“Five 5 million?”

Suddenly everyone was stunned by Su Ming again. Anyway, everyone couldn’t remember that this was the first time I was shocked. It was too unexpected to be mentally prepared but still unable to hold Su Ming.

Xu Dongsheng originally thought that Su Ming didn’t want to play such a big game after winning the money. As a result, who knows that he misunderstood Su Ming, this kid would not play according to common sense.

For a long time, Su Ming didn’t dare to play at all, but people felt that the 1 million bet was too small.

At the thought of Xu Dongsheng, I was not close to the old face. I just didn’t understand the situation and suddenly got angry. It really has a trace of guilt.

In Su Ming’s mouth, it seems that the money is like dung. I instantly turned the bet of a game five times and went directly to 5 million. I know that many people have never seen that lot of money in this life.

As a result, Su Ming looks very casual, and the bet is so high. It is true that people can be mad at people.

This number is not too small, even Xu Dongsheng is scared, because he has never played such a big, who can gamble 5 million in a game, can not find such a crazy person.

After I heard this number, I saw Su Ming with a strange look. I obviously didn’t expect anyone to dare to play with him so much.

However, Long Tao not at all feels scared or scared. Instead, I feel a kind of faint excitement. I haven’t played such a big bet for a long time, as if I remembered the years before in the big casinos.

Xu Dongsheng really felt so guilty for a moment, 5 million in a game, if it lost, the cost is too great, but after seeing a long expression free Long Tao, Xu Dongsheng is not worried.

Xu Dongsheng feels that he wants more. There are such powerful people as Old Gentleman Tao. How can he lose? And the voice of Su Ming is still hand-footed. If he can win, it will be strange.

How do you feel that Su Ming has no chance of winning, so Xu Dongsheng said directly: “Yes, then a game of 5 million.”

Xu Dongsheng didn’t ask Su Ming if he had so much money. It was a little anxious to suddenly get angry. If you continue to ask if Su Ming has 5 million, it would be too small.

And when Su Ming said that 5 million’s face was as calm as eating and drinking a water toilet, Xu Dongsheng felt that he was not like a person who lacked money.

But Xu Dongsheng really misunderstood, Su Ming really didn’t have that much money, but Su Ming still dared to gamble with him, because Su Ming didn’t even think he would lose.

“Then I will come first.” Long Tao said, after throwing three delicate dice into the bamboo raft, lifted his hand into the air and quickly shook it.

“oh la la oh la la ”

The scorpion collided with the scorpion and made a crisp sound. It may be that Long Tao’s technique is quite special, so everyone heard the sound feel quite rhythmic.

Su Ming also saw that this thin and thin man had a set. From the method of shaking the scorpion, he could see that he was a master. At this time, Su Ming was very calm, almost in a state of no distraction.

Su Ming listened very carefully. If someone looked at it beside Su Ming, they could find that Su Ming’s ears were constantly moving, but the changes were very subtle.

The old man’s method of shaking the scorpion is exquisite, not the same as normal people, so Su Ming wants to hear it is a little difficult, but after about five seconds, Su Ming’s mouth is slightly raised, he has mastered the thin old man shakes the dice The law is over.


After ten seconds, the old man Long Tao slammed the cymbal on the table, and obviously had been settled.

However, Long Tao not at all directly opens his own cockroaches, because it is more interesting to wait for Su Ming to finish it.

“It’s up to you.” Long Tao After shaking, he said directly to Su Ming, obviously want to end soon.

In fact, it doesn’t take long for a person to shake a scorpion. The two people don’t get together for a minute. I think that one minute is less than 5 million’s win or loss. I have to sigh that Su Ming is crazy.

However, at this time, Su Ming was still very calm, and he did something unexpected. I saw that Su Ming directly took out his own hundreds of dollars to buy the cottage phone, and unlocked the phone on the screen. .

“What do you mean?” Long Tao asked with a disappointment. When this key time was played, Long Tao didn’t worry that Su Ming would cheat on the phone, because that’s impossible, but Su Ming’s attitude makes Long Tao Very unhappy.

“Don’t worry, I am going to check the Internet. What time did you shake?” Su Ming said with a smile, and while speaking, he really played with his mobile phone.

“What are you talking about?” Long Tao suddenly stopped.

Su Ming repeated what he had just said: “I said on the Internet to check what time you are shaking. When I am, I will shake a little smaller than you.”


Su Ming’s words immediately caused a big laugh. The Internet was able to find out what the people were shaking. It was a big joke. Everyone looked at Su Ming with the eyes of Idiot.

What time is it that I can really find out what people are shaking on the Internet? Of course I can’t find it. But why did Su Ming say this because Su Ming wants to compare it.

When it comes to this kind of thing, it is necessary to pay attention to routines and procedures. Su Ming has long heard that Long Tao’s dice are added up, so Su Ming thought of such a way.

At first, no one believed Su Ming. I gave Su Ming to Idiot, but if I was really told by Su Ming, what would their expression look like? It feels very exciting to think about it.

Su Ming’s movements continue, as if he was afraid of someone else’s peek, and deliberately blocked his mobile phone screen by hand.

Everyone looked at Su Ming with disdainful eyes, especially Xu Dongsheng. The heart said that the paint on the shell of your broken mobile phone has fallen off. What is good?

A person who dares to gamble on 5 million uses a two- or three-hundred-million-dollar cottage phone. This kid is too strange.

“Well, I have already found it, and then I started to shake it.” Su Ming while speaking, he picked up the cock and shook it.

The result was not more than three seconds, Su Ming immediately put the shackles on the table, stunned everyone again, and said that this was shaken? It’s too casual.

Even if you are a master like Long Tao, it takes more than ten seconds to shake a good point. As a result, Su Ming ends in less than three seconds. Long Tao is not interested in it. This kid is definitely Amateur.

Then came the moment to reveal the answer. Long Tao took the lead in opening the cockroaches in front of him. The moment when the three scorpions were exposed, they immediately aroused the exclamation of everyone.

Su Ming looked very calmly and said in a normal tone: “Well, it was the same as I checked.”

: The book’s group of friends is 338610081, and there are already many small partners. Everyone remembers to add groups, and continue to ask for collection recommendations.

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