See Song Zhe affirmatively nodded, Li Dalei’s face changed again, then said: “Young Master Song, are you kidding me?”

“What am I kidding with you? Just use the plan that we discussed before, I don’t believe that Su Ming will not die.” Song Zhe When he said the name of “Su Ming”, the whole person immediately started gnashing teeth.


Li Dalei continued to say: “We have so many people here. If you use that plan, isn’t it a bit too good?”

Before coming to this water resort, Song Zhe and Li Dalei had talked about how to deal with Su Ming when they were eating. At first, the two people decided to despise Su Ming and let Su Ming could not continue the items/weapons.

Later, Li Dalei joked and said: “Young Master Song, I think we can also put a Young Lady into the room of Su Ming, and then call Mukè to rape.”

This idea was Li Dalei who drank a little wine and said it. As a result, Song Zhe immediately patted the table and said, “loudly said: “Big Lei, you are a special talent, this idea can be thought of.”

Song Zhe continued: “This method is just a backup for us. If a plan is not implemented, then this solution will be used.”

Later, Song Zhe and Li Dalei didn’t say anything about it. They thought that it was just a joke at the time. As a result, who knows that Song Zhe didn’t go well with items/weapons today, and it was often hit by Su Ming. The face is lost.

So Song Zhe this time was really hot, and suddenly I thought of the b plan that I had previously told Li Dalei to frame Su Ming.

Don’t look at this plan that Li Dalei said, but it’s just a joke that drinks too much. Really, Li Dalei is still a bit guilty.

“What’s wrong with people?”

Song Zhe took a look at Li Dalei, who was a little embarrassed, and said, “He Su Ming today made me lose face in front of so many students. Can’t I let him be embarrassed?”


Li Dalei listened to what was called a speechless heart, and the heart said that the special thing is that you forced the items/weapons unsuccessful, how to blame Su Ming.

However, Li Dalei was absolutely unwilling to say this. With his understanding of Song Zhe, it is estimated that he will be the first bad luck after saying this.


Just listening to Song Zhe and snorted, he said to himself: “Today, I want him to be completely ruined, and dare to be right with my Song Zhe. I really feel tired.”

Li Dalei, looking at the expression on Song Zhe’s face, knows that Song Zhe is definitely on the air at this time. It is impossible to persuade him that the implementation of plan b is almost a matter of course.

So Li Dalei changed his mouth and said: “But Young Master Song, this plan is not to say no, where should we go to find Young Lady?”

This service is generally available in massage salons or in some bathing centers, but today the water resort they come to is a formal resort.

The waiters here are very well dressed, how can there be such a smoky activity?

If you want to frame Su Ming, you must first, otherwise you can’t put a man into Su Ming’s room, and then Su Ming is in the room, it’s too fake.

Song Zhe sneered two times at this time and said: “There is no difficulty in the world. If there is money, what Young Lady can’t find, isn’t it all advertising on the electric poles at the back door of the school?”

“You call a friend, let them go to the bathing city, give more money, bring them over.” Song Zhe opened instructed.

See Li Dalei taking out the phone and making a call. Song Zhe added another sentence: “It is best to find a higher quality, I will give money.”

Li Dalei nodded, call a friend in the community who knows outside the school, probably gave a confession to them, and they came over.

“Young Master Song, let’s wait a moment. They took a taxi and it should be about half an hour.” Li Dalei hangs up and calls to Song Zhe.

Song Zhe listened to nodded, then the two people were so smoking there, everyone was playing at this time, and no one noticed them.

Li Dalei’s estimate is still quite accurate. More than half an hour later, his friend came with someone. After Li Dalei received the call, he personally came to the resort door with Song Zhe.

“Lee, Young Master Song, how do you see this person?” Li Dalei’s friend looked like a sneak peek, and after seeing Li Dalei and Song Zhe, his face showed a flattering expression.

Song Zhe looked at it now and found that the young lady Li Dalei’s friend was looking for was really good. The height of 170 was very tall. The face was very tall and the face was covered with some makeup. It should be regarded as a high grade in the bathing city. It’s gone.

“Get it, give you the hard work, remember not to say anything tonight.” Li Dalei saw Song Zhe nodded and said a few hundred dollars to his friend.

“Good Le, I will go first, Ray Ge, Young Master Song, you have fun.”

After the friend of the thief’s eyebrows took over the money, he immediately showed a bright smile, nodded and left.

The tall Young Lady glanced at Song Zhe and Li Dalei and said, “Why are you bringing me here? It turns out that you two.”

“I will say it first. Two people can play with me at a price that can be added up. Two thousand dollars a night can’t be done.” The Young Lady continued.

Serving one person and serving two people is of course different. If there are many people, she doesn’t care. Anyway, it is a flesh business, but the price must be said first.

Song Zhe knew that this Young Lady had misunderstood, so she said, “Not two of us.”

“There are other people?” Young Lady immediately startedled, and then changed her mouth and said: “The price is even higher.”


Song Zhe’s face was black, and then he said, “When I will take you to a person’s room, I don’t care what way I am in the room. I must hook the person to bed.”

“When you play halfway through, I will immediately rush in, and then you yell that the person is paying for you, understand?” Song Zhe gave a rough explanation.

“Oh, I understand, you want to pour dirty water on others.” Young Lady showed a stunned expression.

“You don’t need to do that many, just do what I said.” Song Zhe said, “I will give you 5,000 yuan directly after I have finished.”

“Five thousand dollars?” Gaoshan Young Lady immediately shines, and then did not think about it, immediately nodded promised.

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