Zhang Mao This product seems to be addictive. At one time, the spit star flies straight, and even the cultural sentence of “Where is there no grass in the end of the world” is said.

Su Ming looked at Zhang Mao very silently and then said, “Do you think this is possible?”

“What do you mean?” Zhang Mao didn’t understand Su Ming for a while.

Su Ming continued: “I have never been so handsome with a shake, and he has a good relationship with Cheng Ruofeng? How can I make a date with my sister!”

“Of course it is impossible!”

Zhang Mao immediately changed his mouth and said: “big brother, you are a handsome man than Jin Chengwu and Wu Yanzu, Cheng Ruofeng is worse than you 108,000 li.”

Although I know that Zhang Mao is deliberately flattering, Su Ming still can’t help but still want to say: young man can talk.

However, Su Ming is not in the mood to joke with Zhang Mao now. He continued: “Hurry up and clean up and eat something, then wait until you get to work and go to work. You don’t have to worry about this.”

In fact, Su Ming has already guessed what Cheng Ruofeng has done. If there is no accident, he will definitely kill the Song Family Patriarch Song Jiji.

Although there is not much contact with Cheng Ruofeng, Su Ming can also see that he is a more obsessive person, as if he is determined to do something.

After the recovery of this period, it is estimated that the injury of Cheng Ruofeng has completely recovered. It is estimated that today is the opportunity to find out, so I will choose to leave.

“big brother, what about the brothers? Do you want to report to the police?” Zhang Mao still can’t let go, after all, people are missing from him.

Su Ming couldn’t help but reveal a weird expression after hearing the “alarm”. The heart said that the guy is killing. If it is an alarm, it is not necessarily the police.

So Su Ming continued: “be at ease/reassured, I have probably guessed where he went, and immediately went looking for him, and found it back to tell you, don’t worry.”

Zhang Mao listened to Su Ming, so nodded, and said: “The big brother, you found someone remember to call me.”

Su Ming then turned over the pillows on Cheng Ruofeng’s bed, and even the small bedside tables were not let go. After careful inspection, not at all found the gun in the hands of Cheng Ruofeng.

According to Su Ming’s calculations, there should be two or three rounds of bullets in the pistol, and one person goes out with a pistol. It is self-evident.

After saying hello to Zhang Mao, Su Ming left the apartment where Zhang Mao lived. Although he said to Zhang Mao that he knew where Cheng Ruofeng was, Su Ming didn’t know it.

He couldn’t even contact Cheng Ruofeng, how could he know where he is, but fortunately Su Ming has a trick of trump card, which is the Ultimate of Twisted Fate.

Fortunately, there is still a Twisted Fate Ultimate that is more powerful than the GPS global positioning system. Otherwise, I am afraid that Su Ming can’t find Cheng Ruofeng with human flesh search.

At this time, Su Ming is also a little anxious. I don’t know what happened to Cheng Ruofeng. If it is not afraid to scare Zhang Mao, Su Ming may have opened Twisted Fate Ultimate on the spot.

“Open Destiny”

After the community where Zhang Mao lived, Su Ming found a more hidden corner and immediately opened the Twisted Fate Ultimate.

Twisted Fate Ultimate is also very simple to use, it is to locate a person, so you only need to imagine the person in the mind, after about ten seconds, Twisted Fate’s Ultimate can be started.

Sure enough, after ten seconds, Su Ming’s mind appeared in a picture, and the protagonist in the picture was Cheng Ruofeng.

At this time, Cheng Ruofeng was still a black t-shirt, but the situation was very bad. He was surrounded by several people and was half-squatted on the ground. He was pointed by a black clothed person with a black pistol.

Su Ming saw this picture, and suddenly it was a speechless. Obviously this is already obvious. Cheng Ruofeng’s assassination today failed.

“Kid, I remember that the person who came to kill me last time is you, this time again, really, is it so good for me Song Jiji?”

At this time, a seemingly chunky middle age person hangs two thick dark circles, which can be seen as a cunning treacherous person.

This person is Ningcheng City’s famous Three Great Families, Song Family Patriarch Song Jiji, this person is very famous in Ningcheng City, almost no one dares to provoke.

Song Jiji looked at the injured Cheng Ruofeng with a relaxed smile, but the smile was so faint and chilling.

Song Jiji is impressed with Cheng Ruofeng, who had already assassinated him last time, but that time he sent the ancient Warrior in the family to him, or he was killed by his life.

But Song Jiji absolutely didn’t expect this kid to come again for the second time. This time Cheng Ruofeng was in front of Song Jiji, and Song Jiji was not ready to let him go.


However, Cheng Ruofeng, who has a very hard temper, looked up at Song Jiji with a killing intent in his eyes and a very disdainful cold snorted.

With the character of Cheng Ruofeng, if you put it in the ancient times in the middle of the DPRK, I am afraid that it is also a clearing of the stiff die than submit. The knife is still on the neck and still does not change color.

Song Jiji seemed to be interested, and then asked: “Kid, I will give you a chance to tell me who sent you to kill me? Is Qin Family still Jiang Family?”

In Song Jiji’s impression, it seems that the enemy he deserves to remember is only the other two families of Ningcheng City, and it is also the rival of his Song Family.

As everyone knows, Cheng Ruofeng is actually only because of his comrades-in-arms want to kill him. Maybe in the impression of Song Jiji, I have long remembered this.

“No one sent me over, I just want to kill you.” Cheng Ruofeng still gnashing teeth when he spoke.

The last time Cheng Ruofeng made a plan to die, and the accident was saved by Su Ming. It was a life, so this time Cheng Ruofeng did not hold any hope of surviving, and died when he died.

Perhaps the only regrettable thing before he died was that he didn’t kill the Song Jiji in front of him, and he couldn’t say “goodbye” to Su Ming.

“hmph, courting death, kill me!”

Song Jiji has completely lost his patience and said directly.

Originally, he came here to meet an important guest today. As a result, the meeting has not yet begun, and he has encountered such an assassination.

No one noticed that there was a person out of thin air at this time. This person was suddenly Su Ming who passed the Twisted Fate Ultimate Teleport.

To be unobtrusive, Su Ming still chose to land where no one could see it.

After landing, Su Ming looked around and muttered to himself: “The sky is loud and the old man is on the scene.”

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