Brother Min Xiu stood beside him and looked at him condescendingly.


Kim Jae-ho softened in the car for a moment, and he usually talked a lot, but now he can't say a word, can't move.

Minxiu still looked at him indifferently, domineering, such a situation, he has seen it a few times tonight, and he didn't say much, he directly tore up the name tag and left, Kim Jae-ho, the loser, no longer has any value.

"Filial piety! Come on! Brother Minxiu is here! After Kim Jae-ho used all his strength to shout this sentence, he continued to be paralyzed.

Until another minute after Minso-brother left, Kim Jae-ho was stunned, the train restarted, and he walked slowly, like a merciless mockery.

"It's so scary... It's terrifying..." muttered Kim Jae-ho as if he had lost his soul.

"What kind of train is this?! My grandma next door is walking faster than this! Kim Jae-ho shouted in disbelief, just a little! Almost ran away!

Suddenly, the PD who came up said: "Haha was also eliminated like this. "

Little train DoubleKi11!·

"What is that? So am I going to prison now? Kim Jae-ho asked.

PD: "This car passes through the prison, go straight, just get off when the time comes." ",

Kim Jae-ho's mentality exploded when he heard it: "What the hell?" What kind of hell train is this? What's going on? Can this place be normal? Return my pure, beautiful and dreamy paradise! "

After this wave, I am afraid that Kim Jae-ho will not go to the paradise for a long time, and this shadow area is a little large.

"The little train purred, my heart is ticking, in the dark, who is watching you, oh~ who is watching you..."

The train really went straight to the prison, Kim Jae-ho was also speechless, singing his own blind song, and his mood calmed down during this time, but the staff who listened to him sing were not good at all, how did this feel so penetrating?

"Hey, Ichiko~ In Haoya 00 is coming~" Everyone greeted happily.

As soon as he saw everyone in the prison, Kim Jae-ho became angry.

If you use me a little, I won't be like this!

"Yay! Brother Chenguo, what's going on with you? Why is it gone? Kim Jae-ho said.

"I can't help it..." Jin Zhiguo's face was full of embarrassment.

It's really no way, Kim Jae-ho can't take him, Brother Min so really is, it's better to be famous than to meet, but it's too scary.

As for Song Zhixiao outside, he gave her a word of self-blessedness, and he had tried his best.

It was late at night, the game was nearing its end, and no one thought that Song Zhixiao could win, but everyone gave her hope, she is now fighting with everyone's hope on her shoulders, and the enemy she faces is a nightmare-level player.

Under Kim Jae-ho's delaying tactics, Song Ji-hyo found the golden crown in a tricky place, and a false shake shook the rushing Min-so brother and put the golden crown on the display platform, she, Song Ji-hyo, CE, extreme win!

She is as strong as a script, and in the end she put on a golden crown for herself, which can be said to be well deserved, because of Kim Jae-ho's containment, Minxiu's eldest brother also went all out to chase Song Zhixiao, but he really didn't catch up, knowing that he was once only a wall away from Song Zhixiao, he was also very convinced of her.

The strong respect the strong, and the men of RM, everyone who can fight, he underestimated them, did not expect that there was an ACE hidden inside. ,

Although the uncle is a little irritable, he has always been very good to his wife, and he is really a very good person in addition to being easy to get on.

In the end, he knelt down directly, presented the highest courtesy to Song Zhixiao, held Song Zhixiao's hand, and walked like a queen, which is his respect for the strong.

With the golden crown added, Song Zhixiao Shi Ran walked like a queen, and under the death sacrifice of her soldiers like a gourd baby saving her grandfather, she won the battle, and you will perfectly feel in her what it is to be a scarf.

Kim Jae-ho didn't even feed the mosquitoes, so he was told that the game was over, but today is actually a two-day game, so everyone stayed in the hotel arranged by the program team tonight.

It was a hotel again, everyone was very tired after a day of running, and after eating dinner to get to know each other, they went to sleep.

Kim Jae-ho went to Song Ji-hyo as usual, but now in fact, because of Kim Jae-ho's caution, the program group has someone to do this thing, and the program group has been a team, so it has to keep improving in order to keep this show snowballing.

Kim Jae-ho slept well tonight, today is really tired, mentally needless to say, the frequency of the word horror is old, the key is from the beginning he is looking for, that is fighting, if this is a personal battle, Kim Jae-ho has already won, do not have to find the last gold crown.

Then the last wave also ran far away to give him a MV is not exaggerated. Kim Jae-ho doesn't remember tomorrow's content, but he remembers that the stone was planted in tomorrow's episode, which directly turned on the nightmare mode.

Thinking that every time Minxiu comes in the future, it will be like today, and it will become more and more terrifying, Kim Jae-ho is very difficult to resist, he can't stand it once, and he comes several times.

