

Suddenly everyone was shocked, and even wondered if their eyes were wrong. Humans could cut off the hard excavator shovel. This is incredible. I am afraid that the film will not dare to play it.

“hong long”

However, this kind of thing happened so tangibly, until Su Ming threw the huge shovel in his hand on the side of the ground, and everyone responded. This is actually true.


Just when everyone was shocked and couldn’t speak, Su Ming walked a few steps forward and came to the side of the excavator and hit it with a fist.

This fist exhausted all of Su Ming’s power, and after opening Malphite’s eAbility, Su Ming had never used such power before.

When the fist touched the body of the excavator, a loud bang was heard, and then the huge excavator turned over.

At this time, the hard hat worker sitting in the excavator was still in a daze, suddenly felt that the body slammed sideways, and then reacted faster, immediately slammed his head, because of the helmet, So no problem.

However, the excavator of this rollover was very miserable. The body was recessed into a large piece by Su Ming, and the glass of the car was broken immediately after the rollover.

The huge “hong long” sound hit the heart of everyone present. At this time, the eyewitness of the scene could not be described in words. I don’t know what to say.

“Come, don’t you want to demolish it, don’t delay the time, drive the excavator together.” Su Ming at this time pats hand, casually said to the cross-eyed eyes.

Cross-eyed Thug shuddered and stunned and walked back a few steps.

Then I saw the stunned eyes of the cockroach and immediately took out the phone and dialed the phone number of Boss.

“Hey, Little Chen, what happened to the demolition studio in the old residential area? The group didn’t make trouble.” Boss asked the cross-eyed eye.

The cross-eyed eyes are not available to Boss and the problem of demolition is said. The voice is a little trembling and said: “The major event is not good for Boss. Come over, there is a major event, I can’t solve it.”

“What major event?” Boss of the cross-eyed eyes asked at this strange mouth, this person’s ability to do things is very strong, how to call today is a bit abnormal?

The cross-eyed eye continued: “There is a monster!”

Ps: The second more today!

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