Luo Xiaoxiao was a bit embarrassed at first, but she didn’t think about who it was, but when she heard Su Ming say “playing buttocks”, Luo Xiaoxiao immediately thought about it.

The memories of Su Ming鈥檚 betocks that day have been lingering in Luo Xiaoxiao鈥檚 mind, no wonder that this sound sounds so familiar.

So Luo Xiaoxiao said: “How do you have my number?”

Su Ming not at all Answer Luo Xiaoxiao directly. Go straight to the topic and say, “Don’t say that it’s useless. Calling you has a good thing, can’t you come?”

鈥淲hat a good thing?鈥?Luo Xiaoxiao asked.

“I am currently in an underground black casino. If you want to smash the casino, you will come over.” Su Ming did not talk non-nonsense with Luo Xiaoxiao. After the address was posted, the phone was hung up.

After walking to Xu Dongsheng, Xu Dongsheng quickly said: “big brother, the money has been turned better, because the amount is relatively large, so it may take some time.”

This time Xu Dongsheng is really turning money, and my heart is almost bloody. A thousand 6 million is not hurting for him, but it is not a small amount.

Su Ming glanced at Xu Dongsheng’s mobile phone and then deliberately said, “I will wait a little while, wait until the money is over.”

Xu Dongsheng thought that Su Ming didn’t believe him, so he didn’t say much. At most, it took more than an hour to get the account.

On the one hand, Su Ming does not believe this person. In fact, the most important thing is that Su Ming wants to take a while. When Luo Xiaoxiao comes over, he brings Xu Dongsheng to a group of people.

The middle-aged drunkard ran very fast when he hit it. He slid directly into a casino and played in a frenzy with almost nothing.

Seeing that the money has turned better, Su Ming became the biggest winner tonight, even the middle-aged drunkard did not expect Su Ming to be so powerful.

“Young man, you are very powerful.” The middle-aged drunk smiled at Su Ming and said, “Look at the face of my daughter. Can you teach Uncle two tricks?”

“Uncle is not very demanding. I just want to learn your little furability.” The middle-aged drunkard fantasized that if he could have Su Ming, he wouldn’t have to make a fortune.

Su Ming looked at the middle-aged drunkard with a cold eye. If it weren’t for this guy, I wouldn’t have had so many things tonight. The key is that I have been busy for a long time. This guy is still not awake until now.

Instead, I still think about how to gamble, Su Ming can not be angry. So Su Ming opened the mouth and said: “You haven’t seen it yet?”

“What do you mean?” The middle-aged drunk did not understand what Su Ming was saying.

Su Ming didn’t talk much. He went straight to the gambling table and took out the three scorpions in his shackles. He slammed it on the table, and the three scorpions suddenly became like a walnut.

It’s not so strange for Su Ming’s terrifying power, but when the scorpion is broken, you can see a gray black liquid flowing out of the scorpion.

The middle-aged drunkard is stared wide-eyed, and even if he is ignorant, he knows that this scorpion has been moved by his hands, otherwise how can there be such liquid in the scorpion?

Just as the middle-aged drunkard was stunned, Su Ming rushed to the dealer next to Xu Dongsheng and said, “You, yes, you are, give me over.”

The dealer looks pretty handsome at a young age, wearing a white shirt and a suit vest. After being pointed by Su Ming, the young dealer was suddenly half-hearted.

However, forced by Su Ming’s terrifying, the dealer did not dare to say anything more and went straight.

After coming to Su Ming, Su Ming grabbed the hands of the dealer directly. In the case where the dealer鈥檚 hands could not move, Su Ming took out a few cards in the sleeves of the dealer, and the expressionless threw the cards. On the table.

Xu Dongsheng was shocked at this time. It turned out that these little tricks were already seen by Su Ming. In this case, they can win. This kid is unfathomable.

“Do you see it clearly?” Seeing the middle-aged drunkard’s expression is sluggish, Su Ming slowly opened the mouth and said.

The middle-aged drunkard has already spoken at this time. At this time, he finally understood it. It turned out that all the projects in the casino were out of the old age for a long time. No wonder he had been losing all the time, no wonder.

Pain, regret, resentment, all the emotions are intertwined in the hearts of middle-aged drunks. When a person is drunk and dreams of death, one of them suddenly wakes up and will be very painful.

Su Ming looked at the middle-aged drunkard and knew that he needed a process, so he didn’t say anything. He could only wait for him to go back. He only hoped that the middle-aged drunk would wake up after going through today. .

“All the people give me no movement, raise my hand.”

Luo Xiaoxiao’s movements are very fast. It happened that she was on duty at the police station this evening, so Luo Xiaoxiao took the people directly and arrived in about half an hour.

After a group of policemen came in, Xu Dongsheng, their group of people suddenly scared the urine, all like a mouse to see a cat, and quickly raised their hands on the ground.

Only Xu Dongsheng is still barely calm, and Yi Ruo, who is leading the team, said: “Which team are you? I know you, Bureau Chief Wang, who will let you come over?”

Xu Dongsheng Although the Bureau Chief Wang is actually only the separation of the Bureau Bureau Chief, and Luo Xiaoxiao is the police station city director, how could it be possible to put a separated director in the eye.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn’t look at Xu Dongsheng, and said with a heroic attitude: “Give me all.”

When Xu Dongsheng was caught in the cold hands, he realized that he had some troubles this time, and he also responded. He said to Su Ming: “What secretly sneaked me?”

Su Ming couldn’t help but smile. He said that you can secretly take the sneak peek at me. Can’t I call the police? So Su Ming said unceremoniously: “What? You are going to bite me.”


The people in the casino were not spared, and all were taken away. In fact, Su Ming knows very well that like the tattoo men, those of them have been released for a few days, and Xu Dongsheng is the person who wants to be bad luck.

“I owe you a favor today.” Luo Xiaoxiao said to Su Ming before leaving.

After Xu Dongsheng was taken away, the thousand 6 million had already arrived at Su Ming’s account. After calling Muk猫 to tell her that nothing was wrong, Su Ming went home.

At this time in a high-end luxury box in Ningcheng City, Song Zhe was singing with a group of people, only to see Song Zhe’s full-faced smile and said to a young man: “Young Master He, I respect you.”

Su Ming didn’t know that Song Zhe’s plot against him had begun quietly.

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