This time doesn’t even use other people to say it. People who have almost long eyes can see it. Song Zhe is obviously not plentiful at hand.

If you can’t afford to eat, you may have to go to the toilet without paper. It is a relatively embarrassing thing in life.

At this time, Su Ming’s class leader stood up and said, “This meal is for all of us today. It’s really too expensive. Don’t let Song Zhe pay for it alone, or let’s make some more money. “”

However, there are very few people responding to this sentence, which is in stark contrast to the warmth of the dinner.

After all, everyone is still an ordinary high school student. There are not a few rich people. At most, it can be good to have one or two hundred dollars, or even many.

And the number of huge thousand dollars, if you want to get together, is obviously beyond the affordability of everyone.

Xia Qingchan said: “How much is it? I can help out?”

Xia Qingchan As a Teacher, it may be that they have one after another another, but the huge thousand money is also very difficult for Xia Qingchan.

I want to know Xia Qingchan. When Teacher hasn’t been in the past two years, the current income is only four or five thousand yuan a month. Every month, renting a house and spending it can save a lot. Now all the savings are ten-twenty thousand. Block money.

Song Zhe’s face changed at this time. Everyone was kind, but listening to Song Zhe’s ears is not the case.

It was clear that he had treated him, and the result was that other people happened to be called something. Song Zhe, who loves face and thoughts of items/weapons, could not accept it.

Song Zhe thought about it, and I was too embarrassed to continue to talk to Feng Yezheng and say if he could give a 50% discount. Before he had been solemnly vowed, he said that it was not bad.

If you are arrogant, you have to continue to install it.

So Song Zhe said: “I don’t have enough working capital now. Can you see if you can owe it first? I will come over to you tomorrow and I will never exceed tomorrow.”


Feng Yezheng couldn’t help but sneer two times, and said that he had been forced to hold it for a long time, and you would have no money at all.

Then Feng Yezheng said coldly: “Not good means that our restaurant is never credited, and the hall is written.”

Song Zhe this time There is no way, borrowing money can not borrow, credit is not good, Song Zhe is considering whether to call home to ask for money.

However, he did not take long to spend his money this month. If he asks for money from his family, he is expected to be squandered.

Just when Song Zhe was in a dilemma and didn’t know what to do, Su Ming spoke up at this time and said lightly: “I will pay for this meal.”

Everyone in the same place looked towards Su Ming, and said that Su Ming is too too items/weapons, and the hundred thousand dollars are paid and paid.

Only Mukè and Jiang Xiaojun, two people familiar with Su Ming, know very well that it is not difficult for Su Ming 掏hundred thousand to come out.

In particular, Jiang Xiaojun, who knew that the last Glassy Species Jadeite sold four thousand 5 million.

However, Feng Yezheng said: “Mr. Su, this is no longer necessary. Today, this stop is to give you a free list.”

“Where, free?”

Suddenly everyone couldn’t help but tremble, and looked at Feng Yezheng with an incredible look. You know that this is the money for the hundred thousand dollars, and you don’t want to say no.

I think that Song Zhe will not be able to pay the bill just now. As a result, Su Ming will open the door, and people will immediately be exempt from the bill, and even the brow will not wrinkle. It is really too much to say that this gap is too big.

Su Ming knows that Feng Yezheng is a good intention, but Su Ming said: “No, how much it costs, and treats everyone equally.”

Although this is Su Ming’s restaurant, Su Ming wants to eat whatever he wants, but Su Ming doesn’t want to do this kind of power for personal gains. He pays the money, and he doesn’t have that much money anyway.

Feng Yezheng was mistaken for Su Ming’s meaning. He thought that Su Ming wanted to be a public items/weapons, so he stopped sticking with Su Ming and said to the waiter on the side: “I don’t have to take the pos machine.”

“Sir, the payment has been successful, please sign it.” The waiter smiled and said to Su Ming.

The students of Su Ming heard this sentence and suddenly couldn’t help but shake it. Hundred thousand money was directly brushed when they didn’t blink.

This Su Ming usually looks ordinary, not too luxurious to wear, why is it so rich?

When Su Ming signed the word, everyone realized that Su Ming was the real person in the class.

Don’t look at the people’s usual quiet, the results of the inadvertently displayed connections and economic strength, people can not help but be surprised.

Now look at Song Zhe and Su Ming, Song Zhe obviously has been slag.

After paying the money, Su Ming and their entire group came out of The Farmhouse – Little Courtyard. At this time, many people seem to inadvertently go to Su Ming, obviously wanting to make Su Ming.

Then look at Song Zhe, who was also starred by the stars when he was eating. At this time, he has fallen to the point where no one cares.

Song Zhe’s face was unusually ugly. Today, I wanted to make a good start. Everything went smoothly. As a result, Su Ming gave it to the final limelight.

This made Song Zhe very uncomfortable. He didn’t understand why he always stood up and plugged in every time he wanted items/weapons.

After returning to the water resort, obviously not yet when I went to sleep, many people started to play.

There are a lot of entertainment facilities here, basically ktv, watching movies, slot machines, and there are some water projects, such as hot springs.

Basically everyone played, Su Ming wanted to take Mukè to the hot springs, and by the way, Mukè’s body, but the shy Mukè was unwilling.

Then Su Ming changed her strategy and went fishing with Jiang Xiaojun.

“Young Master Song, you are suffocating.”

At this time, only Song Zhe and Li Dalei did not have activities with everyone. Song Zhe was now gloomy face, while Li Dalei on the side handed a cigarette to Song Zhe.

Song Zhe ignited the cigarette and took a sip. His eyes were full of suffocation and said: “This Idiot Su Ming, I have to kill him one day.”

“Young Master Song, the key is now that the classmates in this class are there, we can’t start.” Li Dalei advised.


Song Zhe coldly snorted then said: “What is not good to start, this time we have to implement our other program.”

“Another plan?”

Li Dalei took a whole series of people and then said with disbelief: “Young Master Song, are you saying b plan?”

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