Su Mingbone barely fell, Little Na said immediately: “Is the host sure of Level Up Teemo’s Passive Ability Camouflage?”

“Determine Level Up!”

Su Ming said directly without thinking about it. He also knows that System likes these things. Basically, just confirm it.

The result was not a second, and the system’s prompt sounded “Congratulations on the success of the Level Up Ability.”

Su Ming couldn’t help but vomit in the heart, saying that the speed of this Level Up is too fast.

Ability Name: Camouflage

Ability Introduction : The Ability is the Passive Ability of the quick scout Teemo. When it is turned on, it will quickly enter the stealth status.

After Level Up, the Ability is optimized, and the host opens the Ability again, which can be used in the event of an event. As long as it is not touched by others, it will not have an original size appear.

“Is it possible to move in the trough?”

Su Ming couldn’t help but burst into a thick mouth after seeing it, which shows the degree of surprise in Su Ming’s heart.

To know that Teemo, the hero’s impression is too deep, is to stand there and can enter the invisible status, and an event will be exposed.

As a result, the biggest drawback of the Ability after Level Up has been improved, which is equivalent to making the Tecom Passive almost the same as the mouse’s qAbility, and can actively enter the stealth status.

Even more terrifying, there is no time limit for this stealth, unless Su Ming is touched by people when they are invisible, or they can end their stealth on their own initiative, otherwise they can hide invisibly.

“Too awesome is forcing, no, I have to try it out.” Su Ming sneaked out of his room using stealth Ability.

Just then, Su Ming father Su Qishan came back from work, and Su Ming came silently behind Su Qishan, then gently patted Su Qishan’s shoulder.

After the shoot, Su Ming slammed his hand and the whole person took a big step back in case he was touched by his father.


Su Qishan turned back and found that there was no one behind him. She suddenly felt a little surprised and thought she had an illusion.

Then he shook the head and sighed: “It really is old, and now there are hallucinations.”

Su Ming saw his father’s reaction, and it was more and more determined that the Ability was optimized. The 100 Integral Points did not bloom.

“No,” Su Ming immediately returned to the room and pulled out her mobile phone. She said, “I have to check where there is a female bathhouse nearby.”

Time passed two days. On this evening, Su Ming came back from Qin Shiyin and suddenly received the System’s Mission prompt.

“Congratulations that the host successfully triggered the random Mission Zhang Mao to be in trouble”

Mission Name: Zhang Mao is in trouble

Mission Request : Zhang Mao offended the guests in the nday bar and was retaliated by the door. Please go to help Zhang Mao to solve the problem quickly.

Mission Time: Three hours

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

Mission Reward: 30Integral Points

Recently, Su Ming obviously felt that the frequency of System’s release of Mission to itself seemed to be a lot lower, but these two days were a bit abnormal, and two Missions were released one after another.

Seeing that Zhang Mao had a problem, Su Ming wouldn’t wear it out. He sneaked out of the door and took a taxi to the nday bar.

At this time, the nday bar was really chaotic, and Zhang Mao encountered some troubles. At this time, two waves of people were squatting in the middle.

One of the waves was naturally Zhang Mao and his brothers in security uniforms, and a wave of people led by a young man with hair, followed by several guys in uniform.

If Su Ming sees it here, it will be very familiar. This group is not the Studio staff of Ningcheng City Health Department.

The last time I went to Su Ming’s restaurant with Dong Zhe, I was scared back by Li Ziyao.

This group of people is indeed the Studio staff of the Health Department, and the head of the young man who is headed is not too small. It is the son of the Health Department Deputy Bureau Chief Dong Zhe, named Dong Minghui.

Speaking of the grievances between Zhang Mao and this Dong Minghui, it was actually a few days ago.

This Dong Minghui is similar to other official second generations, eating and drinking merrily all day, and the bar is definitely the place he frequents.

Yesterday, when Dong Minghui came to the nday bar to play, he drank some wine and even started to work on the bar’s waiter. Zhang Mao was angry.

There are rules in the bar. If you are hungry, then you should make an appointment. If you don’t, you will open the price. There is no such thing as forcing others, and there is no room for the waiter.

Zhang Mao After coming to the nday bar, the order in the bar was much better, so it was naturally intolerable that such things happened. At the beginning, Zhang Mao politely advised him.

This Dong Minghui did not care for Zhang Mao’s nose, Zhang Mao’s temper could still be people, directly shouting people to throw this goods out, so today Dong Minghui took people to retaliate.

“What did you specially mad at me yesterday?” Dong Minghui looked at Zhang Mao and said with a sneer: “What about Big Brother Mao, I put myself in the same place as my personal, in front of me, what are you special?” Not even hanging hair.”

This Dong Minghui spoke unusually rough, almost pointing to Zhang Mao’s nose.

If it was normal, Zhang Mao had already picked him up, but at this time for the benefit of the bar, Zhang Mao could not be too impulsive.

Zhang Mao resisted the anger in his heart, said solemnly: “This gentleman made you clear, the reason why you threw you out yesterday is because you violated the rules of the bar.”

“As long as we violate the rules in the nday bar, we will treat everyone equally, so if you want to do things through this matter, then we will not be afraid of you.” Zhang Mao continued.

This statement is quite appropriate, it can be seen that Zhang Mao has matured a lot.

Dong Minghui was impatient and shouted: “I am going to your shit, I have to see if you have a bar closed today, there are no rules.”

“You don’t believe it?” Dong Minghui pointed to a group of uniformed guys behind him and said, “Do you know who they are?”

Zhang Mao’s face changed suddenly. He must have known the group behind Dong Minghui. Normally, he was like the Health Department.

Don’t look at the size of the nday bar. It is also a famous bar in Ningcheng, but if you offend this group of people, I am afraid that the seal will be sealed.

Zhang Mao reminded himself that he must calm down and glanced at Dong Minghui and said, “What do you want to do?”


Dong Minghui sneered and said: “My request is very simple. You stand up and let me stop.”

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