At this moment, how big is the psychological shadow of haha, that is really, indescribable.


Haha old coward, the first reaction is to escape, very fast, directly over the railing to get off the car, but Minxiu is not covered, directly follow.

Haha ran decisively, and even dared to look back, and when he saw it, the person was on the ground.

Minxiu used a very beautiful and skillful and effective wrestling technique to directly press the screaming haha to the ground, forced to feel the aroma of the grass, haha's soul is almost gone.

"Ah! Elder brother! I just thought it was a beast! It's terrifying! Haha wanted to cry without tears, crying on the ground, "It's terrifying, how could this be!" "

From the time he was frightened to the ground, the whole process took three seconds, and everything was so unexpected.

"Brother, you're human! Brother is still alive! That's why it's even more terrifying! Elder brother! Catch it, why use such a terrifying method! "

Haha said a lot, Minxiu was laughed by him, and suddenly said: "Dongxun ah~" and then gave Haha a kiss.

It's like a lion licking its prey before eating.

"Zero zero zero" haha instantly can't say anything, of course, definitely not because of being disgusted, in this case it is difficult for others to suddenly kiss you You are difficult to react, but the main thing is fear.

Seeing that Haha's ability to struggle at all was not scared half to death, Minxiu looked like he was going to kill him, and PD quickly reminded: "Catch No. 4 first." "

"So, I haven't torn off the name tag yet." Minxiu explained.

Why do you think he is still alive?

The speaker has no intention of hearing the heart.

What does it mean?

Haha, hearing this, the mentality exploded directly, do you mean that this has to be done again?

"I really..."

It's time dog!

The world is really miserable, why did he go through this, isn't this a paradise? Shouldn't this be his paradise? Why can this person be so terrifying?

He's so hard!

However, PD's words also eased the situation a little, and Brother Minxiu let go of the situation haha, haha so that he could sit up.

"I really, Khan..." Haha looked at the sweat on his arm.

"Haha, why did you run away?" Brother Min Xiu asked.

"What... When? Elder brother? "

Haha wondered, didn't I run away...

But Brother Min Xiu didn't say this time, "You ran away when I caught Zaishi." "

"I'm not running away, I'm just trying to survive!" Haha humbly said.

But what Brother Min Xiu said was not this: "Two people living in the same community are so scared that they don't even say hello, when you looked at me just now, it was like seeing a ghost after looking at each other..."

Haha: Isn't it?

Haha he didn't admit it, just looked down at the ground, his deep love for this land.

This is not the end, Minxiu suddenly imitated the strange and abrupt vocal cord imitation when Haha met for the first time.

Haha squatted on the ground like a punished child, silent.

This wave, ah, this wave is called public execution.

How else to talk about this, this can't talk about it!

Minxiu took out a fan to fan the wind, and they all startled Haha, thinking that they were going to hit him.

"It doesn't matter if you run away now, whatever you want, but when you catch you again, you will be more dangerous."

Brother Minxiu is still very kind, let haha run casually, of course, just like the law, you can commit it at will, and the consequences are also there, tell you in advance.

So how else to run!

Haha immediately honestly continued to squat, squatting is good, straight

Li Guangzhu would not have thought that his brother would suffer first, of course, he did not know that his brother would betray him.

Haha can leave, but the premise leads to the carousel.

"Yes, I see!" Haha responded very respectfully, and went to find the light bead very seriously.

And Li Guangzhu, because he is alone, has been hiding for a long time and panicked, he has not seen the figure of Brother Min Xiu until now, although he has been fine, but this pressure is increasing.

And his sweaty head also told everyone that he had done a lot of things during this time and was not happy.

At this time, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Oh! Nu Na! "

It was Sister Song who felt uneasy and called to ask if the others were still there.

"Guangzhu ah~ change to Hao to listen." Song Zhixiao's tone is a bit similar, you can't speak, find your parents to listen to the phone.

"He's not with me." Li Guangzhu said with a crying voice: "I'm so tired, where is my sister?" "

"Where are you? I'll go to your side. Song Zhixiao asked.

