The five thousand dollars is indeed not a small amount. Especially for this tall woman, it is estimated that it will earn more than 2,000 yuan a night, and it will be drawn by the above people.

But tonight, I only need to play with a fairy jump, and I will be able to get 5,000 yuan in vain. This is a real net profit. From an economic point of view, this sale is definitely not a loss.

So the tall woman directly nodded said: “No problem, but you have to give a deposit first.”

Song Zhe gave Li Dalei a look. As Song Zhe’s number one henchman, Li Dalei naturally knew what Song Zhe meant. He directly took out a banknote to the woman.

“A total of two thousand dollars is a deposit. If the progress is smooth, the remaining three thousand dollars will be given to you immediately after the completion,” Song Zhe said.

Looking at the Young Lady who is counting on the money, Song Zhe continued: “I can tell you, I will definitely listen to my instructions, don’t mess.”

“Be at ease/reassured, we all have regulations, we must serve according to the requirements of the guests.” The tall woman put the money directly into his bag, and then said.

Then Song Zhe and Li Dalei went in with a tall woman. They explained to the security guard when they entered the resort, saying that this was their friend and handed a cigarette to the security guard.

The security guard also knows Song Zhe. I know that this person brought a lot of people to play today, and there is no doubt. Just put Song Zhe and they went in.

After entering the resort, Song Zhe will have a lot of low-key, and with Li Dalei, the woman will be brought around the path.

Now that it is more than ten o’clock in the evening, Xia Qingchan wants everyone to have a good rest, so let everyone go back to the room to rest, not at all to find the action of Song Zhe and Li Dalei.

“Su Ming’s supreme deluxe room should be on top of us.” Song Zhe came to the accommodation area with a tall woman at the cautiously, and said.

“Young Master Song, Jiang Xiaojun But if you have a room with Su Ming, I am afraid we have to take Jiang Xiaojun first, otherwise we can’t fall into Su Ming.” Li Dalei said at this time.

Don’t look at Li Dalei’s long five big three thick, the brain is still relatively useful at the crucial moment.

Song Zhe naturally thought of this and said: “You have to find a way to lead Jiang Xiaojun out, and then try to drag him. If you can’t do it, you will directly stun him.”

Speaking of this, Song Zhe showed a smudge on his face.

“I know Young Master Song!”

Li Dalei asked Song Zhe to wait for himself with the tall woman. He went up and took Jiang Xiaojun out.

“ding dong”

Sure enough, Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun’s doorbell was ringing. After Jiang Xiaojun went to the door, it turned out to be Li Dalei. It was very uncomfortable to say, “What are you doing?”


After speaking, Jiang Xiaojun will immediately close the door. For this henchman of Song Zhe, it is obvious that Jiang Xiaojun is not very much to see.

However, Li Dalei immediately spoke up, stopped Jiang Xiaojun’s movement, and said loudly: “Wait for me to find you something.”

“What’s the matter?” Jiang Xiaojun said, stopping the action on his hand.

“I just met Teacher Xia. She said that it is a little something to look for. It is not convenient for her to come to the boys room. Let me come over and let you know,” Li Dalei said.

“That’s true? Teacher Xia is looking for me at this time.” Jiang Xiaojun is obviously a bit surprised.

“What do I lie to you?” Li Dalei pretended to be an indifferent expression and said, “Otherwise, you think that I am free to run to you, I am leaving, you love being or not.”

If Li Dalei talks to Jiang Xiaojun with a good tone of conversation, Jiang Xiaojun may not believe it, but Li Dalei’s tone is very arrogant, and after leaving the next sentence, he really left.

This move is really useful. After Li Dalei left, Jiang Xiaojun has already believed in seven or eight points.

“What happened to him when he came to you?” Su Ming said at this time.

“He said that Teacher Xia was looking for me and let me go over.” Jiang Xiaojun’s face was a little embarrassed.

Su Ming changed his face and said, “He won’t deliberately hang you?”

“I don’t think it should be. Look at him to send an impatient expression. It should be true. Maybe Teacher Xia has something to do. I will still have a look.” Jiang Xiaojun said at this time.


Su Ming nodded said: “Be careful, if you have anything, call me immediately.”

At the resort, there are many people, Su Ming feels that Song Zhe should not have the courage to do anything with Jiang Xiaojun. If you dare to move Jiang Xiaojun, Su Ming will definitely make him pay a painful price.

At this time, Su Ming didn’t realize that Song Zhe’s goal was actually him.

Li Dalei has been quietly following Jiang Xiaojun. After Jiang Xiaojun walked away, Li Dalei immediately sent a message to Song Zhe.

“It’s this room, how do you remember when you go in?”

Song Zhe saw this tall woman nodded, so he said, “Okay, let’s go in.”

When the tall woman knocked on the door, Song Zhe immediately hid himself, for fear of exposing himself.

“dong dong”

The tall woman did not ring the doorbell and directly knocked on the door twice. Su Ming, who was lying in the bed in the room, heard the knock on the door and the whole person snorted. He said that Jiang Xiaojun came back so soon. ?

As a result, after opening the door, it was a strange woman. Su Ming snorted and said: “Young Lady, you should go wrong.”

“No mistake, I just want to come to this room.”

As a result, Su Ming did not wait for the reaction, the woman directly came in hard, and the back door was locked with a backhand, and the movement was very fast.

Su Ming The whole person was stunned. He said that he did what he did. He didn’t know the woman at all, so Su Ming immediately said, “This is my room. Why are you coming in?”

“Our service to your room is of course for you, don’t talk nonsense, and quickly undress.” The tall woman said on the handle of the bag.

“The trough!”

Su Ming was scared to hurry back a few steps, finally understand that the woman is dry and so on, and quickly said: “You must be looking for the wrong person, I did not call the service.”

“I know you didn’t call the service.”

The tall woman said: “Young man, the economy is now in a downturn. We are not doing well in this line. We can’t sit still and take the initiative.”


It makes sense to say that Su Ming has been speechless for a while.

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