A stirring spirit!


Min-so turned around in fright, only to see Kim Jae-ho squatting behind him, also looking in the direction he was looking.

Brother Min Xiu immediately moved and directly pressed Kim Jae-ho to the ground and locked him.

When was this guy...

"Brother! I was wrong! Elder brother! Surrender! Surrender! Kim slapped the ground frantically and signaled surrender.

But this rule does not apply to RM, and Min so brings his head close to Kim Jae-ho's ear, feeling Min so's snort, and Kim Jae-ho panicks.

Am I brain-pumping?

Minxiu glanced around, as if organizing language, brewed for a while, and said in his deep voice: "Do you know what is the end of provoking the beast?" "

Kim Jae-ho gasped, "I know brother now... Yes..."

"Shh!" Min so interrupted Kim Jae-ho's words, "The consequence is that you will be torn to pieces inch by inch, and then become dirt." "

"But... Brother..."


Kim Jae-ho: "You can't tear me now, can you?" "

When Sang Yun heard this, he pinched a handful of sweat for him, big brother, you are dancing on the tip of the knife!


Kim Jae-ho said that the big brother was not angry, but looked up to the sky and laughed, Kim Jae-ho did not know what the situation was, he could only laugh and laugh awkwardly, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while.

"What are you laughing at?" Minxiu suddenly stopped smiling.

Kim Jae-ho immediately stopped speaking, with a look of grievance, how do I know what I'm laughing at, it's not that I laugh when I see you laughing at me.

"Let's go."

"Huh?" Kim Jae-ho thought he had misheard.

"Go live, let's go."

Kim Jae-ho looked at his eyes and got up, "Then I'm really gone?" "

"Let's go." Minxiu looked indifferent, and no one could figure out what he was thinking.

What, go or not?

Kim Jae-ho was as entangled as Haha just now, "Then I still won't leave." "

"If you don't leave now, just stay."

Kim Jae-ho immediately bowed: "Goodbye big brother!" Big brother Hail! Big brother well-being! That little brother will leave first! "

Kim Jae-ho turned his head and left after speaking, and suddenly there was a voice from behind, "Wait!" "

Jin Jae-ho turned around and immediately turned back, stunned and turned around: "What else does the eldest brother order?" "

"Hide it well, and if I touch it again, it's not like this."

"Yes brother! Guaranteed not to let you run into it again! Goodbye brother! "


Kim Jae-ho spun around again: "What else, brother?" "

"Tell haha, I'm coming."

Lying groove, how ruthless!

Killing, but also cursing?

Kim Jae-ho bowed again: "Promise to complete the task!" "Then turn around and run.

Slipped away...

Looking at his departing back, Min-so smiled, "A very interesting person, it's called Kim Jae-ho, right?" He was behind me just now, did you see it? "

VJ nodded, this can't depend on me, I can't remind you! ,

Minxiu thought about it, that was his own problem, maybe he concentrated too much on the two people in front, but now, those two people are gone.

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho-na, who escaped from death, ran into a sweat.

"Oh my God! It's scary! "

Sang-yoon is drunk, you also know scary?

"If it weren't for Haha brother, I would have been easy!"

In fact, Kim Jae-ho just passed by and saw it and also saw Haha and Song Jihyo in front, for fear that Haha would suddenly disappear, his brain flashed, he had to fight for time!

So I didn't get to the throne., Ma Yay, scary!

When Minxiu looked back at him, he had a feeling that he had been feeling a little more comfortable when he fell to the ground.

Where did you get the courage to provoke others?

Now he is almost the last golden crown, he has found the rest, out of seven he found four, already very fierce, but the last one can not be found.

There are also words that Brother Min Xiu asked him to relay, he has to quickly find Haha and tell him the good news, he can't wait to see Haha's expression.

Must be wonderful!

And in fact, it is also true.

"Did he really say that?"

"Well, it's ten thousand times scarier than what I imitated! Scare me to death! "

"It's over!" Haha instantly fell into panic mode, two hands rubbed each other, standing restlessly,

"This big brother is terrible, why should I go through this! I want to go home! Song Zhixiao shouted softly.

Jin Jae-ho looked at it for a moment: "Ah, let's quickly disperse, I met Brother Min Xiu just now, do you know where I met it?" "

Song Zhixiao asked, "Where?" "

"The grass next to you, watching you!"

"Really? No way! "

"Didn't you hear me shout so loudly?" Kim Jae-ho was dumbfounded, "I was pressed to the ground by him in the grass next to you!" "

"I didn't hear it either." Haha said, "It's even more terrifying!" "

He clutched his head, his face full of horror, as if he was shouting about the painting.

