Song Zhe’s mouth, Young Master He, named He Zhejian, looks like a thief, and no one cares about him.

But there is no such thing as a good guy. The father of this cargo is the police chief of Ningcheng City. It is a famous character.

He Zhejian was doing nothing all day, but he was able to squat in his father’s name in Ningcheng City. Normally, the male thief did not do much.

Seeing that his relationship with Song Zhe is not bad can be seen, the so-called Zhu is close to the black, not Idiot can not get together.

In the arms of He Zhejian, wearing an exposed Princess, touched his hands and unconsciously, and picked up the glass and touched Song Zhe. Then he said, “I said Young Master Song, what are you doing with me?”

“There is no difficulty in what you said to me. I will do it for you in minutes. I will call you when I get there.” He Zhejian had a very relaxed expression.

For He Zhejian, it’s just a matter of catching an ordinary student in the police station for a few days. It’s too simple.

Song Zhe immediately said that he had a smile and knew that the plan to deal with Su Ming was already in place. Princess, who was on the sidelines, said: “What are you doing, and accompanying Young Master He to drink, whoever gives Young Master He today? The wait is comfortable, I gave her a tip of 10,000 yuan today.”

Song Zhe This has played a general role in deep-water bombs. I have been working in the past year, not all of them to make money for life. In the box, a few Princesses swarmed to He Zhejian.

“Young Master He, Young Master He is coming to drink some wine.”

“Young Master He, my wine is good, people can have a drink with Young Master He.”

For a moment, in the box, Yan Yanyan, who did not know, thought that it crossed into the ancient brothel, and He Zhejian also looked like a face.

Tonight, Song Zhe spent the rest of his life with He Zhejian eating and drinking merrily. The main purpose was to deal with Su Ming. You can see the hatred of Su Ming in Song Zhe.

Around the morning, the entire group came out of the box. He Zhejian brought a Princess out. It was obvious that the price had been negotiated and brought home to serve.

Before leaving, He Zhejian said to Song Zhe: “Yes, tomorrow, you better let the kid commit something, and then there is reason to arrest him.”

“Whatever you can do, don’t use my sect?” He Zhejian left after he finished.

After coming to school early in the morning the next day, Song Zhe had a frowning expression that looked like a big aunt came.

Li Dalei, as a henchman, quickly discovered that something was wrong. He whispered, “What happened to Young Master Song? Didn’t everything talk about it yesterday? Why is it still an unhappy expression?”

The reason why Song Zhe seems to be frowning is mainly because of the words before He Zhejian left yesterday, and he has to find a way to make Su Ming commit something.

Song Zhe also understands that He Zhejian is not deliberately difficult for himself. After all, he has to pay attention to the evidence in this year, even if the police can not arrest people for no reason.

But in the end, how can Su Ming go to commit a crime? This is indeed a bit of a difficult question. Su Ming is very honest at school and has not seen anything about him.

Song Zhe thought for a long time and didn’t think of a good idea. He said, “Big Lei, do you say that Su Ming will do this?”

“Is it a crime?” Li Dalei snorted and said, “It shouldn’t be. I think Su Ming is quite stable, and it’s a bit more fierce.”

“Right, fight!”

Song Zhe listened to the eyes shined, as if I found a new continent. I couldn’t help but excited. Big Lei said: “Big Lei, I found that although you usually look stupid, but the brain is not bad at the crucial moment. “”

Li Dalei: “……………”

“Su Ming’s kid fights really badly, then find a way to get him to fight, which is equivalent to committing a crime.” Song Zhe said to himself in his mouth.

Li Dalei couldn’t help but say: “Young Master Song, fight this little thing, if it is not serious, the police should not care?”

Song Zhe couldn’t help but glance at Li Dalei and said, “You know a fart. If you want to find you in trouble, you only need a little trivial matter.”

“But how can Su Ming take the initiative to fight?” Song Zhe was stumped by another question.

After thinking for a long time, Song Zhe suddenly stared at Li Dalei. Li Dalei was looked at in his heart and couldn’t help but say: “Young Master Song, why are you looking at me like this?”

Song Zhe said with a smile : “Big Lei, what do you say if Su Ming is giving you a stop?”


Li Dalei suddenly gave up Song Zhe’s ancestors eighteen generations in his heart, and said that you want to hang me.

Don’t look at Li Dalei. It seems that the limbs are simple and simple. In fact, the brain is really good. Li Dalei opened the mouth and said: “Young Master Song, I feel that your idea won’t work.”

“How can it not work?”

Li Dalei continued: “If you think about it, Su Ming has no grudges with me, and I am so honest, I guess he will not beat me if he wants to provoke Su Ming.”

Speaking of Li Dalei looking at Song Zhe, he said, “If Song Zhe is going, the effect will be different.”

Li Dalei is now desperately ignoring Song Zhe, joking that Su Ming is the guy who beats such a beast, Li Dalei does not want to be beaten in vain.

Song Zhe’s face is black, said solemnly: “Do you mean that I am a long owe?”

“No, no.” Li Dalei said with enthusiasm and sincerity: “I mean the hate between you is relatively high, and it is easier to fight.”

Song Zhe looked down and thought about it. Suddenly Li Dalei seemed to make sense. If he didn’t play Li Dalei, wouldn’t the whole plan be scrapped?

“Well, let me stop me.” Song Zhe obviously has already spelled this time, in order to pit Su Ming even at the expense of being stopped, in order to conspiracy to sacrifice himself.

Soon after the afternoon, Song Zhe and Li Dalei watched Su Ming’s movements after school, and Su Ming deliberately waited for Su Ming to leave the classroom.

The two people were sneaking around the school, because the people of He Zhejian were outside the school.

After arriving outside the school, Song Zhe ran straight to Su Ming and stopped Su Ming. Su Ming glanced at the guy and said, “What’s the matter?”

Song Zhe shouted directly: “Su Ming, you big Idiot.”

“The trough.”

Su Ming was shocked in an instant, and said that Fcuk/idiot is a kid who is looking for a pump, and he dares to directly slap his own Idiot.

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