This time the prison is more special, on the second floor, even if it is such a place, it is a very good place to see, of course, it depends on what mood you are standing on this second floor.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho, Li Guangzhu took the book in his hand and quickly greeted him, and the air was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, he was very happy.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time~ Lee Kwang-joo spoke the broken Thai language she had just learned.

"Huh? What do you mean? "Don't say it's broken Thai, even if it's not lame, Kim Jae-ho can't understand it."

"It's what I mean to wait for you for a long time, who have you eliminated?" Li Guangzhu was curious, and although he said that the battle situation had nothing to do with him now, he still wanted to know.

"Brother Jiuguo and Nikun." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh~ stop lying," Li Guangzhu had a disbelieving expression.

"Why lie to you, Jin Junguo caught me, and then Nikkun tore it off, and the video, otherwise how do you think I could be gone so quickly."

Li Guangzhu still looked unconvinced.

"Then who did you knock out?"

Li Guangzhu did not speak.

"Was it eliminated by one person? No way? No way? No one will really be eliminated by one person, right? Is it Brother Chengguo or Niquin? "

"Chihyo Nuna..."

"Hahaha~" Jin was laughing, this is also too dish~

"She attacked me! I went straight out without doing anything! His face was full of grievances, and at this moment, Chi Shizhen came over.

"Yay! You were also eliminated? Chi Shizhen said as soon as he came up.

"Oh ~ brother ~ yes, Nikun and Brother Ji Guo, why are you also eliminated, aren't you chasing me?" Kim Jae-ho was curious.

"Don't mention it, I ran into Haha and Zhixiao while running, and they tore me apart directly without letting me speak." Chi Shizhen felt cold when he thought of that scene, and the young people now are too direct to act with you.

Li Guangzhu still didn't speak, and there was no smile on her face.

"Hey, brother, how did you guess the light beads were eliminated?" Kim Jae-ho blinked.

Chi Shizhen instantly understood, "It should have met a few people, oh, it's really difficult for you Guangzhu~" He patted Li Guangzhu's shoulder.

"Which is ah~ brother, he was eliminated by Zhixiao alone~"

"Oh~so it is~"

Li Guangzhu held his breath and wanted to speak, but he couldn't say it, and the thief was uncomfortable.

Inexplicably, this prison level came out, the first level, eliminated by multiple powerful people; the second level, eliminated by multiple people; the third level, eliminated by a single but powerful person; The fourth level, eliminated by a single person.

Of course, there is also the fifth level, which is rubbed off by themselves...

Li Guangzhu is in the fourth level, he is now a younger brother, such a sitcom is afraid to last for a long time.

But anyway, now the prison is also lively, angry, happy and happy, Li Guangzhu led Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu to the second floor of the prison like a master, and the scenery is very good.

After everyone sat down, he began to introduce what he had just learned, and the two of them also gave face, coaxing him and making Li Guangzhu thief feel a sense of accomplishment.

Then Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin began to introduce the details of their play here just now, this time Lee Kwang-joo was sour, he was eliminated without doing anything, and then he was always here, nothing to eat, nothing to drink, nothing to play, nothing to buy, so angry Oh, I can only listen to what Ji Seok-jin and Kim Jae-ho said to imagine what it was like.

But fortunately, Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin have played enough, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is half a guide here, at least many places have been experienced by themselves, and it is depicted as a colorful.

Ji Shi Zhen gushed, Kim Jae-ho's own feelings, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Li Guangzhu yearned, is there so much fun here?

Looking at Li Guangzhu's appearance, Chi Shi felt a sense of accomplishment, and suddenly felt that he was not at a loss, it was quite cool, at least he had experienced a lot of things, unlike before, when he arrived in prison, there was no topic, so he chatted hard.

And the two of them are now sitting and digesting, the thief is comfortable, and the current state of the war has nothing to do with them.

Speaking of which, they themselves did not expect it to be so fast, and even others did not expect it.

The two alliances suddenly joined forces to eliminate the two of them, this is not in the plan, of course, the main thing is that their plans are the same, they originally planned to eliminate Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin first, and with such a good opportunity, of course, they must seize it.

But when they eliminated these two people at once and found that neither of them were prisoners, things were a little delicate, and who was the next target was also a question, and no one wanted to be the next target.

Liu Zaishi himself is wandering around alone, and it has nothing to do with the storm, he heard the continuous elimination sound and everyone was stupid, what the hell is this, why are there suddenly no two people?

He went to the prison and talked to the three people who were no longer threatening.

