
I heard that grandfather’s evaluation of Su Ming was so high, Wu Qiu suddenly felt a little dissatisfied, and coldly snorted said: “I admit that his Gu Technique is really difficult to deal with, I am better than him, but he is deep. Also, it isn’t this too ridiculous.”

“There are too many people in this world who are better than him. Grandfather, can you clean up him?” Wu Qiu continued.

The expression on Gu King’s face suddenly became awkward, and after a bit of a bitter smile, he said: “Chou, I am not his opponent!”


Wu Qiu The whole person immediately turned pale with fright, and even climbed up from the top. He couldn’t believe it. He said, “How is it possible? Grandfather, how could you not be his opponent?”

To know that his grandfather is the famous Gu King in the Miao Region, so he Wu Qiu is walking in the Miao Region. From small to big, Gu King’s image in Wu Qiu’s heart is tall and invincible.

“Do you know why that person promised to come over to Insect Solving today?” Gu King continued.

Wu Qiu’s shocked face didn’t know what to say for a while. He thought that Gu King had forced Su Ming to come over with great strength.

As a result, Gu King said that he is not an opponent of Su Ming, then the question is coming. Why did Su Ming come over and help him Insect Solving? Anyway, Wu Qiu didn’t believe that Su Ming was too kind to watch him tortured to death by Poisonous Insect.

Gu King knows that Wu Qiu can’t guess the answer. He didn’t plan to take Wu Qiu. He said directly: “I signed the Master-Servant Blood Pact with him, so he promised to help you insect.” Solving.”

“Master-Servant Blood Pact ?!”

Wu Qiu was completely shocked at this time. After two seconds of gaze, the eagerness said: “grandfather, is the kind of bloody deed that you told me a few years ago?”

Seeing the old Gu King nodded, Wu Qiu couldn’t help it for a while, and continued: “grandfather, why did you sign the bloody relationship with him? Isn’t this your future life in your hands?” ”


At this time, Wu Qiu, who was only excited, gave herself a slap, and then said angrily: “I blame me for uselessness, and you have to give grandfather a harm.”

When I thought of the life of my grandson and grandson, all of them were controlled by Su Ming. The resentment in Wu Qiu’s heart could be imagined. Suddenly gnashing teeth said: “Su Ming, I will make you look good in the future.”

“impudent !”

Gu King screamed again and said, “I have told you, don’t bother looking for him later.”

“That person is not the one that our grandson and grandson can provoke. He is not only proficient in Gu Technique, but also very good at medical skills. I can’t see him at all. If you go to him, he will just die.”


Gu King glanced at Wu Qiu and continued: “Be sure to let go of the hatred in your heart. After the injury is good, you will return to Miao Region to practice and remember not to find Su Ming.”

“And he is my Master now, and you are right with him.” Gu King is most afraid of the situation where Su Ming let their grandsons kill each other.

Wu Qiu’s resentment in the eyes dissipated a lot, and suddenly understood that after signing the Master-Servant Blood Pact, his grandfather’s life was not controlled by himself.

If he wants to kill Su Ming in the future, it is equivalent to harming his grandfather. After thinking about the stakes, Wu Qiu has nodded, and he has no idea what to think about Su Ming.

Su Ming came out of the construction site and found that the place was so smoky that he didn’t even have a taxi. He didn’t even have a silhouette.

This ghost place is estimated that no driver is willing to come over with a drip taxi. Su Ming had no choice but to run for a while. After coming to the place with the car, he took a car and went to Qin Shiyin.

“Little Na, look at how many Integral Points are now.”

After everything was over, Su Ming returned home and shouted Little Na.

This time, Su Ming did not ask if the Mission was completed, because Mission’s request was to sign Master-Servant Blood Pact with Gu King. Needless to say, it was definitely completed.

Sure enough, after Little Na came out, she said, “Congratulations to the host, complete the four-star Mission signing the blood deed, and get the 40Integral Points reward.”

“Plus the remaining 2 road before the host.

“60Integral Points.”

Su Ming listened to the heart after a happy moment, this number is just right, because now just 60Integral Points draw a prize, so Su Ming said: “Little Na, too late to explain, and quickly get on the bus.”

“Get on the bus? What car?”

“cough cough”

Su Ming had a cough and a cold, and then said: “It’s wrong. I haven’t had Raffle for a long time. Let’s take a reward and have fun.”

“Raffle is on Raffle, what to drive!”

Su Ming can even feel that Little Na, who is very human at this time, is already turning his eyes on himself. Little Na goes on to say, “Do the host confirm Raffle?”

“Confirm Raffle!”

Raffle’s mode has never changed. Su Ming clicked on “confirm”. After consuming 60Integral Points, Su Ming appeared in front of a fast-moving picture, which looks very cool.

This picture has been seen by Su Ming many times, but I have to be amazed that every time I see Su Ming, I don’t have the feeling of being tired of it, but every time I have a new feeling.

“The Unseen Blade is the Deadliest !”

At this time, the picture gradually settled, a little hoarse, and Iceberg’s voice was introduced into Su Ming’s ear.

“Invisible Blade?”

Su Ming heard the sentence and the whole person couldn’t help but feel excited. This sentence was too familiar. Didn’t he win the legendary child robbery?

Su Ming looked up at the big screen in front of him and saw a cool, hand-held Shuriken Ninja, which was the in-game show of the Master of Shadows.

“Congratulations to the host, win the “Ability Razor Shuriken of The Master of Shadows.” The prompt of the System sounded.

“Zed’s Ability?”

This speaking speaking of which Su Ming is also a bit of an impression. When I first watched the video, I was a little addicted to the robbery, so Su Ming went to play two.

Therefore, it is clear that the abuse of the robbing is throwing out Shuriken in his own hands. When the Early Stage robbery is suppressed on the line, it relies mainly on this Ability to make up for the troops.

“I don’t know what this Utility has in the real world.”

Su Ming’s heart full of expectation, immediately said: “Show me the introduction of this Ability.”

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