“Okay, let’s play the dice.” Su Ming smiled and agreed to it with almost no consideration.

Looking at the bright smile on Su Ming’s face, I don’t know why Xu Dongsheng felt inexplicable, so Xu Dongsheng said with a sneer: “Go and bring me Old Gentleman Tao.”


The young dealer on the side heard the instructions and immediately walked behind the casino. There were quite a lot of rooms in the basement. In a short while, the young dealer came with a thin old man.

This thin old man is wearing a loose dress. Although it is very thin, it gives people a feeling that the eyes are very spirited. When they come out, they attract a lot of people’s attention. Even Su Ming can’t help but look at the old man’s eyes. I don’t understand what this old man suddenly did.

Xu Dongsheng When I saw the thin old man, my attitude was also respectful. I can see that the identity of this thin old man should be unusual.

“I don’t know if this kid is a kid, so I am looking for someone to take the place to bet against you. Is there any opinion?” Xu Dongsheng said directly to Su Ming.

“Damn, it’s too shameless.” Many people are secretly saying in their hearts, knowing that Xu Dongsheng didn’t say that someone was coming out to play instead of him. The result suddenly came out like this, and it was deliberate.

If someone else changes to Su Ming, they will certainly not be able to agree to this request.

Su Ming glanced at the hands of the thin old man, a pair of hands like a dry branch, which looked very terrifying, but the hands caught Su Ming’s attention.

This old man is definitely a master of gambling. It is estimated that he did not practice less when he was young, and Su Ming also noticed that the old man’s left hand lacked two fingers.

Many people on the scene have already recognized this old man, named Long Tao. The people in Jianghu are called ghost hands, and their hands are fast to achieve perfection.

And Long Tao’s one-hand stunt is to shake the dice, it can be said that almost no one can shake him.

However, Long Tao played too much in a casino a few years ago. As a result, people who should not be provoked, people use the high-definition pinhole camera to take the evidence of Long Tao.

In the casino, Long Tao was smashed by two fingers, and then gradually quit the rivers and lakes. In fact, Long Tao was invited by Xu Dongsheng to be a consultant in this black casino.

In nominal terms, the position of Long Tao is really not low. Every year Xu Dongsheng gives him a salary close to 10 million and he is very respectful to him.

Long Tao is also quite comfortable in the small casino of Xu Dongsheng. Usually, he does not need to do much. Usually, when he encounters a more difficult person, he will ask Long Tao to take it.

For example, Su Ming is a bit difficult today, so Xu Dongsheng directly cleared Long Tao, and gave Su Ming a set in advance, and had an appointment with Su Ming to play the dice, knowing that Long Tao did not pass the blind hand. I know how many casinos have closed down.

Putting the influential figure of Long Tao out to deal with Su Ming, it seems that it is a bit overkill, but in order to make Su Ming a winner, Xu Dongsheng has only this trick.

Su Ming saw that this thin old man is not simple, but Su Ming doesn’t care. He said directly: “Let him gamble with me. If he loses, you won’t be in debt?”

Su Ming is more worried about the problem of Xu Dongsheng’s repayment. I must make this clear in advance.

“Kid, you said you can win me? I didn’t get it wrong?” Before Xu Dongsheng spoke, the old man Long Tao said.

Long Tao’s voice is old and sounds like a sly feeling.

Xu Dongsheng said directly: “Old Gentleman Tao can represent me at all. I will give you as much as I lose.”

“Of course, the premise is that you have to have that ability to win.” Xu Dongsheng went on, and his heart was full of sneer, saying that if you can win Old Gentleman Tao, you are really a ghost.

“Okay, that’s fine, let’s get started.” Su Ming’s face is still very calm.

Calm so that everyone can not help but want to ask: young man, how old is your heart? Do you know how terrible the old man is in front of you?

“First make the rules clear, how can I play?” Long Tao said absently, Su Ming can only count as a brat in his eyes.

Two people quickly said how to play, anyway, this thing is relatively simple, nothing more than a matter of size.

But the two of them are not guessing the size, but each person shakes them separately, and then compares the size of the dice that they shake out. After the first game, after the discussion, the two of them competed relatively small.

“Kid, do you want to check if there is any problem with this scorpion?” Long Tao deliberately said to Su Ming after the dealer took the scorpion and the scorpion.

Su Ming didn’t look at it, and said very casually: “No, as long as you can see the numbers.”

When the words came out, everyone looked at Su Ming again with a silent voice. The heart said that they were afraid that the casino would do their hands on the scorpion. As a result, you didn’t care.

Su Ming also knows that they will definitely be in the scorpion, but it doesn’t matter, Su Ming can still kill.

Long Tao obviously didn’t expect Su Ming to be so casual, but it saved him a bit. He had planned to give Su Ming a slap in the face, and then sneaked the column. This time just saved trouble.

To Su Ming’s nephew, there is mercury added, which is commonly known as mercury. With this thing, the weight of the scorpion will change. If this is a master, I am afraid I can’t control the scorpion to shake what I want. digital.

What’s more, Su Ming looks so young, it doesn’t seem to shake the scorpion. It is estimated that Su Ming will only be lucky.

“First, let’s say, what is the bet in this game?” Seeing that both people have to start, Xu Dongsheng, who is on the side, quickly thought about it and didn’t make a bet to play a wool. He just wanted to plunge Su Ming’s money.

Xu Dongsheng continued: “Kid, are you still playing 1 million?”

Deliberately saying this is to stimulate Su Ming, the 1 million Xu Dongsheng who just lost is still worried, he must have Su Ming to return to the profit.

“I didn’t plan to continue playing 1 million,” Su Ming said.

“What do you mean? If you win my money, don’t you dare to play such a big one?” Xu Dongsheng immediately went to get really angry and said the table.

Originally thought that I could continue the money of 1 million in this way, and who knows that Su Ming didn’t do it, Xu Dongsheng couldn’t be angry.

Su Ming glanced at Xu Dongsheng with a contemptuous look and said, “I said that you can listen to me and finish the conversation? They are all excited when they are too young, so it is easy to be impotence.”

“I mean 1 million. It’s just the first hot hand. How can I continue to play so low? Directly 5 million,” Su Ming casually said.

: Book Friends Group, Book Friends Group, Book Friends Group, he said the important thing three times, in order to let everyone add a group to add a chapter, group number: 338610081, everyone bragging about it is quite interesting.

In addition, I would like to thank the “Young People”, “On the Banyan Tree in the Sunshine”, and “Deafness” for the three rewards. There is a ticket to vote for support. Your support is the motivation of the author’s codeword.

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