"Minzhen may be, it was she who sneaked up on me and was unsuccessful in the first place." Kim Jae-ho said, "It is also possible that Brother Chenguo of the end is that such a cute brother of mine eliminated me without even thinking about it!" "

Everyone gave him a disdainful look and continued to analyze, but analysis came and went, and there was no reasonable answer, it was all speculation.

Kim Jae-ho said: "Where are so many things, brother, don't you just tear them all apart?" "

"Yay! How did I tear them all apart! Look at my brand! Liu Zaishi turned around, and everyone wanted to laugh when they looked at his name tag, which was really funny.

"That brother, you just rub it off yourself, don't leave here, it's quite comfortable." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, alas~," Chi Shizhen Li Guangzhu agreed, "So that the prison foursome got together." "

"I don't want it, I don't belong here, this time I will definitely survive to the end!" Liu Zaishi said confidently.

"Brother, you're a prisoner, right?" Kim Jae-ho said suddenly.

Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu were immediately shocked, yes, Liu Zaishi may also become a prisoner!

At this moment, Liu Zaishi suddenly showed a sinister smile that had been discovered, and then slowly left.

Think about it!

The three people looked at Liu Zaishi in shock, goosebumps all rose, frightened, it turned out that this person who had just analyzed with them for so long was the big boss!

Liu Zaishi planned to leave at this point, leaving behind a dashing back and a shocked three.

Suddenly, he heard: "Liu Zaishi is a prisoner!! It was Chi Shizhen's shout.

Then there is the Thai version of Lee Kwang-joo, Kim Jae-ho's English version, three people shouting three versions, there is always one you can understand, and then, the fans watching next to them also shouted, Liu Zaishi instantly panicked, if this Nima is passed out, won't he become a target?

He immediately explained to the person next to him that he was forced to lose, which is probably lifting a stone and shooting himself in the foot.....

The three people don't care, continue to shout, if Liu Zaishi is a prisoner, that's good, leave work early, if not, it's better!

This prison, there are a little few people~

Liu Zaishi hurriedly slipped away, and if he stayed, he couldn't tell if the people were gone.

Looking at Liu Zaishi's departure, the three people continued to sigh, hoping to do their best, sighed a few words, and continued to enter salted fish mode.

There is more time and less tasks, and if there is no camera, they are really in a state of travel, that is, they can't walk around, which is quite comfortable.

The battle on the other side has entered a white heat, and the current girls do not dare to leave without pulling Nikun, because of the existence of Jin Zhiguo, and Nikun himself does not dare to go alone, for fear of being stolen by Jin Zhiguo.

Now no matter who the prisoner is, anyway, you have to be prepared that everyone is a prisoner, after all, it is a big scuffle, and most of the people who tear people now are not prisoners.

Ji Seok-jin was torn by Haha, Kim Jae-ho was torn by Nikun, and Lee Kwang-joo was torn by Song Ji-hyo, so it is not necessary that the prisoners will tear you, even ordinary people will tear you, after all, there can only be one winner.

And this time the temptation is great, the prize is directly money, you say.

And what makes Liu Zaishi uncomfortable is that even if Kim Jae-ho and their prisoner theory did not spread, others saw him and directly chased and killed him, after all, he looked like a bad person, the same as Kim Jae-ho Lee Kwang-joo.

Even Kim Jae-ho couldn't run away, and Liu Zaishi's big brand couldn't run away, so he chose Kim Jae-ho's backup strategy, chat flow!

Chat with him!

But there were so many people to chat with, he could only chat about one, not two, and soon he was eliminated.

Hearing the sound of Liu Zaishi being eliminated, several people in the prison laughed, although it proved his innocence, but also proved his bad luck.

Liu Zaishi walked and returned to the familiar place of 4.2 very unpleasantly, looking at a few people who were laughing very cheaply, and his mentality collapsed.

"Yay! They all said that I am not a prisoner! "

"Don't say it, hurry up and sit down and rest~"

Liu Zaishi sat down, his mouth did not stop for several minutes, he kept nagging, regret, anger, suspicion, spring water analyst.

Kim Jae-ho felt that the prison suddenly became lively, "Ah, this is the feeling of home~"

Everyone feels the same way, and everyone is together!

Every time it is them, probably haha will come soon, and then it will be a big family, very comfortable.

Unexpectedly, come out to play, but really come out to play, these guys shake their feet like a tour group, seriously interpreting what is called RM tour group.

The staff got a guitar, Kim Jae-ho played the ditty "ClosingTheme", there was a feeling of bikini beach, everyone lamented that some people's music library is really strange, their songs do not play all day long.

This is the last few hours here, and when this is over, it is time to go back, and the people in the prison, there is nothing more to think about, all they can do is to live in the prison, and then see when the battle is over, they will go home. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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