Plop, plop, plop.

The group of gangsters behind Xu Dongsheng rushed up to three seconds, and Su Ming stumbled all of them in an instant.

Fortunately, Malphite Ability’s cooling time is not long. Just now, Lin Yu opened the Malphite’s Ability. The powerful Su Ming playing this group of mixes is too simple, almost like pinching chicken.

The tattooed man looked at the horrors of these younger brothers, Xu Dongsheng, and suddenly snickered in his heart, saying that he was fortunate enough to be wit, or else he was lying on the ground and mourning himself.

Xu Dongsheng was completely dumbfounded. Before I asked them a group of people who came back miserably, Xu Dongsheng only knew that they were beaten, but it was not clear that they were being beaten by Su Ming alone. After seeing the fighting power of Su Ming terrifying, Xu Dongsheng The whole person suddenly sweats, this kid is too violent.

“There is no fight, let’s go up together,” Su Ming said, Xu Dongsheng.

Xu Dongsheng instantly stunned and quickly ran softly: “If you don’t fight, you won’t fight, and I will transfer it to you immediately.”

After that, Xu Dongsheng took out his mobile phone. He is a bank customer, so he can make a large-scale transfer directly through mobile banking.

Su Ming is not polite with this guy. Su Ming won the money today. Anyway, Qin Xiaoke remembered the card number Su Ming of Su Ming’s bank card, so he directly recited it.

Xu Dongsheng After remembering the card number, I quickly clicked on the phone and it seems that I am entering an account.

“The transfer has been completed. You may have to wait a while before you can receive the bank’s notice.” Xu Dongsheng immediately took the phone to Su Ming, a portrait of harmless to human and animals.


As a result, Su Ming still didn’t see the guy’s mobile phone screen. He felt that he was suddenly cold flashed in front of him. Xu Dongsheng, this guy actually took out a dagger directly, and he quickly came over to Su Ming.

And this knife is directed at the position of Su Ming’s neck. If it is stabbed, Su Ming is afraid of death and injury, and the consequences are unimaginable.

“courting death”

This time, Su Ming is really angry. I am afraid that no one will keep a normal heart when life is threatened.

Su Ming’s reaction was also very fast. A slap slammed into Xu Dongsheng’s palm. The slap was too strong and directly hit Xu Dongsheng’s right hand with the dagger.

And Xu Dongsheng, the whole person slammed a slap in the face, and the dagger that had apparently opened the front also fell to the ground.


Su Ming didn’t have to be polite with this Xu Dongsheng. This guy typically gave face shameless, Fcuk/idiot even dared to sneak attack himself, and after the danger was resolved, Su Ming slammed directly on Xu Dongsheng’s lower abdomen.

Xu Dongsheng The whole person was picked up on a gambling table three meters away. The huge impact put the table on the table. It can be seen that Su Ming is moving True Fire.

At this time, Xu Dongsheng fell in the middle of the broken table, his hands licking his lower abdomen, his face looked more painful than the child, and his mouth screamed.

Su Ming bent down and smashed the dagger that Xu Dongsheng had dropped on the ground. Looking at the dagger of the cold light, Su Ming’s eyes were very cold.

Holding the dagger and walking to Xu Dongsheng, Xu Dongsheng saw Su Ming with the dagger brief remark and came over. He instantly scared the urine and thought that Su Ming would swear at him directly.

“Rain, big brother is forgiving.”

Xu Dongsheng also couldn’t take care of the severe pain from the position of the lower abdomen. He quickly got up and squatted in front of Su Ming, and his expression was uneasy and begged.


Su Ming certainly didn’t want to marry him. He couldn’t escape Su Ming. Su Ming just scared him. I saw Su Ming only one hand, and twisted the sharp dagger.


Tattooed men and other people were so scared that they immediately sighed, and one hand actually twisted the dagger. Is this kid abnormal?

Su Ming Chong has been completely dumbfounded by Xu Dongsheng: “If I find out that you have any small moves, your end will be worse than this dagger.”

“Have you heard?” Su Ming saw Xu Dongsheng stunned and couldn’t help but shouted loudly.

The sudden increase in the sound really shocked Xu Dongsheng. The goods suddenly trembled and gave him ten courage to dare to find Su Ming again. He quickly said: “Don’t dare, really dare not. ”

“So what are you doing? Give you half an hour, give me some money and turn it over.” Su Ming shouted again.

Xu Dongsheng The whole person was shivered, and immediately took out the mobile phone, let Su Ming report the card number again, this time he is really ready to transfer money.

“dīng líng líng ”

At this time, Su Ming’s cell phone rang. At first glance, Qin Shiyin called. Su Ming walked over to the phone. Qin Shiyin said, “Su Ming, have you solved the problem?”

Qin Shiyin has been worried about whether Su Ming will have trouble this evening. After waiting for a long time, there is no news, so he can’t help but make a phone call.

Su Ming smiled after listening. Iceberg’s Goddess was worried about himself, so Su Ming opened the mouth and said: “be at ease/reassured, things are almost solved, don’t worry.”

“Right, last time I was arrested with Little Ke, the number that Caitlyn looked at, do you have it, help me check it?” Su Ming continued.

“What do you want Caitlyn to check the number?” Qin Shiyin knows that Su Ming’s person is Luo Xiaoxiao, but when he talks about the police Qin Shiyin, he is nervous.

Su Ming said: “Be at ease/reassured, nothing, you first check the number for me and explain it to you.”

The number that wants the police is definitely an alarm. For Xu Dongsheng, Su Ming didn’t think about letting them go so easily, or they would have to continue to put in high-profit loans.

If you want to call the police, you can’t do it in the normal way. If the casino is not colluding with the police, it must be blamed, so you have to find something that can solve this problem. Like the one you met last time, Caitlyn is the right person.

Su Ming can feel that Caitlyn has a strong sense of justice, and she can send her personal feelings to her. Why not do it, just be the last time she hit her buttocks to give her some compensation.

Qin Shiyin also has no Luo Xiaoxiao’s number, but it is not difficult to find the energy of Qin Shiyin. In about three minutes, Qin Shiyin sent the number by text message, which is very efficient.

“Hey, who are you?” Luo Xiaoxiao said after connecting the phone.

Su Ming said: “The person who helped you catch the thief a few days ago, remember me?”

“Which?” Su Ming said too suddenly, and Luo Xiaoxiao didn’t think about it for a while.

Su Ming heard that this chick couldn’t remember who she was, and suddenly she said, “It’s the one that hits you buttocks.”

Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly reacted. When it came to playing buttocks, Luo Xiaoxiao felt a little incomprehensible. He suddenly said with blush: “What are you calling me?”

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