“Why don’t you talk nonsense with me, do you still play or not?” Xu Dongsheng knew that he had just been teased by Su Ming, so he said very uncomfortably.

Xu Dongsheng is also very disdainful to Su Ming’s words, saying that you have the character of your motherfucker, even if your character is useless.

A group of dozens of playing cards, I do not believe that you can really get three such cards directly, so that luck can go directly to buy lottery tickets.

The dealer handed a card directly to Su Ming. In the eyes of the public, the dealer did not dare to make any big moves, and gave Su Ming a card in order.

This card tells the truth that the dealer does not know the specific number, because he sent it to Su Ming in order. Before the dealer remembered the first few cards and then made a small movement, he didn’t know the cards behind. It is.

But this doesn’t matter. I think about it with my brain. I know how it might be so smart to give him a three-point out. This is totally impossible.

When the dealer gave Su Ming back-up, you couldn’t see exactly what number it was. This card will be turned over by Su Ming himself, so that everyone can see what the card is.

Su Ming pressed the card on the table in front of him, grabbed a hand with one hand and opened a small corner. After looking at the number, Su Ming showed a slight smile on his face.

“hehe, then install”

After seeing the smile on Su Ming’s face, I suddenly thought of this idea. It is obvious that Su Ming has already lost. This smile looks more like a smile.

Then Su Ming did not deliberately sell the offense, and turned the card in the hand directly. This card turned out to be a spade 3.

“It is really three points.”

Xu Dongsheng was stunned, and the dealer who was licensing was also stunned. Almost everyone who saw this card was stunned. I couldn’t think of Su Ming who really got an 3.

The situation has a very interesting reversal. With this spade 3, all the cards in Su Ming’s hands add up to the 21 point, which means Su Ming won the game.

“This is impossible!” Xu Dongsheng stood up and said with a look of disbelief, and immediately took the spade 3 in Su Ming’s hand.

After a few glances, Xu Dongsheng didn’t find any problems at all, and the dealer took a look and found that it was indeed the card in his hand, and did not find evidence of Su Ming’s aging.

“I have told you that I am a very good person from childhood to big, you don’t believe it.” Su Ming said innocently.

Don’t look at what Su Ming said is so easy. In fact, it is not easy to do this. The most important thing to play blackjack is the computing power. Whoever plays this thing is the best, and the mathematicians who have a good mental arithmetic ability.

Su Ming was actually remembering the position of the card when he was shuffling the dealer. He was very confident that he could win, and Su Ming got twenty-one.

“How? Dignified Xu Boss won’t lose and don’t want to accept it?” Su Ming saw Xu Dongsheng’s face on his face very complicated, so he deliberately said.

When the words came out, everyone looked at Xu Dongsheng. Xu Dongsheng must not have smashed his signature because of 1 million. Although it is very distressing, 1 million is not too much for Xu Dongsheng.

So Xu Dongsheng said directly: “How can I not accept it? 1 million I really don’t care.”

As soon as I said that many gamblers around me looked at Su Ming with avid eyes, this won a lot of 1 million in one game. If they win, how good they should be.

“I really lost this game. Are we still gambling?” Xu Dongsheng asked.

This sentence asked for the equivalent of white question, just with Su Ming polite, if Su Ming won a game without playing, Xu Dongsheng will certainly not agree.

Su Ming won 1 million, how could it be satisfied, so he said: “Of course, continue to play, this game is just a hot hand.”

After the words were finished, people around them couldn’t help but scream, saying that they would take 1 million to be a hot hand.


Xu Dongsheng nodded, the eyes reveal a cold light that is hard to detect, and it is obviously ready to rush to Su Ming.

“Boss, this kid is a master.” This time the dealer bowed his head and whispered next to Xu Dongsheng.

The dealer knows the gameplay of blackjack very much, and carefully recalls the process just in his mind. The more he thinks, the more he is shocked. The dealer suddenly realizes that he had already been seen by the kid when he shuffled. .

So the dealer first found Su Ming playing the pig to eat the tiger, and quickly reminded Xu Dongsheng that he was afraid that Xu Dongsheng would be circulated by Su Ming.

Xu Dongsheng also realized that Su Ming might not seem so simple on the surface. The previous game could not be just a matter of luck.

After the dealer’s reminder, Xu Dongsheng confirmed the thoughts in his heart, and did not say anything, just simply rushed to the dealer to take a look.

Xu Dongsheng showed a thoughtful look in his eyes. It would not work with Su Ming to continue playing blackjack. This kid should be a master of playing blackjack.

Xu Dongsheng thought about it and said after the opening: “If you play again, it would be boring to play blackjack. How about changing the game?”

When I finished this sentence, Xu Dongsheng always looked at Su Ming’s expression, and quickly thought about what to do if Su Ming did not agree to the next step.

In fact, Su Ming’s inner heart is indifferent. Just kidding, no matter what you play, Su Ming will not lose. It’s like a super schoolmaster. You overestimate one’s capabilities to compare with him, but you have to change a lesson than math. More than meaningful?

So Su Ming said in a very casual tone: “I have no problem, I can do anything.”

Su Ming is still as good as ever. Many people on the scene are used to it. I said that this kid is really ready to wear it all the time.

Su Ming is more flamboyant than Xu Dongsheng. Today, this kid is very faceless, but Xu Dongsheng is still with a smile: “It’s boring to play cards all the time. Let’s play the scorpion.”

Xu Dongsheng said that playing scorpion is not casual, because there are many people who will play cards, but there will be very few scorpions. This is really a technical activity, and most people will not learn.

And the dice are not the same as the cards, this stuff is more hands-on, Xu Dongsheng has a full grasp of what makes Su Ming lose.

Su Ming laughed at this time, and the smile was very bright. Secretly said in one’s heart: “Play with me, I guess you will doubt life.”

: Thanks to the “Beyond” and “Yong” two book friends for their rewards. Today, there are few recommended tickets. Everyone supports you a lot.

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