When the thin old man Long Tao opened, it immediately caused a burst of exclamation from the audience.

One point, two points, two points.

This is the three points that Long Tao shakes out. It adds up to a total of five points. It’s no wonder that everyone will be so surprised, because it can be very powerful to shake this point.

It is necessary to know that the minimum number of points that the three dice can shake is three points. Unfortunately, there is almost no such situation, which is enough to see how terrifying the five points of Long Tao are.

Long Tao also showed a satisfied smile on his face. He hadn’t shaken the scorpion for a while, but the points he swayed were not bad, within his expectations.

“Old Gentleman Tao is Old Gentleman Tao, and the rivers and lakes are called Long Tao. This Nickname is really not white. It’s really amazing.” Xu Dongsheng smiled and opened his face, crazy and flattering.

The reason why I am so excited is that this point basically means that Su Ming’s 5 million has already arrived in his hands.

As a result, who knows that Su Ming is not afraid of seeing this point, but instead flutters: “Sure enough, I checked it.”

This sentence naturally caused a lot of people’s disdain, no one would be stupid to believe that the phone can find other people’s dice points.

Xu Dongsheng said very disdainfully: “Boy, you have seen the points now, you can do whatever you want, bragging who will not.”


When this words immediately caused a lot of laughter, it was obvious that Xu Dongsheng broke Su Ming.

However, Su Ming didn’t feel awkward. He sneered in his heart and continued: “I didn’t lie to you. I will know when you saw my points. I found out after he made a few moments and deliberately shaken one. A little smaller than him.”


Long Tao made a sneer sneer. It was obvious that Su Ming was disdainful. He didn’t even listen to what Su Ming had shaken because he couldn’t hear it.

It’s not that Long Tao is not enough, but Su Ming’s nephew is Passive’s hand. The structure of the scorpion with mercury added has changed, and no specific points can be heard.

Similarly, the hazelnuts with mercury added are equally difficult to control, and there is no way to control how many points are shaken, even if Long Tao can’t do it.

He doesn’t believe that Su Ming is such a yellow-haired boy. He can do as one pleases to use the scorpion with mercury to shake out the points he wants. It is even more impossible than the Arabian Nights.

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and open your mouth. It’s a slap in the face of a horse. Let’s see if it doesn’t work.” Long Tao said impatiently.

Su Ming didn’t swear, and cleaned up the cockroaches in front of him.

Looking at the three scorpions in front of me, I really like the points I want, Su Ming sighed in relief, The Cardmaster is powerful.

“The trough.”

Su Ming is only sighed in relief, but after seeing the three nephews in front of Su Ming, the whole person is not calm.

One point, one point, two points.

The three nephews in front of Su Ming add up to a total of four points, which is a little smaller than the scorpion that Long Tao shakes out, which means that Su Ming killed him.

The most shocked person is Long Tao. At this time, Long Hua’s wrinkled face is completely frozen. Expressionless looks at the scorpion in front of Su Ming, and his eyes are very shocked.

“How is it possible? How can he hear what I am shaking.” Long Tao thought in amazement.

Because Long Tao’s method of shaking the scorpion is exquisite, even if the master can’t hear it, why can this kid in front of it hear it?

What’s more important is that he can just shake out the points that are smaller than himself. How can the scorpion with mercury be controlled? Long Tao is more and more unbelievable.

“How? I just said that I found it online, you don’t believe it.” Su Ming said with a sullen face.

Looking at the people around them as if they had a smug expression, Su Ming didn’t mention how cool it was. The feeling was like this. At first everyone didn’t believe you, and then slammed his face, it felt too Cool.

“Can the mobile phone really find this stuff?” Many people around are not calm, and they have been thinking about this issue for a long time. Many people’s Worldview has been shocked.

“Don’t forget, 5 million!” Su Ming deliberately extended five fingers to Xu Dongsheng.

Xu Dongsheng At this time, the expression on his face is more ugly than the one who died at home. He really didn’t think that this game would lose if he killed him. 5 million, I think it hurts.

“Young people, don’t worry, we haven’t finished gambling yet.” Long Tao, who was shocked at this time, had already slowed down and said to Su Ming.

It can be seen that the expression on Long Tao’s face has been quite serious. It is obvious that he has realized that this young man is not simple, and he dare not underestimate Su Ming as before.

“Old Gentleman Tao, do you want to continue to bet?” Xu Dongsheng whispered in Long Tao’s ear.

The first game of 1 million plus the 5 million just now, this is only ten minutes, Xu Dongsheng has lost 6 million, and Xu Dongsheng is a bit guilty.

Long Tao didn’t look at Xu Dongsheng and said, “How can I get rid of the money you lost? I just looked at him. I will play with him seriously.”

Xu Dongsheng When I listened to Long Tao, I had to play it seriously. Then I looked at the expression on Long Tao’s face. I suddenly rejoiced and whispered: “Just follow Old Gentleman Tao.”

Then Xu Dongsheng looked up and continued to say to Su Ming: “Kid, let’s continue playing, how much is this bet?”

When he said this, Xu Dongsheng had gnashing teeth, and losing 6 million in a row made him very painful.

Su Ming and Xu Dongsheng have the opposite expression at this time. It is a relaxed and easy way, as if it is not in the casino, but in tea.

Through the expression, you can see the thoughts of Xu Dongsheng at this time. Su Ming deliberately said: “No problem, I know that you definitely want to let me spit out the previous wins. Then I will be like you, this game. Let’s play 10 million directly.”

“If you win before you lose, you can take it back.” Su Ming said with a smile on his face and continued: “How? Dare?”

Xu Dongsheng has indeed been stimulated by Su Ming many times today. It should be accustomed to the truth, but Xu Dongsheng has some red eyes.

He really wants to return all the losses he has lost before, no matter who you are, you will have this mentality after losing more.

Coupled with the trust of Long Tao, a bloody moment burst into the chest, Xu Dongsheng loudly said: “Yes, I bet you, a game of 10 million.”

“10 million”

The rest of the casino has been scared, a game of 10 million, this number is too big, can be seen Su Ming and Xu Dongsheng have been bet on the mad.

: Thanks to the “young people”, “helpless rubbing shoulders”, “buffering” and other book friends’ rewards. Today, there are so few people who recommend and recommend, the author’s heart is cold, and the power of adding more is gone.

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