But from the perspective of the program, if there is no this link, it is really not so exciting, Kim Jae-ho has to find a way to reduce his influence tomorrow, so that tomorrow according to normal development, by the way, treat Liu Zaishi well.

Just ready to go to bed, the program team came to the mission, tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, with their own team members to come to the front of No. 321.

It's good to die, Kim Jae-ho is actually in a team with Yoo Jae-seok, this is troublesome, his butterfly wings can't be fanned hard, he has to be leisurely.

As for the task?

Tomorrow's things, that's tomorrow's Kim Jae-ho's affairs, what does it have to do with Kim Jae-ho now?

Go to bed!

As soon as the eyes are closed, it is dawn.

After yesterday's thrilling trip to the park, there is not much to say about everyone's physical and mental exhaustion, and getting up has become a big problem, really relying on consciousness.

Kim Jae-ho must not be able to get up early, whether he was tired yesterday or not, he has to sleep ten hours a day, it has to be nine o'clock to be enough, he can't sleep more, then he must be called by someone else to get up today.

"Yay! In Hao! Why haven't you gotten up yet! Come on! Liu Zaishi waited for the flowers to thank him, but he couldn't find it directly.

When Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok arrived, Kim Jae-ho still had a little feeling of sleepwalking, his eyes couldn't open, he was used to sleeping enough for ten hours, and he woke up early in this state.

321 ago, the Jin Zhiguo was already there, and Liu Zaishi was still greeting, but the two people on the opposite side panicked when they heard him say hello.

"Be quiet!" Chi Shizhen shouted with his throat in his voice, looking very scared, not daring to make too loud, Liu Zaishi still didn't understand, kept asking why, and the anxious Jin Zhiguo almost beat him up.

What kind of thing, just come and let them be quiet?

Liu Zaishi was still arguing over there, and Kim Jae-ho, who was still sleepwalking here, inexplicably took the task letter handed over by PD, and Kim Zai-ho squinted, and his eyes immediately widened when he saw the words on it.

"Today's getting up task, No. 321 is Minxiu's residence, enter No. 321 to complete the team's individual tasks, if Minxiu wakes up, then become a group with Minxiu."

My mom!

Let's not say that Brother Minxiu can't wake up, anyway, the two people I saw woke up instantly, Minxiu, one day, became a group, these words, like a heart booster, gave them a hard blow.

Kim Jae-ho immediately looked up at Tianchang and sighed, while Liu Zaishi immediately theorized, "What is this?!" "

He pointed to the PDs, which hell did the hell come up with this? ,

"You want us to die!" Kim Jae-ho also pressed his voice to speak, and the reason for their fuss before Kim Junguo was found, because when you know that this is the front of Min-so's room, your voice will automatically turn the volume to the lowest like this.

Seeing them like this, Jin Zhiguo and Chi Shizhen were comfortable.

Hmph, you know what's going on, right?

"Haha and Light Beads have already entered." Chi Shizhen said.

Liu Zaishi's brain was a little down, and he didn't know how to react.

"If you don't have a group with Minxiu, maybe you will become a team with an actress." PD added, this is haha intelligence they don't have.

"Heaven and hell?" Kim Jae-ho said, "It's either heaven or hell..."

"Unconditional!" Chi Shizhen had already begun to pray.

In fact, whether this information is there or not, it does not affect their play, who dares to wake up Brother Minxiu like this? Dead?

The thief of Jin Zhiguo was so excited that he couldn't control himself, and Liu Zaishi thought for the first time: "Min Jungxi!" "

Kim Jae-ho thought: "There is another team that is Zhixiao, right?" "

"Yes!" Liu Zaishi clapped his hands!

"Shh The others immediately scolded him.

Liu Zaishi made a sorry comparison in a vain heart, and then said: "Zhixiao is also an actress, so there is no her now." "

Chi Shizhen also reacted, "So we have a group with him, that is your group." Chi Shizhen said to Liu Zaishi.

"What for?" Liu Zaishi shouted.

"You guys be quiet!" Jin Zhiguo couldn't help but scold.

When did you dare to do this?

They don't know that they are like this on the outside, and the psychological pressure of the people inside is multiplied.

And inside, haha and Li Guangzhu, one left and one right lying next to Minxiu, shivering, although they are lying down, but how to see how unnatural, they also have a task, that is, dozens of sounds.

This task is not difficult, but it also depends on the environment, this person lying next to him, yesterday scared their guts, that is killing madness, the shadow has not yet dissipated.

But they were the first team to arrive, so their task was really the easiest, just lie by side for ten seconds, and the two of them still had the leisure to put his weapons a little farther away, and then put them back.

Taking it away is for a small life, and it is a bit damaging to put it back...

Put it back at the risk of it!

The two people came out, did not dare to breathe loudly, held their breath and walked out, as soon as they arrived outside, they saw four people standing there shouting. _,

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