
Su Ming sees Feng Yezheng yelling at himself, looking up at the sky and looking at the ground, then whispering: “Yes, today, the classmates come to have a meal.”

Just a simple conversation, but the result was shocked by everyone, Su Ming even knows Boss here?

Just at the water resort, Su Ming met with the manager there. Everyone was surprised enough, but then I thought it might be that Su Ming happened to have an acquaintance here.

However, after coming to The Farmhouse – Little Courtyard, I found that Su Ming even knew Boss here, and this time everyone could not keep calm.

Even many people couldn’t help but ask: “How could Su Ming, who used to be quiet, so arrogant?”

“Since Mr. Su wants to eat, I must arrange the location. Please wait a moment, we will arrange it immediately.” Feng Yezheng deliberately said in a very respectful tone.

“What do you mean by lying in the trough?”

Song Zhe was anxious when he heard this. He said here for a long time that he had no place. As a result, Su Ming said a word and he was going to arrange the position.

Song Zhe felt that he was being discriminated against, and it was still very serious kind of discrimination, so he couldn’t help but swear.

Fung Yezheng couldn’t help but frown at this upscale restaurant, so Feng Yezheng said, “Sir, please pay attention to your tone.”

“I kiss you paralyzed!”

Song Zhe made it clear that he had to carry the quality to the end, and continued to say: “I want to come to eat and you will be in position. As a result, he has a place to talk. What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t mean anything.” Song Zhe’s swearing made Feng Yezheng feel a little angry, and Feng Yezheng said very rudely: “Do you compare with Mr. Su? Just overestimate one’s capabilities.”

Feng Yezheng said that it was like a loud slap. It was directly on Song Zhe’s face. Song Zhe didn’t even think that he was despised in public.

Before saying that he is not qualified, and now he said that he overestimate one’s capabilities, Song Zhe has a feeling of wanting to vomit blood.

“Boss, there are really not so many locations in our restaurant.” The waiter whispered Feng Yezheng aside.

Feng Yezheng asked: “How many locations are there?”

The waiter immediately ran into the restaurant and came out in less than two minutes. He said to Feng Yezheng: “Boss, there are 28 positions left.”

There are also a lot of 28 positions, but Su Ming and their class plus Xia Qingchan, full of 50 multiple people, the obvious position is not enough.

Feng Yezheng thought for a moment, then said: “If you continue to come to the guest, don’t accept it, say the restaurant is closed today, and the remaining 28 positions don’t move.”

“If you have an appointment, call them in advance and say that you will suspend business tonight, remember to be better, and promise to give some compensation next time.”

Feng Yezheng went on to say: “These guests should be finished eating in the restaurant, and they should be almost finished after we finish eating.”

When everyone heard the words of Feng Yezheng, they were shocked again. They planned to close the scene directly. Obviously this was not for them, but for Su Ming’s face.

Suddenly many people watched Su Ming’s eyes different, and Su Ming’s arrogance seemed to go far beyond their imagination.

Think about it again. Song Zhe said that it was useless for a long time with people. After all, Su Ming didn’t say anything about people and took the initiative to close the scene. He couldn’t help but sigh: the gap is really big.

Feng Yezheng has reached the limit, so Su Ming they have to wait until the guests in the restaurant have finished eating.

However, the waiter clearly saw that Su Ming’s identity is not simple. This time does not use Feng Yezheng to directly move out of the small bench and let everyone sit first.

I haven’t waited too long, about half an hour, because there are no more guests, so there are fewer and fewer guests in The Farmhouse – Little Courtyard.

Finally, dozens of seats were finally vacated, and the waiters began to take everyone into The Farmhouse – Little Courtyard.

At the time of design, Su Ming and Feng Yezheng determined a line of thought. The appearance of The Farmhouse Courtyard may seem low-key, but the interior decoration is absolutely the perfect combination of elegance and luxury.

Almost all the students except Su Ming have never been to such a place, so many people have been shocked by the luxury inside, and the high-end restaurant really out of the ordinary.

Only this person is more depressed, that is Song Zhe, it is obvious that he wants items/weapons, and the result is once again robbed by Su Ming, Song Zhe’s heart is a bad mood.

After everyone had done it, the waiter came up and handed over the menu and so on. At this time, there were almost no other people in the restaurant, which is equivalent to serving a class for Su Ming.

“Everyone wants to eat whatever they want, don’t be polite to me!”

After getting the menu, Song Zhe stood up and brushed a sense of presence and found a face for himself. At this time, everyone remembered that today the meal was still treated by Song Zhe.

Feng Yezheng also came over and said: “Everyone is at ease/reassured to eat, look at the face of Mr. Su, and will give you 50% off today.”

“Wow, it’s too cool to play 50% off.”

“I really didn’t expect such a restaurant to be able to make a 50% discount, so let’s eat more today.”

“The people didn’t say it. This is in the face of Su Ming. Su Ming is really good.”

Suddenly many people called out, knowing how a typical restaurant might give a 50% discount, especially in this upscale restaurant, which is almost impossible.

Feng Yezheng said that this sentence is also a good intention. I know that these people are students who don’t have much money, so they have no plans to make money tonight, and they can earn a face for Su Ming.

The result was a smashing of the horse’s nest, Song Zhe listened to the anger of the heart, and the heart said that it is Su Ming, and his own guests can also pull out Su Ming.

A 50% discount can really save Song Zhe a lot of money, but Song Zhe once gave Su Ming a mother, and suddenly he was not happy. Does his Song Zhe need to see Su Ming’s face?

“What do you mean?”

Song Zhe said very uncomfortably: “Do you think I am the kind of person who lacks money?”

Seeing Feng Yezheng not talking, Song Zhe continued: “I tell you, don’t give me a discount today, how much it costs, if you discount, I am anxious with you.”

Feng Yezheng suddenly called a speechless voice, saying that he had never seen such awkward person, and offered him no discount, so Feng Yezheng said: “Okay, we will do what you want.”

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