"I want to live." Song Zhixiao said this, and looked at the back, for fear of being stolen.

"It's okay, just look at me, I'm still alive, I won't let him near you." Kim Jae-ho said.

That's not it, Kim Jae-ho is alive, and it's useless to be close to Song Jihyo.

But this sounds quite moving, and this wave is the last Monday couple to survive.

In fact, now, it is not so much that Kim Jae-ho is comforting Song Ji-hyo, but that Song Ji-hyo is protecting Kim Jae-ho, he is too dangerous alone, Kim Jae-ho is actually not very happy, the two people are too targeted, and he is easily exposed.

As a professional old Gou, he doesn't like this sense of unease, and he has a feeling of being stared at wherever he goes, especially since he provoked Brother Min Xiu just now, otherwise it wouldn't be like this now.

He could only pray that when he was touched by Brother Minxiu, he would be able to go straight out, haha that kind of commotion he didn't expect.

In order to protect him, Song Zhixiao was walking and walking, and suddenly took his hand and pulled him behind.

Kim Jae-ho snickered in the back, "If there is no Brother Min soo, today is the happiest day, like a movie, but now, it is a horror movie, the two people who live to the end, rely on each other, but, secretly, there is a terrifying gaze in..."

"Oh, don't say it!" Song Jihyo felt scared when he listened, and his grip on Kim Jae-ho's hand tightened.

"This haunted house is so scary, will there be anything special in it?" Song Zhixiao looked inside a little scared.

"There must be!"



"Aren't you the most special in it?"

Sang-yoon wanted to take out a small book and write down this sentence, but he thought about it, isn't he doing this now?

"It's all this time and still saying these words, hey!"

"I'm scared!"

Song Zhixiao pulled Kim Jae-ho and walked inside, very naturally, he didn't say that he was a man to walk in front, very fierce.

"How do I feel that the inside is not scary on the outside?" Kim Jae-ho said suddenly.

Song Zhixiao laughed when he heard this, so it is true, although it is dark inside, it does feel a little better than the outside, what is this? What a haunted house outside is more terrifying than inside a haunted house!

"No kidding, hurry up and find it." Song Jihyo concentrated and continued to search, Kim Jae-ho continued to shrink behind, looking like a small bird, his hands were tightly grasped.

And now, there are still opportunities.

"Ah! I'm so scared and afraid~ah~ Zhixiao protects me~Protect me~" Kim Jae-ho yin and yang strangely shouted in the back, in front, VJ felt that he was probably the most terrifying thing in this haunted house. ,

Because this haunted house is really not very scary, it is the kind of family fun that children can play, exactly the same as the kind of haunted house that Kim Jae-ho had when he was a child, all driven by equipment and created by a little black lighting.

One of the ten scared points scares people to burn high incense, generally this is tense until the last thing comes out, and then you can't help but ask yourself, "What the hell did I play just ~?" "

Carousels are more exciting than that.

And Song Jihyo will be frightened, and Kim Jae-ho suspects that half of it is pretending.

"Wow ~ skull ~ so scary!" Kim Jae-ho kept leaning towards Song Ji-hyo's back, and Song Ji-hyo tightly protected Kim Jae-ho in front: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" "

Song Jihyo looked forward with wide eyes, and opened his hand to protect Kim Jae-ho, who was stuck behind.

Kim Jae-ho's nose is a little hot, smelling Song Jihyo's breath, this is really, too exciting!

Sang-yoon looked at him with contempt.

Damn it! So envious!

How many boys' dreams!

"Ah! It's scary! Woooo

Xiang Yun was speechless, and if it was half true, he would eat the camera.

After walking for a while, Kim Jae-ho saw that Song Jihyo had always been in a tense state, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, this one is not scary, there are ghosts... Yes! Ghost! "

Just now, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo both felt that it was strange there, but suddenly, a black shadow tore through the darkness and rushed out, frightening the two people terribly!

This Nima haunted house really has a ghost! Who can stand it!

There are ghosts in the haunted house, which is unreasonable!


Seems quite reasonable... But that's not the point!

"Aaaa!!a Kim Jae-ho's face was scared, but the first time he immediately grabbed Brother Min Xiu, or it was Brother Min Xiu who caught him.

"Filial piety! Come on! Come on! Fast! Don't look back! Kim Jae-ho shouted, at this time, he stood up for the first time, in this case, he can say this sentence,

Minxiu locked him and said in his ear: "Zaihao, have you been waiting for a long time?" "

Seeing that Song Zhixiao had already run away, Kim Jae-ho turned around and smiled: "Brother, is it so clever?" You also come to play in the haunted house? "

"I came to play with you, I missed you." Minxiu said with a smile.

The icy light hit the face mercilessly, and this evening became a jungle for hunting, and the fate of the prey had long been sealed.

