After everyone was speechless, Huang Hao’s face returned to normal. He asked: “Would you like to have a few pendants?”


Su Ming thought about it. There are three women, Qin Shiyin, Luo Xiaoxiao, and Mukè. Although they don’t have a certain relationship, Su Ming can’t just send one of them, and they have to be treated equally.

Huang Wei was nodded after listening. He was only interested in jade stone. One heart was on Imperial Green Jadeite and he was interested in Su Ming’s private life not at all.


Su Ming suddenly thought of Qin Ling, who was clever, and said that Qin Xiaoke was a little bit of a scorpion, but she also gave her one, so Su Ming said, “Add one more, all together 4 carvings.”

Huang Wei almost did not fall down directly, asked with a black face: “What a few?”

Su Ming is embarrassed to laugh, then said with a smile : “be at ease/reassured, four, four.”

“Take me out of your Imperial Green Jadeite.” Huang said at this time.

Su Ming quickly opened the box of the black and thin Boss friendship, and the Imperial Green Jadeite suddenly revealed it. After seeing it, Huang Hao showed a hint of intoxication.

However, it quickly returned to normal. I looked at this Jadeite. Nodded said: “This Jadeite is not too big, but it is still very sculpt, and it can still be left with some scraps. How to use the scraps?”

“The rest of Master Huang is up to you.” Su Ming said indifferently, anyway, I only need a few pendants to give away.

To know that Imperial Green’s Jadeite can be said to be very precious, if you see Su Ming’s attitude, you must be arrogant that he is a loser.

Huang Wei was nodded, then handed a business card to Su Ming and said, “This is my address. I have an Antique Store on the Antimarket. I don’t change my name and I don’t change my name. You don’t have to worry that I will hang you.”

Su Ming naturally won’t worry about this. Since Huang Qi is a well-known master of the country, he will definitely not hang himself. Such people are generally more people.

“Master Huang is laughing, everyone knows your reputation.”

Su Ming then left his number to Huang Wei, so that he could contact him later. Su Ming thought about it and added: “The four pendants are best not to be the same.”

“It’s all different, I understand.”

Huang Xiao smiled and said, this smile has some fun, I am afraid that my heart is thinking that the young people will really play.

At noon, with Jiang Xiaojun and Long Yu, they ate a meal. At first, Long Yu had to treat, but Su Ming could make a woman save money and finally insisted that they both eat.

In the words of Jiang Xiaojun, Su Ming today Tianlei a glimpse of the Jades & Stones Business Convention, earning a pot full of must-have fiercely slaughtered.

After returning home, Su Ming felt that the whole person had become empty again. When he took out the test paper and did not look at it for a few minutes, he threw the pen in his hand. It really couldn’t be written. There was always thirty days in each month. .

At this time, Su Ming thought of the Mission that System released to himself this morning, so he asked: “Little Na, did the Mission Completed in the morning?”

“Congratulations to the host, successfully completing the Mission Feng Guangchou and getting the 30Integral Points reward.”

Su Ming listened to Mission Completed, and it was at ease/reassured, and it didn’t cost me a lot of money to make him lose a billion.

At this point, Su Ming glanced at his Integral Points and found that he had 120Integral Points unconsciously. He couldn’t help but scream: “Where, I have so many Integral Points.”

After carefully thinking about Su Ming, I remembered that 50 Integral Points had been left before. After the last suppression of Wu Qiu, the Mission Completed, I gave myself 40Integral Points, plus this time Feng Guangchou gave 30Integral Points.

5070 is naturally 120Integral Points. Now Su Ming has no excitement to see the money. On the contrary, after seeing Integral Points, there is an excitement.

120Integral Points is enough for Su Ming Raffle twice, but the first time Integral Points has 100, Su Ming wonders if he wants Level Up.

This feature has been unlocked for a long time, but Su Ming has never been used. This time, with an opportunity, Su Ming decided to try Level Up Ability.

So Su Ming asked: “Little Na, how is this Level Up Ability used?”

“The host directly selects the Level Up level, and then clicks OK.” Little Na continues: “Friendly reminder to host the current Integral Points, only Level Up Passive Ability can be selected.”

Su Ming thinks that Level Up Ability is also different. For example, Level Up Passive Ability is 100Integral Points, Level Up Normal Ability is 150Integral Points, and Level Up Ultimate is 200Integral Points.

“What effect will it have after the Ability Level Up?” This is also a topic that Su Ming is more concerned about.

As a result, Little Na said coldly: “Sorry, this question has no right to answer. Any Ability will only know the changes after the Level Up.”


Su Ming found that this Little Na didn’t chat very often, and often couldn’t know how to pick it up in a word.

“Then you will wait, I have to think about it.” Su Ming closed his eyes and thought about it.

I thought about a few Passive Ability of my win and the Passive Ability of Tahm Kench to improve my cooking skills. This Ability is very useful.

But the problem is that Su Ming feels that his cooking is enough now. After Level Up, the most cooking skills are improved. It seems that the meaning is not too great.

There is also Malphite’s Passive Ability. This Ability worked very well at first, but now it’s a bit sloppy, and Su Ming hasn’t used it for a long time.

First of all, Su Ming is no longer the same. It is not easy for ordinary people to want Su Ming. If there is any real danger, Su Ming can use Fiora’s wAbility.

To some extent, Fiora’s wAbility is a little bit coincident with Malphite Passive, and it’s much easier to use, so Level Up Malphite Passive doesn’t make much sense.

As for the Sona Passive, it’s even more sloppy. After using the items/weapons once, I have never had a chance to use it. The Level Up is completely a waste of Integral Points.

“Right, there is Team’s Ability!”

Su Ming thought of himself and Teemo’s Passive Ability Camouflage. This Ability Su Ming was used twice, once to peek Qin Shiyin to take a bath, and once to sneak in Qin Shou.

Although this is not used much but it does work, after all is stealth, Su Ming is more curious about what happens after this invisible Ability Level Up.

So Su Ming made up his mind and said, “Little Na, give me Level Up Teemo’s Passive Ability.”

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