Ability Name: Razor Shuriken

Ability Introduction : The Ability is the main Ability of the Master of Shadows damage, throwing Shuriken in his hands at the in-game robbery and causing considerable physical damage to the enemies that hit them.

In reality, after the Optimization is optimized, the host will have the super ability to launch the hidden weapon after opening the Ability, and can use all Items as the hidden weapon, and the Falling Leaf Flying Flower can hurt people, and the Ability is continuous. Ability.

After watching System’s extensive Introduction, the Su Ming responded, and Zed’s Q Ability was used in reality.

Anyway, in so many text introductions, Su Ming noticed the words “Falling Leaf Flying Flower can hurt people”. It looks so terrible.

Su Ming still remembers the martial arts dramas he had seen before. Some of the heroes and heroes, basically using a leaf, can be used as a hidden weapon to kill.

It was really incredible at the time, and I couldn’t think of the Ability, Legend of Legends Raffle System, really awesome!

After cleaning up the excitement, Su Ming closed the interface of the Ability Introduction. Anyway, after Su Ming had the qAbility of the robbery, it was equivalent to combat strength and promoted a grade.

In the future, as long as anyone dares to provoke himself, Su Ming may really want him to experience what is invisible.

Su Ming was at school in the past few days. In the first two days, she went to The Farmhouse Courtyard and fired a hundred copies of Egg Fried-rice, which caused another looting.

This time, it was even more exaggerated. Even the local media and TV stations in Ningcheng City were brought over. Everyone became more curious about this “Egg Fried-rice”.

“dīng líng líng ”

At about three o’clock in the afternoon, Su Ming was in class. The result turned out to be a phone call. Fortunately, Su Ming adjusted the silent mode, and the cottage machine vibrated in Su Ming’s pocket.

When I was called, I was very nervous. After all, the school regulations did not allow me to carry my mobile phone. Su Ming’s face changed suddenly, and I quickly pressed the red button and hung up the phone.

“weng weng”

It didn’t take a few seconds for the call to come. Su Ming hangs up again, and obviously can’t answer the phone during class.

After ten minutes of class, Su Ming immediately ran to the toilet in the school building and dialed the phone that was called before. The caller was Zhang Mao.

Su Ming knows that Zhang Mao is not okay to find his own, and he also knows that he usually has to go to class. As a result, Zhang Mao has made two consecutive calls, and there must be something.

“Hey, big brother, I didn’t bother you to go to class?” Zhang Mao’s voice came over.

“No, is there anything you call me?”

“It’s such a big brother.”

When it comes to Zhang Mao’s tone suddenly changed, he said: “Your friend Cheng Ruofeng, he is gone?”


Su Ming couldn’t help but screamed. Because of the many things during this time, Su Ming did not go to Zhang Mao. For a while, I didn’t hear the name of Cheng Ruofeng. As a result, I suddenly heard the news of his disappearance today. .

“What happened, tell me about it?” Su Ming said immediately after reacting.

“It’s such a big brother.” Zhang Mao said: “After I got up at noon today, I found out that others have disappeared and I don’t know where I went.”

“Would you like to go out and buy something, just come back soon,” Su Ming asked.

“I thought so at first, but it took a few hours to pass. I was afraid of something, so just talk to the big brother.”

“You don’t worry, I’ll check it out.” Su Ming hung up after the call.

I couldn’t tell Zhang Mao about it in the phone for a while, or go directly to Zhang Mao and have a look.

The only trouble is that I am still in class. Su Ming went to Xia Qingchan’s office to take a vacation with Xia Qingchan, and then took the fake door of Xia Qingchan out of the school gate.

“big brother, you are here.”

Zhang Mao obviously has been waiting for Su Ming at home, and immediately after seeing Su Ming.

“When did he disappear?” Su Ming asked as soon as he entered the door.

“I don’t know how long he has gone. I woke up in less than twelve o’clock at noon. I was ready to ask him what to eat at noon. As a result, who knows that when he opened his door, he would disappear.”

Zhang Mao’s career is quite special. It is normal to stay up late at Studio in the bar. At least I have to go to Studio one or two in the morning, so I usually sleep for one morning.

Su Ming continued to ask: “Is there any abnormal behavior in his two days?”

“Abnormal behavior? It seems that there is nothing unusual.”

Zhang Mao pats his own head, recalled it carefully, and said: “He hasn’t changed much. He doesn’t like talking much every day, just sitting on the bed in a daze.”

“But this time he had a lot of relationship with me. When I came back last night, he was still asleep, and we still had some drinks.”

Su Ming looked at it at this time and found that there were several empty wine bottles on the coffee table in the living room, the wooden sign left after the barbecue was finished, and some loafy boxes.

“The phone is not taken?”

Su Ming walked into the room where Cheng Ruofeng had been living for a while, and found that the bedding on the bed was very neat, and the quality of the soldiers could be seen in the details.

However, Su Ming also noticed that his black old-fashioned mobile phone did not take it. Su Ming seemed to realize what Cheng Ruofeng had done.

“big brother, don’t worry, let’s wait a little longer, maybe we will be back soon.”

Zhang Mao, seeing Su Ming, his face is not very good-looking, he hasn’t talked, so he’s comfortable: “Men, who can’t have a need?”

“And you look at the brothers’ physical fitness is so good, this time must be hungry and thirsty, maybe go out for big health care, let’s wait a little longer.”

Zhang Mao was not comforted. With such comfort, Su Ming couldn’t help but feel more painful. She said, “He wore that black t-shirt all day, and he didn’t even have the money to buy clothes. You think he has money to go. Big health?”

Su Ming is still convinced that Cheng Ruofeng knows that when he saved him last time, he knew that he seemed to be penniless.

Zhang Mao thought for a moment and continued: “That might be the appointment, and now the social software is so developed.”

“There is a saying that comes, there is no grass in the world, WeChat can be done with a shake.”

Su Ming: “………………………”

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