Song Zhe was very upset. Just at the resort, he was mocked by the manager of the resort, not only that he was not qualified, but also that he did not have Su Ming.

Now I want to find my face when I eat, and I have encountered such a thing. The anger in Song Zhe’s heart can be imagined. At this time, Song Zhe has a feeling that all World is enemies with him.

The waiter was forced by Song Zhe to say that he said the truth, when did he look down on you?

The waiter’s face continued to hang a professional smile and said: “I’m really sorry, sir, you can look at it. There are really dozens of people in the restaurant.”

If you come to ten-twenty, you may not have any problems, but more than 50 people are really a bit too much. You can’t let the guests sit and eat.

Su Ming also doesn’t want to make things too big. If you put Feng Yezheng on them, you will recognize yourself at once.

At that time, Su Ming probably didn’t want items/weapons to get items/weapons, and Su Ming was not the kind of person who liked to go to items/weapons, so he said: “Forget it, I think we still go to the resort. Eat over there, anyway, eating.”

“Yeah, where to eat is not the same, we are not high.”

“And I think the grades here are not too low. I am afraid that I will get a lot of money if I eat stop. I can save some money when I go to the resort.”

“I can do whatever I want, anyway, who will advise Song Zhe and let him not be so true.”

Originally everyone was kind enough to persuade Song Zhe, and it turned out that these words were not the same in Song Zhe’s ears.

In particular, Su Ming’s sentence was completely counterproductive. It sounded completely counterproductive in Song Zhe. Song Zhe immediately said with a bad mood: “No, I have to eat here today.”

“Go and call your store manager. I have nothing to say to you as a small waiter.” Song Zhe is still awkward.

The waiter couldn’t help but scorn Song Zhe very much. He said that you are thinking about something, and you want to talk directly to the store manager. I am afraid that it is useless to talk directly to Boss.

But the waiter must not be arrogant, still said with patience: “I am sorry, our store manager is not available at this time.”

The manager of The Farmhouse – Little Courtyard is a professional woman. She is in her early thirties. She is very capable in Studio. The door is suddenly blocked by such a large group of people. The manager has already noticed it.

“Old, Boss………”

As a result, when the store manager was ready to go to this side, he suddenly noticed Su Ming and was immediately scared. Su Ming came to the restaurant and no one knew.

“Uh huh”

Just when the manager was ready to go here, Su Ming also noticed him, for fear that the guy would call his Boss directly, so Su Ming pretended to cough inadvertently.

And gave the store manager a look, indicating that she should not come over.

After seeing Su Ming’s eyes, the store manager stopped his own steps and didn’t know what to do.

Then the store manager turned and left, but after the departure, the manager still can’t feel it. Boss is here. If you don’t know what to pretend, I am not very good.

So the store manager immediately came to the kitchen and found Feng Yezheng who was supervising everyone in the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” Feng Yezheng asked after seeing the manager.

“Boss ……”

The manager said: “Another Boss is coming to the restaurant.”

“Another Boss.”

Feng Yezheng stunned and then reacted and said, “How did Su Ming come over?”

At this time, Feng Yezheng was a bit strange, because Su Ming would not come to the restaurant. Normally, Su Ming had never been to the restaurant since the last opening, so Feng Yezheng felt a little surprised.

“Is he coming over with someone else?” Feng Yezheng asked.


The manager nodded said: “It seems to be his friend, and there are dozens of people at once.”

“Thousands of people?”

Feng Yezheng suddenly stunned and said that this should not be. If Su Ming brought dozens of people to dinner, he would definitely say hello in advance. Su Ming is not unclear about the location of the restaurant.

“And, Boss, he doesn’t seem to want me to uncover his identity, and use his eyes to signal that I don’t want to go. I don’t understand why.” The manager said.

“Why can you?”

Feng Yezheng suddenly understood and said: “It is obvious that he wants items/weapons.”

Manager: “……………”

“You are busy here, I am going outside to see.” Feng Yezheng spoke loudly to the people in the kitchen, then washed his hands and prepared to go out.

“Boss, Su Boss doesn’t seem to want us to recognize him.” The store manager saw Feng Yezheng and passed, couldn’t help but say.

“Then let’s not say that he is Boss. Just go and see what is going on.” Feng Yezheng went out after he finished.

At this time, the waiter and Song Zhe were still arguing here. The waiter was told by the rotten Song Zhe that he was crying. It was useless for Song Zhe to say that he was going to eat here.

“what happened?”

After Feng Yezheng came over, said solemnly.

When the waiter came to see Feng Yezheng, it was like seeing a savior. He quickly said, “Boss, they have so many people coming in to eat, but our restaurant has not had so many places.”

“What are you doing? Call your store manager and tell me.” Song Zhe saw Feng Yezheng wearing a Chef suit and thought it was a Chef. She looked down on Feng Yezheng.

Feng Yezheng suddenly showed a sneer and said slowly: “I am the Boss here.”


I heard a lot of people shocked this. Everyone did not expect that Feng Yezheng turned out to be Boss here. It was able to open a restaurant of such a high grade. As Boss Feng Yezheng, it is definitely not an ordinary person.

“Since you are Boss, then you are coming, and we have to arrange the position for us, and wait for a long time.” Song Zhe continued to speak.

The guy’s tone of voice is too arrogant, and he always unconsciously puts himself at a very high level, making it uncomfortable for others to listen to his heart.

Feng Yezheng said coldly: “I just said that there is no place, you can’t hear?”


As Feng Yezheng said, Song Zhe suddenly stopped talking and didn’t know what to say.

At this time, Feng Yezheng changed his tone and said to Su Ming: “Su, Su Ming, you are here too.”

Feng Yezheng not at all pretend not to know Su Ming, but did not reveal the identity of Su Ming, Feng Yezheng see Song Zhe so arrogant, probably can guess what is going on.

So Feng Yezheng decided that he would like to match Su Ming items/weapons, and it would be best to fiercely hit the guy’s face.

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