After listening to Xu Dongsheng and agreeing to himself, Su Ming’s mouth was slightly raised, revealing a smile that was not noticeable.

If you see Su Ming’s smile by best friends Jiang Xiaojun, you know that Su Ming is going to be broken. Don’t look at Su Ming’s seemingly Swenwen, but it is not worse than anyone.

Su Ming is indeed making the bad, and it is clear that Xu Dongsheng is going to be pitted, and Xu Dongsheng is not convinced of evil, and one mind jumps into the pit dug by Su Ming.

Can only say that this guy opened the black casino pit that many people, this time has finally been pitted, Heavenly Dao cycle, Karmic Retribution.

“This time we are directly bigger than who.” Long Tao opened the mouth and said before.

Just before, who has a small number of points, Long Tao has a little psychological shadow, and I feel that Su Ming is a bit strange.

Even a master like Long Tao can’t help but be careful, so Long Tao deliberately changed the gameplay. This is bigger than the number of points, just a point size problem, not at all.

“no problem”

So Su Ming didn’t even think about it, and shhrugged directly.

“oh la la oh la la ”

According to the rules, Long Tao is the banker. Naturally, Long Tao first shakes. At this time, Long Tao has started to shake quickly and shakes bamboo in the air.

It can be seen that the confirmation of the expression on Long Tao’s face is quite a lot, and this time Long Tao closed his eyes and a heart was on top of the three dice.

Long Tao has definitely moved, it can’t help but think of Long Tao’s previous legends on the rivers and lakes, and I feel that this time has a good show.

It took only a dozen seconds for the Long Tao to be shaken, but this time Long Tao took more than half a minute.

After the “Pa” slammed on the table in front of him, Long Tao took a breather, but his face showed a smile, this time he was very confident.

“cough cough”

When it was Su Ming’s turn, I saw Su Ming and took out his cottage phone. After unlocking, Su Ming said: “Let’s wait a little, I will check what he shakes.”

This time, no one looked at Su Ming with the eyes of Idiot. The things just made people feel amazed at this time. Even many people have already believed Su Ming.


After pretending to play on the phone, Su Ming picked up the cockroach in front of him, still as casual as he had just done. After shaking a few times, he placed the cockroach in front of him on the table, indicating that he had already shaken.

For this kind of careless attitude of Su Ming, Long Tao has become accustomed to it. He didn’t look at Su Ming and directly opened the cockroaches in front of him. The three scorpions inside were instantly exposed.

“My God, Old Gentleman Tao, this is a very awesome shake?”

“I am really convinced, this is a must, Old Gentleman Tao is Old Gentleman Tao, name is not in vain.”

“It seems that the 10 million of the kid is not guaranteed.”

All the people on the side spoke up and couldn’t help cry out in surprise.

The three points that Long Tao shakes are too powerful. One five points and two six points add up to a total of seventeen points.

“It seems that the skill has dropped a bit. I didn’t shake the points that made me most satisfied.” Long Tao said with amazement from everyone.

Although the mouth is very modest, the smug smile of Long Tao’s mouth can’t be concealed. Obviously he is very satisfied with the point he has shaken. This is his ultimate skill.

Long Tao also wants to shake out three six points, but that really depends on luck. He can shake this point and his luck is very good.


Xu Dongsheng couldn’t help but laugh aloud twice. My heart was called an excitement. Su Ming smugly said, “You kid, aren’t you arrogant? You can’t find it with your mobile phone, you have the ability to give me Shake a big bit out.”

This is to say that everyone, including Long Tao, laughs. A bigger point than Long Tao means to shake out 18 points. The 18 points are the biggest points, also known as leopards.

Of course, that kind of thing only exists in the legend, and it is impossible to shake it out.

“Not good means.”

Su Ming’s inexplicable smile on his face said to Xu Dongsheng: “I’m really guessed.”

After that, Su Ming opened the cockroach in front of him, and the three six-pointed scorpions were neatly placed there.

The noisy casino suddenly had no sound, and it was very quiet. Everyone was scared. I saw the ghost expression and I was really shaken by the kid.

“It’s really a little bigger.”

After a moment of silence, I didn’t know which one spoke, and Su Ming gave Long Tao a lore.

“Master, I am serving you, please tell me how to check with the mobile phone?” At that time, the tattooed man suddenly rushed over and admired Su Ming.

The tattooed man was really impressed by Su Ming, his eyes filled with fanatical worship, Su Ming who he really believed.

If he can know how to check on the mobile phone, then how cool it is, still need to be here to give Xu Dongsheng a thug?

Not only tattooed men, many people believe in Su Ming, looking forward to Su Ming, hope that Su Ming can reveal the answer.

Su Ming is just laughing and not talking. Even this thing can be believed. I can only say that after this IQ, don’t gamble, you will lose your underwear.


Just when everyone was looking forward to watching Su Ming, the opposite Long Tao but mouth spurt blood came out, sprinkled on the table in front of him, and his face was pale.

“Old Gentleman Tao, what’s wrong with you?”

Others hurriedly asked, but Long Tao not at all spoke, it seemed to be a lost soul.

Tattoo men believe in Su Ming, but with Long Tao so much age, how could you really believe that Su Ming has checked the number of ghosts online.

After losing two games, Long Tao clearly realized that Su Ming was an absolute master. He was only playing the pig to eat the tiger, and he was the tiger who was unfortunately eaten by him.

When Long Tao was five years old, he was accepted by his Master. He learned some gambling skills, and soon revealed the innate talent in gambling, and he passed the Master without him at a young age.

The young and glamorous Long Tao has come along smoothly, and it is almost impossible for opponents. Most of the casinos in Jiangnan Jiangbei have been played by him.

Until a few years ago, Long Tao got rid of a lot of people because he was too hot to get rid of people who shouldn’t be provoked. After being smashed with two fingers and a large number of years old, it converges a lot.

Long Tao has never been defeated by anyone in this life. He has never served anyone, but today he lost completely.


After half a ring, Long Tao suddenly laughed three times, and there was still blood in his mouth. He said: “My Long Tao has washed my hands since then, and I will not gamble for the rest of my life.”

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