"I'm here on a kid's bike."

"What is a kid bike?"

Li Guangzhu couldn't explain for a while, he looked around, "Where is the carousel, do you know that?" "

"Oh! Know! See you there! "

Immediately, in order to meet the big sister who feels safe, Lee Kwang-joo walked to the carousel next to him, which is an agreement about the carousel.

At this time, there will be careful friends who will ask, hey? Isn't Brother Min Xiu also in the carousel?


Li Guangzhu won the jackpot, my God, this wave, this wave is called self-casting!

In life, how many coincidences are needed to make two people look at each other at this moment.

Some people, looking at each other, can no longer forget, and some people, looking at each other, their feet are soft ...

Can't even escape, Li Guangzhu just walked to the carousel and wanted to hide in the control room, isn't this a coincidence, Brother Min Xiu also thinks so, so they looked at each other through a window.

It's really a wonderful frog seed eating a wonderful crispy horn into the Mi wonderful house, and the wonderful home!

This unlucky child, the head was really jubilant, Minxiu just sat there upright, and when he opened the door and went out, he saw the eldest child lying there, and he didn't even need any wrestling skills, what to grab, he was already lying down obediently.

People who have been afraid for so long suddenly appear in front of them, this impact, rushing to Li Guangzhu are frightened, can't say a complete sentence, very quietly accepted this matter, of course, is it really accepted, in addition, anyway, the strength is quite big,...


Thirty seconds later.

Beads of light on a carousel: Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

Looking at the big brother next to him who happily invited him to play with the carousel, the light pearl man was dizzy.

Damn, it's even a little cute!

Big brother, I am very emotionally incoherent like you!

One second is terrifying and the next second is cute, just like a perverted killer, if you are an ordinary killer, I can still fight with you and die vigorously, but if you are a perverted killer... That... Forget it......

The idea of Guangzhu rebelling did not appear at all, it had been formatted from his brain, but after mentioning that Zhixiao was coming this way, his name tag was torn off, as if it had no value at all.

"This is destiny!" Haha suddenly appeared from a distance, which really had nothing to do with him, it all depended on Li Guangzhu's own consciousness.

"Dongxun ah~Hurry up and come to Li~" Minxiu warmly invited Haha to play carousel together.

Who am I, Haha, righteously shouted: "Me! After the sixth grade of elementary school, there is no more riding a wooden horse! "

You were still playing with the little train just now, this statement really has no credibility, Minxiu laughed when he heard it, and only thought that this kid was quite interesting.

"I'll go first!"

Haha After saying this, Minxiu's expression immediately changed: "Want to leave?" "

"That's right!"

"I'm a man too!"


In the future, who said that Haha brother is not a real man, Guangzhu is the first to disagree!

He didn't dare to do this if his name tag was torn off!


"Want to go?"

"Huh?" Haha touched his fingers and asked uncertainly, and the momentum just now was gone.

So courage will disappear, right?

Minxiu came down directly: "I'll run with you, who will be faster?" "

What else do you want, straight 4.2 ran away! ,

Haha turn around and run, or small lives matter!

Run a little slower, others will be gone, taking advantage of the night, the people who sneak up on them are easy to steal, but those who escape are also good to run, haha soon disappeared from Minxiu's field of vision.

But in fact, he has run slowly, a few seconds away, he is a warrior who fights against fate, but now, just to survive.

Of course, for him, it is already very limited to this wave of operations, but it has been throughout his career, and he is really timid.

But now he also faces a very scary situation, he provokes Minxiu, and he is next.

Haha found Song Zhixiao, complained as soon as they met, saying that he was dead, and then the two began to discuss what to do, mainly Song Zhixiao was talking alone, Haha was afraid there, and he had even figured out that he was going to delay time.

But what he didn't know was that in the distance, Minxiu was quietly watching him in a grass, like a wild beast lurking, and the clothes on his body became a protective color, almost blending in with the night.


"Brother, what do you see?" _

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