Regardless of whether Song Zhe wants a discount, it is Song Zhe’s business. Anyway, it is not them who pay for it. Everyone just needs to eat it.

Although the 50% discount is not needed, it seems a bit silly, but people Song Zhe has money and willfulness.

“I have been starving to death, and I can eat more today.”

“I can finally eat real steak today. I used to eat tens of dollars of steak.”

“I think this baking is not bad. Would you like a copy?”


In this world, only beautiful people and food can not live up to it. Everyone is very active when ordering food. When people are invited to treat, they feel that they are the most fragrant.

Su Ming not at all like to deliberately go to Song Zhe, order tens of thousands of dollars a bottle of red wine, and so on, that is too obvious, and Su Ming also feels boring.

Therefore, Su Ming’s point is even relatively small. It feels like filling a stomach is almost the same. On the other hand, Jiang Xiaojun seems to have a lot of points. It is obvious that he wants to vent his anger on Song Zhe on food.

“It’s so delicious. I have eaten such a delicious Western food for the first time in my life.”

“Three Stars Michelin Chef did it personally, did you say it would be delicious?”

“No, I will eat more, or I will not have a chance in the future.”

“I want to say that our Song Zhe classmates are the atmosphere. Besides him, no one is willing to ask us to eat this kind of meal. Today we all have to thank Song Zhe.”

At this time, some people said to be flattering, and suddenly others agreed to it. After all, eating people’s mouths was short, so many people spoke up Song Zhe stopped.

Listening to Song Zhe, it was a cool one, and the face once again restored the expression of ecstasy, and finally found the face that was just lost.

The heart said that you did not know more than two people, Su Ming, there is a wool, you have no money.

Su Ming can’t see the expression on the face of Song Zhe, but Su Ming is too lazy to lower oneself to somebody’s level with him, directly to the head and eat quietly.

Discontinued The atmosphere of eating is very high, and Song Zhe has always been the most concerned person in the dinner. There is no doubt that this meal is the coolest stop for Song Zhe.

It took about an hour and a half to finish the meal. At this time, everyone was almost full of food. Song Zhe asked loudly: “How are you all full?”

“I am full, thank you Young Master Song for treating me today. This is the coolest stop meal I have ever had. We can experience the life of the upper class.”

At this time, many people have opened their mouths to Song Zhe, saying that Song Zhe is a happy one.

Satisfied Song Zhe stood up straight, and suddenly released the spirit of the king, and shouted: “The waiter, come over and check out.”

At this time, the whole restaurant was Su Ming, and their class was eating. In fact, the bill was not counted at all, and the computer came out.

The waiter had already calculated the final amount and came to Song Zhe. The waiter said with a smile: “Hello, today, you spent a total of zero thousand three hundred and four hundred and eighty-one dollars.”

“We have removed your leader, you only have to pay a hundred thousand dollars.” The waiter continued.

“How much, how much?”

Song Zhe After listening to it, the whole person was stunned, and he said a little incredulously: “You didn’t make a mistake, stopped the meal to hundred thousand dollars? Why don’t you steal the money?”

Li Dalei, who is on the side of it, also got up and said: “You obviously are black shops. If we are bullied, we want to kill people?”

Li Dalei This guy’s tall and strong, suddenly stood up and matched the fierce expression on his face, it was a little scary, stunned the waiter’s frightened flower, and then stepped back and forth several steps.

“I didn’t get it wrong, let’s stop eating rice for a thousand dollars?”

“The trough, this is obviously the black shop, how could it be so expensive to stop the meal, I thought that thousands of dollars would be a must.”

“Hurry to call the people of the Trade and Industry Bureau, let us take photos and go online, then they should be afraid.”

At one time, many students also said to help, obviously do not believe that they can eat frozen thousand dollars.

The only thing that was relatively calm was Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun. Su Ming looked at the angry Song Zhe and couldn’t help but sneer twice. Wouldn’t it be inquired before the heart came here?

The Farmhouse Courtyard This is a high-end restaurant that is dedicated to the rich. The rich people eat and enjoy, and don’t care about the price.

Discontinued meal consumption of hunting thousand money, although it sounds a bit more, but if you think about the consumption of more than 50 people, it will not feel a lot.

The waiter quickly recovered and calmed down and said, “Sir, this is the bill. If you don’t believe it, you can check it yourself.”

After Song Zhe took the bill, the number of densely packed had a strong impact on him. Probably looked at it, Song Zhe felt that the amount of money could be cheaper.

At this time, many people who just opened the help room did not speak at this time. Think about it carefully. When I ordered the food, it seemed to be quite expensive. The price of a piece of steak was thousands.

The price this time is ok, and the people have given up a few thousand dollars, which is quite interesting.

“The consumption of our restaurant is very high, and the price menu is clearly marked. There is absolutely no smuggling behavior.” Feng Yezheng said this time.

Then Feng Yezheng took a look at Song Zhe from the brief remark and continued: “And I have to give a 50% discount before, obviously this young man is not bad for this thousand dollars.”

Song Zhe didn’t give himself a slap when he heard this. Before you know that it is so expensive, it is not items/weapons. If you make a 50% discount, you can turn it into 50,000 yuan.

Don’t look at Song Zhe’s family, but the amount of money is not a small amount for him, especially since he has already lost most of his pocket money this month.

In addition, in the afternoon, I spent more than 20,000 yuan on the resort side. This time, let him take the hunting thousand, Song Zhe really can’t get it.

“Young Master Song, you won’t be able to afford it?” Jiang Xiaojun saw Song Zhe’s face with constipation and deliberately said.


“Who said that I have no money.” Song Zhe coldly snorted said: “When I call, I will do.”

Song Zhe intends to call his usual buddies and plan to borrow some money.

“Hey, Pharaoh, borrow tens of thousands of dollars for me, lying down, how to hang up the phone.”

“Old grandson, is there money? What, your signal is not good?”

“Old Liu, Fcuk/idiot, did you lose 20 million in one night?”

After a round call, Song Zhe found that those who were brothers and brothers were not willing to lend him money.

At this time, Song Zhe faced a very embarrassing problem. He seemed to be unable to get out of that many money. He originally wanted items/weapons, and the result was directly paralyzed.

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