"Oh, really, I still eat noodles, it must be delicious..." Liu Zaishi was also hungry.

Kim Junguk said, "Now is not the time to do that..." Kim Junguk controlled his thoughts, Kim Jae-ho's episode was over, and he continued to line up with Nikun.

Chi Shizhen was still there trying to spy on some information, but no one paid attention to him, he could only watch them drift farther and farther, curious, but useless.

"Brother, don't think about it, if you pass, it will be gone immediately." Kim Jae-ho said.

Chi Shi vibrated his lips and wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute it, indeed, the combat effectiveness of those two ships was too high.

"Are you a prisoner?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"I'm a prisoner, I'm still in the mood to eat?" Kim Jae-ho asked rhetorically.

"It's hard to say..."


What others can't do, you are likely to do.

"To be honest, I haven't done any of these things since the beginning of this show, not once! Obviously I am so strong! "

"Me too." Chi Shi Zhenshen felt the same way.

"You're different!"

"Yay! Why am I different?! Ji Seok-jin suspected that Kim Jae-ho was insulting himself.

"If you're a prisoner, it's over soon." Kim Jae-ho said.

Chi Shi Zhenqi smiled, who did he look down on?

"Just kidding brother, hurry up, where is the crocodile meat?"

"You're done eating?" Chi Shi was shocked.

"How else? Waiting for crocodiles to grow up? "


Why wait for crocodiles to grow up?

He didn't understand for a moment.

"By the way, brother, I invited you to eat noodles, you invited me back to eat meat, isn't it too much?"


What the hell are you talking about?

Suck it! Finish this bowl first!

Ignoring these two men who are not doing their jobs, we turn the perspective back, and they meet.

Yes, except for Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin, everyone else met, Min-jung Haha and Song Ji-hyo also boarded a small boat, and several people floated in light boats to talk.

As long as Jin Zhiguo does not jump into the water, everyone is safe.

Thanks to such special conditions, the three parties can communicate, and this movie-like scene seems to have a script, and several people naturally begin to fight each other.

According to Haha's theory, the two girls immediately put their fire on the body of the important suspect Jin Zhiguo, asked him what he was carrying, and Jin Zhiguo's response was probably this: Laozi took the money, what is the drop?

Anyway, it is a dignified appearance, the original suspicions of several people were instantly dispelled by half, indeed, if it is Jin Zhiguo, how can they play happily?

But still did not rule out the possibility of him, in fact, these people, except themselves, do not believe, even the people who are now around them.

Nikun is a fan, Liu Zaishi is a fan, there is no flaw, at this time Nikun began to attack.

"Who tore the beads of light."

Song Zhixiao stood up and crossed his waist: "It's me!" "

It looks like: Oh my job! Do you have any comments?

Everyone stopped talking, had no opinions, she was indeed the one who would do such a thing.

Now a doubt is dispelled, but there are more questions.

Haha said, "Did you see Jae-ho? "

"Where is it!" Nikun said immediately.

"They ate noodles over there, with Brother Shi Zhen."

Jin Zhiguo: "What? What's wrong

Haha said: "In Hao yesterday night, I went to Zhixiao alone. "

Liu Zaishi immediately said, "Isn't that a thing? "

"Yay! What a lot! Song Zhixiao shouted with a smile.


Everyone still wants to talk, but the ship is moving, and they can only analyze it separately.

Jin Zhiguo analyzed: "Zhixiao was the last person to take the money yesterday, so Jae-ho is very suspicious." "

"Indeed." Liu Zaishi nodded, "Then let's see if Brother Shi Zhen will be eliminated." "

"Wouldn't you?" Jin Zhiguo hesitated, "Or let's go and tear them up first." "

"What?" Liu Zaishi suddenly felt dangerous.

"It's just narrowing the scope~"

Liu Zaishi said: "You shouldn't have taken me first and tore mine in the end, right?" "

"Anyway, one day this will tear brother."

"Why tear?"

"No, if you haven't found it after tearing it all up, then you're a prisoner!" Why do you think I want to keep you, because you are so tearing to keep you alive. "

"Aha, it's funny, are you keeping me? I live on my own! Liu Zaishi smiled weakly, but in fact, he also knew his situation, and he only felt that the east, west, south and north belonged to his southernmost.

But for the time being, it is not time to tear his face, he can continue to be like this, at least it is much safer than himself, and others will be afraid of tearing themselves for Jin Zhiguo's sake, if he is left alone, he will be gone.

Their plan now is to find Ji Seok-jin and Kim Jae-ho, preferably before they go.

The fact is that not only will there be no infighting, they now have a good relationship with thieves, eat thieves' fragrant, one coconut and two points, two bills one to buy, what tasks, what prisoners, what money bags, care about him!

