“Don’t be too much!”

Zhang Mao suddenly changed his face when he heard this. Zhang Mao walked through the rivers and lakes for so many years, slowly starting from a little punk, not being beaten.

People can’t slash in the rivers and lakes. Su Ming just played Zhang Mao two or three times. The two of them are not ignorant, but it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Mao to stand there and let people play. thing.

He Zhang Mao can beat others, but it is absolutely impossible.

“Do you disagree?”

Dong Minghui didn’t seem to worry at all. He said directly, “Oh, then I will directly seal the nday bar.”


Zhang Mao’s younger brother was suddenly unhappy, and he was loudly shouted: “Big Brother Mao, I can’t help it, let me go to stop, and it’s something to me.”

“Give me back!”

Zhang Mao drank a sentence. He knew that this younger brother wanted to vent his anger. But this time is not a matter of anger. If you really beat Dong Minghui, I am afraid that things are not that simple.

Dong Minghui’s arrogant face seems to have already determined that Zhang Mao will not dare to move him, but anyone with a bit of a brain will not dare to move him.

“Dong Shao, yesterday’s incident was a misunderstanding, and I hope Dong Shao does not mind.”

Boss Yang Xiaowen of the nday bar heard the news and Yang Xiaowen had already inquired about the identity of Dong Minghui before he came out.

Not to mention Zhang Mao, even if he is not guilty of Yang Xiaowen, after all, he is just a businessman, and he is still incomparable with the right person or the son of the right person.

I saw Yang Xiaowen’s smile on his face. It was obvious that he wanted to play a role with a muddy body and solved this problem peacefully.

“You are the Boss of this bar?” Dong Minghui glanced at Yang Xiaowen and then said, “How do you discipline your men? Yesterday, I didn’t touch the female service buttocks a few times, so I threw me directly. out?”

When the 20-year-old young man reprimanded in this tone, Yang Xiaowen was naturally unhappy, but he still pretended to be a smile and said: “Dong Shao said right, I must reprimand them when I turn back.”

As a result, Dong Minghui didn’t eat Yang Xiaowen at all, and said impatiently: “Don’t use it with me. I don’t think Dong Minghui is an unreasonable person.”

“There is revenge and resentment. This kid hit me yesterday. Today I have to fight back. Just let him stand up and let me stop. Today I will have nothing to do, otherwise I will be at my own risk,” said Dong Minghui.

Yang Xiaowen’s face changed suddenly. He did not dare to offend Dong Minghui, but Dong Minghui’s request was too much. He wanted to play Zhang Mao in public.

Zhang Mao, but his Xiao Xiaowen employee, who is his own, let himself stand up and be beaten in vain. Yang Xiaowen’s personality determines that he can’t do this kind of thing. It is very important for him to see his friends.

However, Zhang Mao clearly realized that things were a little difficult, and this thing started with him. Zhang Mao was also a loyal person, and he did not want to watch Yang Xiaowen because of his own embarrassment.

And Zhang Mao also guessed that Yang Xiaowen might protect himself, but then the bar would have an accident, so Zhang Mao stood up and said, “Don’t bb, don’t just want to hit me, OK, I let you play. “”


Yang Xiaowen yelled directly: “Zhang Mao, you give me back, how can I watch you being beaten.”

The younger brother of Zhang Mao also moved at this time, and it is obvious that he is ready to rush at any time.

Zhang Mao just didn’t want to make Yang Xiaowen embarrassed. He said, “Boss, this thing is what I provoked. I can’t put you in the pit.”

“You don’t move, whoever dares to be careful, I will pack him.” At the same time, Zhang Mao also said to his group of younger brothers.

“You don’t want to beat me, come on!” Zhang Mao turned and said to Dong Minghui.

“In this case, then don’t blame me for being impolite.” Dong Minghui picked up a bottle and a gloomy smile.

Many people who have watched have been worried. It is obvious that this guy will definitely not stay with Zhang Mao.

“Give me a hand!”

At this time, a voice came over, and everyone looked up and saw Su Ming walked over and vaguely took a bit of domineering.

“big brother.”

Zhang Mao saw a surprise expression on Su Ming’s face. I didn’t expect Su Ming to come over at this time.

Su Ming glanced at Zhang Mao and deliberately shouted: “There is nothing to say, but I am also eager to call me big brother.”

“He wants to hit you, will you call him?” Su Ming continued.

Zhang Mao suddenly got a little wronged and said: “big brother, I don’t have a way.”

“Where did your boy come out, let me go and don’t stop Laozi from beating.” Dong Minghui looked at Su Ming very uncomfortably.

Su Ming took a look at this Dong Minghui, as if looking at a dead person, and said directly: “I want to move my brother, this is impossible!”

The domineering in this statement made Zhang Mao very moved.

“Hey, your kid dared to be arrogant with me.” Dong Minghui suddenly became angry and said: “You don’t know who I am?”

“Take who you are, dare to move my brother, I will kill you directly.” Su Ming said with a sigh of relief.

“You dare to move me to try it. Didn’t you see this guy being moved by me?” Dong Minghui pointed to Zhang Mao naked taunted.

Being looked down on like this, Zhang Mao was called a fire in his heart, and he really wanted to rush to kill the goods directly.

Su Ming said directly to Zhang Mao: “Go up, call me stopped.”

“Ah?” Zhang Mao stunned the whole person.


Dong Minghui couldn’t help but smile. Just now Zhang Mao was already stunned. It was obvious that he wouldn’t dare to beat him at all, so Dong Minghui said with a fear: “I have the ability to let him hit me.”

“Go up and call me, what happened to me, I will give you a hand.” Su Ming raised the tone.


Zhang Mao couldn’t bear to listen to this. He chose to believe Su Ming unconditionally. He knew that Su Ming was very powerful in his heart, so Zhang Mao hit the face of Dong Minghui with a fist.

“Mothafucka, you dare to hit me.”

After Dong Minghui got up from the ground, half of his face had been swollen and suddenly shouted.


The result was at this time, and I didn’t know where Su Ming got out of a bottle of wine. He directly pressed Dong Minghui’s head and pressed it straight.

“I saw no, hitting people like I did.”

Su Ming threw the broken bottle in his hand and said to Zhang Mao faintly: “The action must be fast, and the posture must be handsome.”

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