"Shh Li Guangzhu hurriedly made a silent action, you guys are really bold!

Everyone quickly stopped talking, and suddenly Liu Zaishi said: "Done?" "

Frightened the two younger brothers, Liu Zaishi laughed there, it was intentional at a glance, this is still these people have a good temper, and if they have a bad temper, he will be beaten.

Everyone is surrounding the two experiencers, and this feeling is like lining up outside during the medical examination and then the people inside come out.

As an experiencer, haha began, and the shelf was brought up, "Usually sleep like this, right?" But this guy is like this! "

He made a superman flying action, and everyone seemed to see Minxiu, although it was a little exaggerated, but it gave them the feeling that it was like this.

This is a man who can change the show, and no one else has been able to do it before, and he has a terrifying meaning to this show.

Of course, haha must be a little exaggerated, you can't blow your opponent a little harder when you come back from the battle, the evil dragon is not a little stronger, how can the warrior be loved by the villagers.

What's more, everyone knows that it is really fierce.

For example, the following challenger, the famous warrior Jin Zhiguo, is now worried, afraid is afraid, some body types, especially the current act of death.

They are smarter and know to take off their shoes first, then go in, and then they are silent.

If Kim Jae-ho were to shout outside now, he might die.

But he is not such a person, it is too damaged! And the next one is yourself, so let's take it easy.

Kim Jae-ho does not die, someone will die, Kim Jiuguo is doing sit-ups inside, the production team filming outside the room suddenly bumped into something, snapped, Kim Jiangguo was directly startled.

Fortunately, Minxiu was not woken up by this noise, otherwise Jin Zhiguo would have to run away.

Kim Junguo also took the door behind before leaving, and Kim Jae-ho and they also received the task content outside, that is, by the side of Min so Ge, singing and dancing a passage from Girls' Generation's "Say Your Wish".

"Hey! I'm familiar with this! Kim Jae-ho was happy when he saw it, he just happened to practice this dance recently, last time Ni Kun didn't say that the boy group dance is not good to dance, the female group dance is relatively simple, Kim Jae-ho himself first practiced to test the water for the brothers.

This song is relatively simple, representative in the first way, representative in the second, and thirdly because he likes girls' generation.

"This is too difficult, isn't it?" Liu Zaishi is not happy, compared to other people's own is simply the most difficult ah, not only singing, but also jumping, in case Minxiu opens his eyes and finds that two people are dancing Girlhood in front of him, he can't copy a weapon and kill it?

When Kim Jiuguo came out, Liu Zaishi led Kim Jae-ho in.

The two men also wore headphones to listen to BGM, and as soon as they entered, starting with twisting the door lock, it was a battle. ,

Liu Zaishi screwed, carefully, as if afraid that the lock hurt, Liu Zaishi pushed open a slit, Kim Zaihao made a tactical gesture to stop, his hand clenched his fist and raised it to his head, Liu Zaishi immediately stopped.

Kim Jae-ho looked through that slit.

"See something?" Liu Zaishi said in a mosquito-like voice.

Kim Jae-ho: "I didn't see anything. "

Liu Zaishi: ...

Carefully pushed the door open, no wonder Kim Jae-ho didn't see anyone, Brother Min Xiu was lying on the ground, it was actually a bunk, this is too soft the bed.

After entering, I saw that it was really like haha said, and he was still wearing a headband, so he wasn't bored?

Liu Zaishi took a look and shrunk straight into Kim Jae-ho's arms in fear, Kim Jae-ho touched his head to comfort him, but he himself also shrunk into the corner of the wall with a sobbing look and wanted to cry without tears, afraid, he was really afraid to see the real person.

But dancing has the benefit of dancing, and there is a lot of space to perform, so the two people do not have to be next to Minxiu, but near the door.

Soon the song sounded, as soon as it came up directly was the chorus, Kim Jae-ho subconsciously jumped up, looking quite presentable, Liu Zaishi immediately gave him a little distance, he was still learning next to him, and he was quite happy.

Kim Jae-ho's outfit today is quite simple because he is sleepy, red shorts and pure white T, the only thing that stands out is the pink drag boy on his feet.

The two uncles are quite hi in this song and dance, Kim Jae-ho, when he reaches the famous kicking stage, he suddenly confiscates, uses too much force, and suddenly his drag child flies out.


Flew out!!

The bright pink slippers reached the corner of the wall, and almost smashed on Minxiu's face.

Liu Zaishi and Kim Jae-ho took a deep breath, their mouths were wide open, and the slippers did not smash on Brother Minxiu's face but smashed half of their souls.

"Yay!" Liu Zaishi was instantly anxious, silently, do you want to die of your uncle?.Liu Zaishi pinched Kim Jae-ho's neck a few times, of course, he didn't use any force, but the meaning is this, that is, he wants him to die.

VJs all gasped, they were all scared, don't talk about them, PD was shocked, originally he thought that this idea was enough to die, but he didn't expect you to be able to upgrade.

But fortunately, Brother Minxiu did not wake up.

