
Cao Yiheng gave a sneer, and the more Su Ming told him, Cao Yiheng was more and more angry.

So Cao Yiheng, this guy and Su Ming were on the bar, and said again: “Don’t, you rush to call people, if you can’t scare me, then I will kill you.”

“Also, since your request is so embarrassing, then I will satisfy you.” Su Ming suddenly changed his mind.

Originally, I wanted to solve this problem directly through violence. But when I think about it, sometimes for some people, it is not enough to scare him to scare him.

Su Ming may have killed him today, but he is not allowed to bring someone to the demolished day after another. Su Ming wants to solve this problem once and for all.

So Su Ming is ready to take a two-pronged approach. Since using violence and scaring Cao Yiheng, Su Ming is currently in the entire Ningcheng City relationship. It is a very simple matter to scare this guy.

Su Ming thought for a moment, took out the phone and called Zhang Mao and said, “Zhang Mao, my side is having trouble, you just bring some brothers over and give me support.”

Su Ming then hanged up after telling Zhang Mao about the address of Mukè’s home.

The reason why she called Zhang Mao to bring people, mainly Su Ming, seeing this Cao Yiheng with a hitter items/weapons is very uncomfortable, saying that you are more than me, and that Zhang Mao’s team’s combat power is also very good. .

Su Ming then continued to turn over her address book, called Li Yuanshuang, and told her that she had some trouble and asked her to come over.

With Li Yuanshuang’s position in Ningcheng City Business World, it is too simple to want to scare this Cao Yiheng. It is estimated that after seeing Li Yuanshuang, the expression on the face will be very exciting.

Su Ming made two phone calls, and it was almost the same. After Zhang Mao took someone, he took Zhang Mao and their group of people to clean up the group of Cao Yiheng, and then let Li Yuanshuang scare. Look at this product, it is almost finished today.

But what makes Su Ming feel helpless is that when I have to use items/weapons again, it’s really annoying.

“Kid, after the call is over, I am here waiting for the person you are calling to see if you can scare me.”

This Cao Yiheng seems to be very concerned about Su Ming’s saying that he wants to scare him to death. He keeps saying it all the time.

Cross-eyed Thug moved a folding recliner from the black Mercedes-Benz car, opened it and placed it in front of Cao Yiheng, respectfully let Cao Yiheng sit.

And there is a cigar hidden in Cao Yiheng, where the goods are sipping a cigar, and the expression looks very comfortable.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird. No one dared to speak. Everyone wondered if Su Ming could call someone. It is estimated that this young man 80% is bragging.

In the crowd, Cao Yiheng, the boss of the demolition company, is already the top influential figure. They don’t believe Su Ming can find this level of influenza figure.

“Brothers, copy the guy to follow me, big brother seems to have some trouble.” Zhang Mao received a call from Su Ming, immediately excited.

Someone who dares to bully him Zhang Mao’s big brother is simply not wanting to do it.

“Where, there are people who dare to bully our big brother, which Wang Bangzi doesn’t have long eyes?”

“Fcuk/idiot, this can’t be tolerated, it has to be done today.”

For a time, these younger brothers of Zhang Mao were also excited. They were very respectful to Su Ming. They didn’t say anything else. If they weren’t Su Ming, they could have such a good life and a superior Studio environment.

So under the leadership of Zhang Mao, a group of people immediately copied the baseball bats, steel pipes and other weapons that had not been used for a long time. A group of people rushed out of the nday bar.

The Boss of the nday bar came over at this time. When I entered the bar, I saw Zhang Mao. They were going to go out and suddenly stunned. They said, “It’s all working hours now. Why are you doing this?”

Zhang Mao immediately explained: “It is such a Boss, my big brother has encountered a little trouble, let me bring people in the past, please understand, it can be considered that we have completed the salary deduction.”

“Mr. Su is in trouble?”

Yang Xiaowen changed his face and then asked, “What troubles have you encountered?”

“I don’t know, big brother just made a call and let me take the brothers in the past.” Zhang Mao said directly.

“Then I will go with you,” Yang Xiaowen said.

“Boss, are you going too?”

“Mr. Su helped me the last time. He was in trouble. I definitely want to help.” Yang Xiaowen nodded said: “There may be places where I can help.”

After that, Yang Xiaowen immediately followed Zhang Mao, who was in a group of cars and rushed past Su Ming’s position.

After Li Yuanshuang received the call from Su Ming, the whole person was not calm. Li Yuanshuang knew Su Ming’s character very well. He would not easily ask for help.

Today, Su Ming took the initiative to call and ask for help. This busy Li Yuanshuang not only helped, but also helped very beautifully.

Speaking of which is also quite clever, at this time Li Yuanshuang is talking about some business affairs with Wang Wei, another big-name character in Ningcheng City.

After Wang Wei was last cleaned up by Su Ming, he also got some benefits. He took the line Li Yuanshuang and cooperated with Li Yuanshuang to help Wang Wei’s business.

“Chief Wang, I am a little in a hurry, I may have to talk again in the next day.” Li Yuanshuang said to Wang Wei, naturally it is more important to Su Ming.

Wang Wei See Li Yuanshuang a little anxious, and he asked: “Chief Li is so anxious, is this something?”

Li Yuanshuang thought that Wang Wei also knew Su Ming, so he said, “It is Su Ming who is in trouble. I have to hurry.”

“What? Mr. Su is in trouble?” Wang Wei immediately stood up and said, “Then I will go with it, maybe it will be useful to me.”

Wang Wei felt more and more Su Ming’s power, so he wanted to please Su Ming. Today is a good opportunity. Li Yuanshuang saw Wang Wei a little, and did not refuse it. Wang Wei nodded, they took their respective cars. , rushed over to the neighborhood where Mukè’s home was located.

At this time in the office of Hongkong Super Rich & powerful Zeng Tianqi, Zeng Tianqi is looking through a heavy file.

At this time, Zeng Tianqi’s confidant came in and whispered: “Zeng Zong, I have a message about Mr. Su here.”

Zeng Tianqi, when he heard this, suddenly shot his eyes and said in an unquestionable tone: “Come on!”

Ps: Fourth today.

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