Wu Qiu is already incomparable at this time, and it takes a lot of effort to talk, let alone get up from the bed.

So Gu King heard Su Ming’s words and went straight up to help Wu Qiu from the bed. With such a move, the small broken bed made of wooden boards immediately made a crisp “ga zhi” sound, as if it could be scattered at any time. .

Su Ming continues to open Malzahar’s wAbility, which has a cooldown time that is not long and continues to be an Affair, which lasts longer.

“Look at my eyes, don’t move!” Su Ming said to Wu Qiu.

Su Ming’s words seemed to carry a force that was hard to refuse. Wu Qiu didn’t even have any thoughts in his heart, so he looked at Su Ming’s eyes so straight.

At the moment when his eyes touched Su Ming’s eyes, Wu Qiu felt that Su Ming’s eyes seemed to have an invisible magic. After a glance, the whole person’s soul was hooked. At this time, Wu Qiu’s whole brain was blank, as if Lost the ability to think.

“Give me out!”

At this time, Su Ming issued a shouting loudly in the whole population. After hypnotizing Wu Qiu, Su Ming manipulated his mental strength and forcibly forced the three blood worms he had planted.

After watching the three slender, air-like blood worms being forced out, the Gu King, who was well-informed, couldn’t help but stared wide-eyed and admired Su Ming.

I know that he tried a lot of methods in Miao Region before, but none of them succeeded. As a result, Su Ming forced the bloodworm that had been rooted in Wu Qiu’s head to be forced out. .


Wu Qiu then the whole person fell backwards directly, at this time he has been hypnotized by Su Ming, it is estimated to sleep for a while.

Fortunately, Gu King’s eyes were fast, and a stepping rushed up to help Wu Qiu, who had fallen backwards, and helped him to lie in bed.

Su Ming glanced at Gu King, but he did not talk about the admirable Gu King. He was also an old man who loved his grandson.

Besides, Gu King and Su Ming are also a group of people. With this Master-Servant Blood Pact, Su Ming is not worried that Gu King will betray himself or do something bad for him.

So Su Ming said, “You are also sitting, I will give you a treatment for the injury tonight.”

Gu King signed the Master-Servant Blood Pact with Su Ming today, and the previous Poisonous Insect was also broken by Su Ming. These two points made Gu King suffer, and Vigor was already injured.

“Does the owner still heal?” Gu King glanced at Su Ming in amazement, with some incredible look in his eyes.

Su Ming did not talk nonsense with Gu King. After he sat down, he directly opened Soraka’s wAbility. One hand pressed Gu King’s head and infused Soraka’s star power into Gu King’s body within the body.

The expression on Gu King’s face suddenly changed. It was obvious that it was so refreshing. At this time, the strange feeling brought by the body, Gu King almost never experienced, there is a feeling of moistness and silence.

After about half an hour passed, Su Ming took his hand off and gasped. Soraka’s Ability was very bad. It was easy to use, but Su Ming would feel tired after using it.

“How are you feeling?” Su Ming closed his eyes and meditated, then asked.

“Master Divine Ability is alive, I feel like I have recovered.” Gu King’s surprise at this time is also more admirable for Su Ming.

He is still very clear about his injuries. Tonight, he was seriously injured. I am afraid that it will not recover after ten days and a half. As a result, Su Ming only gave a full cure for a while.

The shock in Gu King’s heart can be imagined. This young man is not only Gu Technique, but even his Miao Region Gu King is not an opponent.

At this time, Gu King discovered that he signed the Master-Servant Blood Pact with Su Ming today. It seems that it is not necessarily a bad thing.

“Okay, take care of him, I will go back first.” Su Ming looked at the sky outside and it was completely dark, so he said.

When he walked out of the shed, Su Ming glanced at Gu King. He wanted to leave him a contact. As soon as he thought that this old man could never use a modern communication device like a mobile phone, he changed his mouth and said, “You know that I am Where to go to school, there is nothing to go there to find me, but when I am looking for me, I am quieter.”

“Master, no need to be so troublesome”

Gu King smirked, and the pleats on his face suddenly burst into the air and said: “After signing the Master-Servant Blood Pact, we can sense each other’s positions.”

Su Ming doesn’t know that there is such a function, it is really amazing. So Su Ming left nodded.

About an hour after Su Ming left, Wu Qiu, who was hypnotized by Su Ming, opened his eyes and it was obvious that Su Ming’s hypnosis time was over.

After woke up, Wu Qiu pats his own head and sat on the bed, able to climb up and prove that Wu Qiu’s body is much better than before.

The fact is that it is so magical, Wu Qiu within the body’s culprit, three blood worms, have been taken out, the body is much better, just need to slowly adjust for a period of time, to make up the lost blood gas to return.

“Chou, wake up, want something to eat?” Gu King woke up when Wu Qiu woke up, and immediately said and said.

Wu Qiu said, “grandfather, how did the guy just give me Insect Solving.”

“What do you say? That’s your savior. You should be polite when you talk later. There is absolutely no harm to you.” Gu King immediately changed his eyes and said to Wu Qiu.


Wu Qiu didn’t seem to buy Su Ming. After coldly snorted, he said to Gu King: “What kind of savior he is, I am completely caused by him. I would rather die than use him to save me.”

“talk nonsense !”

Gu King is obviously a bit angry, and said sternly: “How did I teach you since I was young? In this world, nothing is more important than life.”

“No matter what you want to do, the first prerequisite is to save your life. If he doesn’t take it today, you will be screaming for three days,” Gu King said.

Wu Qiu fell into silence, and by heart, he was still afraid of death.

Gu King glanced at Wu Qiu and seemed to realize something. He said again, “I have one more thing to tell you.”

“After waiting for the injury, I will return to Miao Region and go to practice Gu Technique. Don’t provoke the person later.” The person in Gu King’s mouth is naturally Su Ming.

Speaking of this, Gu King paused and continued: “The young man is unfathomable!”

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