The main thing is that when Kim Jae-ho was in place, they had already begun to leave and go in the other direction, and haha was walking while acting, running and walking, and it was really a coincidence that they didn't hear it.

Three people in this brightly lit but dark paradise, the group warms, but soon divide their own things, can't get together and wait for others to catch up, right?

At that time, one on the left hand haha, one in the right hand in Hao, you say that Song Zhixiao can't run.

You will still run, but what a shame!

As for haha, Kim Jae-ho has already experienced it, and almost caught himself up, and the rest are the same as Lee Kwang-joo and Liu Zaishi and the like, ask for blessings.

Haha thought that it would not be okay to eliminate it like this, he could get the whole name, so he called it beautifully: "I'll help you delay time!" "

"The strong man still has such enlightenment, I admire it!" Kim Jae-ho-kyung you are a man!

"Then I'll go."

Kim Jae-ho didn't say nonsense, and left directly, haha in his eyes, it's gone, where is this last golden crown? He wondered where else he hadn't been.

If you think about it, there are actually quite a lot, I haven't been near the prison, the rides haven't been there, he hasn't taken the little train he took before, and the legendary haunted house.

He had even been to places that normal people would not go, otherwise he would not have found so many.

Such a good place, if it were before, how could he care about any task, play it, play it first, but now it's different.

A successful man is a man who will restrain himself.

He kept repeating this useless chicken soup for the soul in his heart.

His nerves had been tense, and he suddenly heard a scream, huh?!

Oh, it's the sound of haha, that's okay...

But on second thought, it's broken! It's my turn!

He said to the camera very calmly: "I'm done, when I wait for the next shot, don't get too close, stay away, don't take close-ups." "

Kim Jae-ho instructed the camera to minimize his bad shots, of course, listen or not, that's someone's business, although it's his own VJ, but it's not his own business.

On the other side, haha is miserable, and at first he plucked up the courage to call Min Xiu out, but Min Xiu's imitation sound of birds that he didn't know where to emit almost scared his guts.

It's like playing a horror game, it's been quiet and quiet, and suddenly it rings, and some people can smash it on their computer screen!

And before Kim Jae-ho's message, coupled with the pressure that has always been, the current environment, this fear buff is stacked layer by layer, Minxiu looks at the joke almost, haha knows his mistake, so he directly found the closest time and chased it out.

Although it was still far away when I saw it, there was enough distance, but the speed of movement was not as fast as him! Running the road is obviously shaky, he lost himself and was blocked in the corner by Minxiu.

Minxiu did not tear his name tag at the first time, but stood there quietly, watching him cry, paralyzed, cramped... That's right, he had cramps.

I don't know if it's true or not, anyway, he has already surrendered, and seeing that Minxiu still wants to do something, he directly committed suicide, and he tore off his cards 000 and respectfully put them in Minxiu's hands.

This trick is really amazing, but Minxiu still won't let him go, let him sing children's songs in place, and he has to close his eyes, and when Haha's eyes open, he disappears into the night.

What the hell is this fun?

Should I boast that I can really play?

Before Haha could get out of the aftermath of his life, two burly strong men caught him and took him to prison.

"I'm also thirty years old, why are I still like this..."

Haha himself felt humiliated, but the ease at the moment is really relaxed.

As soon as I arrived at the prison, I saw such a lively scene, and Haha also felt the warmth of a long absence.

Prison, comfortable!

"Did you suddenly pounce?" As the first victim, Chi Shizhen was curious about how others died.

"I've been chasing me, I don't have any strength in my legs." Haha Looking back on that moment, I felt scared.

Liu Zaishi said with a smile: "It seems that everyone is the same~"

It's so good, it's not only that they lose face, everyone takes the trouble to tell haha about their experience again, haha only then knows that this old brother is playing real flowers!

None of them were eliminated normally!

I was the best, I also ran, here is one to count one, I didn't run a few steps!

I really didn't find a chance to run!

The most annoying thing is that the greenery here is very good, there are many mosquito thieves on summer nights, haha the first thing is to fight mosquitoes, Jin Zhiguo has the foresight, brought mosquito repellent, and even has mosquito repellent belts, Jin Zhiguo wears four alone.

The people in the prison were wearing medicine, chatting about the sky, and they were comfortable and leisurely, which was completely different from the tense and terrifying atmosphere outside.

"It's better to be caught and feel comfortable~" Liu Zaishi sighed, if there are no mosquitoes, it is really like a vacation

And outside, because the haunted house has not yet gone, Song Zhixiao did not dare to go to this atmosphere on the night, and after finally finding Kim Jae-ho, he also hurried to go, and both of them felt that they were there. _

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