"Brother, I can't bear your enthusiasm..."

Feeling the breath of the man behind him, Kim Jae-ho was difficult to top, and it was one day and one place just now.

"Do you know what the title of this RM special is?" Minxiu's voice was low, sweat slipped from his nose, and the heat steamed, looking savage and dangerous.

"Paradise Horror Night?" Kim Jae-ho tempted.

“...... RunningMahunting! ",·

"Ah! Elder brother! You don't want this! I'm really scared! It's going crazy! You tear me up! Kim Jae-ho struggled, leaning his head against the wall, trying to hide himself in the wall.

Sang-yoon was afraid of Kim Jae-ho when he saw this scene, but he is professional, that is, he is afraid, and his hands are also stable, and the most he usually does is carry the camera, even eat, and also carry it on the treadmill, so it is very stable, and Kim Jae-ho's appearance is clearly photographed.

After Kim Jae-ho calmed down a little, Min so said, "Actually, I've been watching you, you know?" "

"I don't want to know..."

“...... You and them, not the same, we are the same people, do you know what it is? "

"I know brother, we are very handsome..."

“...... Hahaha! Min-so laughed, and Kim Jae-ho laughed.

Minxiu did not deny it and continued: "We are hunters, and here, we are the jungle. "

Min-so looked at Kim Jae-ho and looked him straight into the eye: "In a jungle, there can only be one king." "

With such a dangerous statement, Kim Jae-ho was afraid that he would continue: "Today we are not only divided into superiors, but also determined by life and death!" "Then he's finished!

Of course, it's about the same now.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't understand what he wants to do, he doesn't have the power to choose, his own name tag, really he wants to tear it, but he has to do one thing, that is, help Song Jihyo delay time, no matter what Min-so wants to play, he has to accompany.

Just like Nobita and Fat Tiger...

A moment later, two men appeared under the night sky, a place outside the haunted house, which seemed to have a good background and was suitable for shooting, as if it had been selected in advance.

"You run first, we'll have a race." Minxiu said suddenly.

"Huh?" Kim Jae-ho is stupid and murderous?

Playing so flower?

"But brother..."

Without giving Kim Jae-ho a chance to refute, Min-so directly began to shout: "Ten! Nine! "

Kim Jae-ho hesitated for two seconds and turned around and ran, but the desire to survive still prevailed.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho running out, Min-so was not in a hurry, smiled with satisfaction, and then looked at the camera and said: "RMhun, ting!" "

The city that never sleeps, put on a black coat, the secret hunting ground belonging to RM quietly opens, win or lose, at this moment.

Kim Jae-ho was running and running, suddenly rolled to the right and entered the grass, his clothes were immediately dirty, but he got used to it, yes, he was going to hide with what he did best.



Unless the opponent is Chi Shizhen...

Since this is the case, you can only make a dangerous move, find a corner vision blind area and get in, this time is different from before, before Minxiu was not in a hurry, but now it is straight to himself, his speed is not fast!

He used the strength to eat, only hoping to distance himself from Song Zhixiao, but in fact, he himself did not know where Song Zhixiao was now, he could only rely on feelings, and he could walk wherever it was difficult.

When encountering grass, he drilled, when he encountered the railing, he hidden, when he encountered obstacles, he did not take the road, suddenly, he heard movement behind the side, and when he looked back, he saw that Brother Min Xiu was turning over the railing far away, and then the two looked at each other.

"Kim Jae-ho !!" Brother Min Xiu shouted.

Ma Yay! How is it so fast! ,

Kim Jae-ho felt that half of his life was lost and ran forward frantically.

Then everyone can see two people, crossing obstacles in their own way, Kim Jae-ho seems a little more skillful, and Min so-go looks rough and dashing.

The main thing is that the gap in physical fitness is too big, he has to find a way, and if it goes on like this, it will soon be gone! All lasted less than two minutes and zero!

Suddenly, he saw the small train next to him ringing, and he immediately rushed over!

Take a gamble!

"Drive quickly! Fast! He shouted ahead of time, then jumped over the bushes and jumped straight into the car.

"Quick! Drive fast! He shouted towards the locomotive in front, and he didn't know if there was anyone inside, but he didn't expect that the train really moved, and he looked back and saw that Brother Minxiu hadn't come yet.

"Hahaha! There is no way to go! He said arrogantly into the camera, "Brother Minxiu, I'm sorry, it seems that I won this evening!" "

But slowly, he found that something was wrong, the smile gradually disappeared, how did the speed of this car not seem to speed up? Shouldn't you start slowly and get faster?

"Big brother driver! Hurry up! Drive fast... Why is it so slow?! Hurry up! "Kim Jae-ho is stupid, he has the impression that this car is very fast!

"Yay! If you say it again..." said Kim Jae-ho, suddenly turning around.

"Are you looking for me?" _

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