After landing, Su Ming faintly heard a few words from Cheng Ruofeng, and couldn’t help but be speechless. He said that this person’s temper is really hard.

It’s all dead, but there’s no feeling of fear. But fortunately, Su Ming’s is still timely, and the life of Cheng Ruofeng is still not threatened.

“If you want to kill, you have to listen to the respect, don’t smash it here, you have to do it quickly.”

At this time, Cheng Ruofeng, who was in a very dangerous situation, was not afraid at all. Instead, he shouted loudly. He did not know that Cheng Ruofeng now took the initiative.

In fact, the character of Cheng Ruofeng is dead. Anyway, he will definitely not survive today. It is better to die so happy.

Since it is a man, a real man, then death is also dead, and Cheng Ruofeng will not do anything to save his life and ask for mercy, even the brow will not wrinkle.

Just like you can never wake up a person who deliberately sleeps, if a person has a plan to die, then you can’t make him feel any fear.

“Get rid of!”

I saw Song Jiji nodded to the black clothed bodyguard, indicating that he directly solved Cheng Ruofeng. Cheng Ruofeng was just a nobody in the eyes of Song Jiji. He solved his Song Jiji and even had no inner feelings. The words are so casual.


I saw the black clothed bodyguard right hand with a gun, the left hand slightly moved, the black pistol directly on the shackles, obviously the next step is to take away the life of Cheng Ruofeng.

“Give me a hand!”

At this time, Su Ming, who was not far away, finally showed up, went straight and said loudly.

This sentence suddenly scared a lot of people, after all is a sudden sound, suddenly many people looked at Su Ming with amazement.

Song Jiji’s surroundings are strictly checked, especially after the Cheng Ruofeng assassination, in order to prevent the rigorous investigation of the Tong family.

Enough to ensure that a fly can’t fly in, then the problem is coming. It seems that wearing a student-like kid, where did it come from?

The more shocked person was Cheng Ruofeng. After seeing Su Ming, the whole person saw a ghostly expression.

The last time he was seriously injured, Su Ming suddenly became incredible. As a result, Su Ming appeared again, and Cheng Ruofeng couldn’t believe it.

“Protecting Patriarch”

The Song Family’s bodyguards were also relatively well-trained. After a short period of time, they suddenly responded. Several people immediately ran to Song Jiji and surrounded Song Jiji.

Obviously they think of Su Ming as a group with Cheng Ruofeng, thinking that Su Ming is also bad for Song Jiji, but I don’t know what Su Ming means to Song Jiji not at all. He just wants to save Cheng Ruofeng.

“It’s him?”

At this time, behind a seemingly inconspicuous, thin old man behind Song Jiji, his eyes flashed a glimmer of light. Obviously he recognized Su Ming, and the picture that was scared away by this kid was still vivid.

“Who are you and want to kill me?”

Song Jiji, who saw more winds and waves, was flustered. After being surrounded by bodyguards, Song Jiji calmed down and said to Su Ming.

“Not good means I have no interest in you.”

As a result, who knows that Su Ming didn’t even look at Song Jiji, and directly looked towards Cheng Ruofeng, who was still on the ground. This time, Cheng Ruofeng was injured again, although not as serious as last time, but it is also very embarrassing.

Song Jiji was almost stunned by the angry nose. He said that Song Jiji is also a famous Ningcheng City famous person. The identity of Song Family Patriarch can make countless people look up.

As a result, the two guys I met today, one is more arrogant, one is going to kill him, and it’s hard to listen to it.

The other guy who appeared only didn’t even look at him. Song Jiji was a madman in his heart.

“Give me a hand and kill him.” Under the wrath of Song Jiji, the black clothed bodyguard with a gun in his opponent said.

The black clothed bodyguard didn’t know who the “he” in Song Jiji’s mouth meant, because there were two people in front of him, but with a little thought, the black clothed bodyguard targeted the Cheng Ruofeng.

After all, this guy is assassinating Patriarch, and he is dying to die.

Su Ming saw the black clothed bodyguard to shoot, immediately in front of Cheng Ruofeng, and said: “Give me a hand, want to move him to step on me.”

For Cheng Ruofeng, this person Su Ming is not very familiar, but always feels that this person is still good. Since it came, Su Ming can’t watch Cheng Ruofeng being killed.

“You give me aside, don’t worry about anything, my Cheng Ruofeng’s business has nothing to do with you, you quickly give me a roll.” Cheng Ruofeng looked at Su Ming in front of himself, suddenly anxious.

I know that Su Ming wants to help him, but the other person has a lot of people. Cheng Ruofeng didn’t want to put Su Ming in the pit, so he deliberately pretended to be very angry.

Su Ming was not polite with Cheng Ruofeng and immediately said: “You shut me up, and what I want to do is not related to you.”


Song Jiji saw Su Ming and Cheng Ruofeng put the guest in front of him. Suddenly, his face showed a sneer of sneer, and continued to give orders to the black clothed bodyguards: “Two people have solved it.”


The black clothed bodyguard heard the impatientness in Song Jiji’s tone, so he didn’t hesitate any more. He immediately slammed the machine with Su Ming.

Anyway, these two people are going to die. It doesn’t matter who solves it first. It is nothing more than a question of chronological order.


Su Ming, who has a quick eye, has long recognized the action of the black clothed bodyguard. The reaction is very fast, and Fiora’s Ability is turned on almost instantly.

There are very few ways for Su Ming to fight against bullets, only Fiora’s wAbility.

So the gunshot sounded for a moment, accompanied by a scream, the black clothed bodyguard that shot, even screamed directly, then painfully fell to the ground and rolled up.

Such a weird picture gave everyone a look, even Cheng Ruofeng stunned. He knew that Su Ming was not simple, but he did not expect Su Ming to have reached this level of “impervious to sword or spear”.

And Song Jiji seems to have a little sluggish expression on his face at this time. He has spent millions of bodyguards. Is this the wrong medicine today?

Only the skinny old man behind Song Jiji’s eyes looked a little stunned, and he said in his heart: “It’s this move again, this kid is weird.”

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