This is two salted fish out to travel, the most terrifying thing is that J followed them all felt wonderful, much better than the fight and kill over there, but it can be regarded as accompanying these two people to evaluate this neighborhood, and quietly write down some things, and wait for the leisure to see.

It has been more than an hour since they arrived here, if nothing else, at least they have a lot of fun, don't look at Chi Shizhen like this, he seems to be full of witty words at this time, and the two people are very happy arguing.

But this kind of day is not far away, because Song Zhixiao's side also decided to find them first.

Their current alliance, even joined a fierce person like Ni Kun, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, if it were not for the two salted fish of Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin, they would all want to touch Kim Zhiguo and Liu Zaishi.

If nothing else, Liu Zaishi will definitely tear it, and Jin Zhiguo is the same, these two people are too dangerous.

They have probably already thought about it, first eliminate the strong, and then eliminate each other in these weaker ones, and they have even thought about the situation where they are left to fight alone in the end.

After all, this is, at the end of the day, a personal battle.

Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin, who were still burping and taking advantage of the cold, never expected that they would become everyone's target, maybe this is the scourge of Anyi.

The two people hid too deeply, these people looked for a long time but did not find them, decided to act separately, Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin are the main targets, Kim Jae-ho is because of suspicion, and Ji Seok-jin is because it is easier to deal with...

In addition to them, it is Jin Zhiguo.

···· Seeking freshness...

Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin were looking at the trinkets of a stall, Kim Jae-ho suddenly felt that his back was wrong, and immediately turned around, and when he turned his head, he saw that Min Jung was looking at him in panic, with an obvious acting "sorry"

She never expected that Kim Jae-ho's reaction would be so fast.

What she didn't expect was that just when she said "I'm sorry", Kim Jae-ho shouted: "Brother! Fast! Tear her! Calling Chi Shi, who was stunned next to him, back to his soul, he planned to wrap her up together.

Then the two big men only saw Min-jung running and screaming as she pressed her back.

For the first time, Kim Jae-ho knew that Min-jung's voice could be so loud, and just when the two were about to chase, Kim Jae-ho shouted: "Lie in the groove!" Elder brother! Come on! "

Of course, Chi Shizhen didn't need him to shout, because he had already seen Nikun coming over here...

The offensive was instantly reversed, and after Minzhen hid behind Nikkun to see the situation clearly, he also hurriedly turned back to chase.

Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin are too full to run fast, but it doesn't matter, they still have tricks.

"Brother! Run separately! "


Kim Jae-ho shouted, Ji Shi Zhen understood in seconds, and the two people immediately ran separately at the next fork, what is this called, this is called life and death.

Flick your head, choose a way to run, whether you can run away, see your life.

Seeing that the opposite side was actually separated, Minjung shouted from behind: "Over there! Chasing gold in Hao! "

No way, the shadow that Kim Jae-ho gave her just now was too big, and just now Kim Jae-ho gave her the feeling of a big bad wolf raising his hands and smiling viciously, which she had never encountered in her past work experience.

This is probably the reason why Kim Jae-ho can play the bad guy in the public service advertisement, the point is not whether he can act, but whether others think he can act...

Jin Zaihao ran forward, the space was narrow, he had to cut through the crowd while running, and looked back in a hurry, Ma Ye ~ Kun's cold hair can see clearly, the most terrifying thing is that he is almost making way for Nikun behind.

Kim Jae-ho never imagined that two minutes ago he was still leisurely, and two minutes later he was desperately escaping, feeling that the contents of his stomach were running with him with every step, but he couldn't stop, he kind of knew why everyone ate so little.

One second you are still at the dinner table, and the next second the enemy comes in with a big knife, and it is difficult for you to run.

At this moment, the electric shock was as incredible, like a miracle, and a green light in the crowd streaked through his life.

"Brother! Save me! "

"Yay!" Jin Zhiguo also looks a little dignified.

This Kim Jae-ho rushed to him excitedly, and caught Kim Jae-ho by surprise, and then asked Nikkun to tear it off.

Kim Jae-ho: ???

At that moment, Kim Jae-ho lost the ability to speak, and looked at Kim Junguo so stunned.

"In Hao! I'm sorry! Kim Junguk smiled embarrassedly, controlling Kim Jae-ho while laughing.

"Brother?" Jin Zaihao was stunned, he was really confused, what kind of god is this, how could he be controlled, lying in the groove, deceived!

The most terrifying thing is that before he heard his own elimination, Kim Jae-ho heard a voice: "Ji Seok-jin, OUT!" "

This is really fast, what happened over there?

When Kim Jae-ho arrived at the prison, there were many people here, but RM was only a thousand. _

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