Kim Jae-ho was even more frightened to death, and the moment the shoe took off his toes, he froze, clenched his teeth, and felt that the whole person was locked.

"What's the matter?" Kim Jae-ho immediately asked the PD next to him, of course, without making a sound.

"Pick it up!" P responded to him, not waking up, of course to pick it up!

"Huh?" Kim Jae-ho looked at Liu Zaishi, how can he pick this up?

Liu Zaishi: How do I know? You see I'm useless!

Kim Jae-ho: You go?

Liu Zaishi: Fart, I'm sure you go!

Kim Jae-ho: How do I go?

Liu Zaishi: I care how you go!

The two people compared hands and feet, a meal of communication, and finally Liu Zaishi directly pushed Kim Jae-ho.

It's almost over! You see the whole thing...

Liu Zaishi was on the shelves to catch the duck, but the matter was made up by himself, and Kim Jae-ho had no choice but to go.

It's not far, just three or four meters, but there is a folk show in the middle!

Kim Jae-ho tiptoed over step by step like a thief, his hands were attached to his chest like claws, his neck stretched and stretched, and each step was full of sadness and funny.

The right foot passed and the left foot got up, and suddenly there was an unsteadiness, and Kim Jae-ho dangled several times in the air.

He shook several times, everyone present panicked several times, big brother, what time is this, don't fix the effect, stabilize!

Liu Zaishi looked at the one who was anxious, but he didn't dare to go over, and he couldn't help, seeing Jin dangling in the air a few times, he stood up all of a sudden, and then patted his little heart.

It's so hard!

Liu Zaishi Khan is about to come out, and this light looks so nervous.

···· Seeking freshness...

Brother Minxiu fell asleep peacefully, and there was no one who slept with the momentum of a beast.

Kim Jae-ho didn't dare to wear his slippers after he took them, took them and went out, and after coming out, the two people didn't close the door, and escaped, the rest of his life after the disaster!

"Yay! How can this be! Liu Zaishi scolded Kim Jae-ho while walking, almost doing something bad.

As soon as it came out, everyone paid attention, what did the two people go through?

"Didn't wake up?"

Liu Zaishi was in a hurry to gasp, just waved his hand, he really wanted to tell what happened just now, but he couldn't say it for a while, and when he looked back, he saw why Kim Jae-ho was gone?

As soon as Kim Jae-ho came out, he collapsed on the ground, looking prostrate.

Damn, the feet are soft...

Also very uncomfortable were two people, Li Guangzhu and Haha, who did not expect that in a reincarnation, they actually wanted to enter again!

"It's going crazy, it's really..." said haha, stepping over Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo entered.

Kim Jae-ho kept shaking his head, looking like he had lost his soul: "It's too scary..."

Liu Zaishi began to talk to Jin Zhiguo and them about what happened just now, Jin Zhiguo they listened to the music, this guy really knows the whole thing, and suddenly felt that Chi Shizhen was also very good.


Today's Minxiu brother is very tired because yesterday's Minxiu brother is too fierce, and behind all the Tianxiu's operations, it is hard sweat, so it is normal for him to die like this.

After Li Guangzhu and Haha simply counted ten seconds, they walked out like a replay, and sure enough, they were still very stable, but what they didn't know was that just after they left, Brother Min Xiu suddenly opened his eyes.

Li Guangzhu and Haha rushed out very quickly, the thief was excited, and then he was still exaggerating in a colorful voice, imitating the scene where Brother Minxiu fell asleep just now, saying that it would breathe like a beast, everyone didn't believe it, do you think I haven't seen it?

Lao Tzu also just came out of it, okay?

Jin Zhiguo was also ready to go in, and last time he ate the dumb loss of the production team, which made him say directly at the beginning: "I won't let you go if I run into it." "

Good things are ahead, measure for yourselves.

As soon as he finished his cruel words, he looked inside, and Brother Min Xiu actually walked out by himself.

Seeing Brother Min Xiu walking out in the corridor, everyone's first reaction was to take off the headdress, haha took off his glasses, Liu Zaishi took off his straw hat, Kim Zai-ho bowed, Chi Shizhen got up from the ground, and everyone was frightened.

Everyone walked in front of Minxiu and bowed, it was originally unnecessary, but now, everyone is weak in heart...

Brother Minxiu was stunned when he saw this scene, are the young people now so polite?

Jin Zhiguo said directly: "No, the greetings should be like this." "

He said, and directly knelt down to give a big salute, which is a courtesy here.

Minxiu: Lie in the groove!

Is it necessary?

He was so frightened that he immediately knelt down, is it necessary?

He raised his head slightly, kneeling in front of him, even VJ squatted down, Kim Jae-ho squatted down and bowed, it seemed that he was kneeling but did not kneel.

Is this the New Year?

Minxiu people are stupid, what kind of variety show etiquette is this?

Then, everyone slowly said the ins and outs, can't say too fast, this kind of thing, there must be a process of acceptance.

Kim Jae-ho shrunk behind Ji Seok-jin, he would never say that his slippers almost smashed into your face... Thousand..._

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