Kim Jae-ho licked the hard-earned ice cream and began to scout for the next stall.

He played with the boss who sold ice cream for a long time, such as taking advantage of the boss to keep the ice cream cone in his hand, he took it without giving money, and the boss was stunned for a few seconds before chasing him back.

After a tug-of-war, the food was particularly delicious.

After hearing that Li Guangzhu was eliminated, he ate more fragrantly.

Not only him, but everyone who has come to this place after a hard time, sees some favorite things, and will also fix it, they have no money, they all borrow money to buy it.

It's like Liu Zaishi, he borrowed money to buy it, and Jin Zhiguo bought it with the money he borrowed...

It's not a favor, it's a protection fee, Jin Zhiguo means, if you don't give it, you will tear up, Liu Zaishi was still forcing Lai Lai, and when he heard this, he immediately paid for it.

That's right, Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo got together a team, in fact, they were originally a team, and suddenly met, it was naturally a team.

Liu Zaishi thinks that Jin Zhenguo can believe it, and Jin Zhenguo feels that even if Liu Zaishi is a prisoner, he can tear it at will, and it will not pose a threat to himself, and he can tear it if he wants, after all, Liu Zaishi's name tag, even if Jin Zhenguo does not tear it, he himself may rub it off when passing by something.

"Guangzhu is out?!" Kim Junguo was shocked, that is, the glasses on his face made him look a little funny.

He and Liu Zaishi panicked all of a sudden, the two of them didn't even know what the situation was now, Liu Zaishi only felt like he was on his back.

"Light bead out?" Liu Shi looked confused, "Then Guangzhu is not a prisoner?" "

"yes, he's eliminated." Jin Zhiguo is still very clear-headed.

"Is that the prisoner tearing him up?"

"Not necessarily." Kim said, "We can, too." "

The two people analyzed the current situation in a few words, and the result was that there was no result ...

Two of them didn't come up with results, let alone others, but it seems that haha has a little idea of their own.

"Didn't we have something that we wanted to get when we came to the Pacific Kingdom, and the person who wrote the money is a prisoner!" Haha's idea is very exciting, starting with the props given by the production team.

I have to say that there is still some truth, the people who listened are Song Zhixiao, the god of war who has just eliminated Li Guangzhu, and Minzhen, who has a desire to tear people, and now she is very uneasy because of the punishment.

The way not to let others tear themselves apart is to eliminate others first, don't look at her as a girl, girls are ruthless.

Haha found such two ruthless corners and sold his idea.

"But the money that many people want, Brother Shi Zhen, Brother Chenguo, it seems that Zai Hao may also be money." Song Zhixiao has a different opinion on this, because although she didn't say it, all she asked for was money, and now she is very suspicious, because yesterday's money bag she was the last person to see, because she came to keep it.

"But who wrote the most realistically?" Haha proposed another angle, "The most realistic thing to write is the murderer." "

"That's definitely not in Hao." Song Zhixiao said, "He wrote the most unrealistic. "

"But he's never done that, so it's very suspicious." "Of course, it may not be him. "

"Yes! He came to my room yesterday! Song Jihyo suddenly remembered Kim Jae-ho's strange behavior yesterday.

"Oh?!" Haha was shocked, "Can this be said?!" "

Song Zhixiao's black question mark face laughed, "Yay! What are you thinking! He just came to my room to take a look! "

"Then let it be like this~" Haha showed an expression of understanding.

Song Zhixiao really wanted to say something more, but, forget it, stop talking, and the darker it became.

Minzhen listened loudly on the side, shook his head and returned to the topic: "Then what if it is the final country Oppa?" "

"So we want to unite, we don't tear each other first, we knock them out first, if not, we tear each other again." Haha said.

Song Zhihyo and Minzhen thought about it and felt that it made sense, anyway, it was not harmful to themselves for the time being, they all agreed, and the alliance of the weak has always been the tradition of RM.

If the weak do not huddle, do they wait for death?

Now it's time to find other weaklings.

"Let's go to Brother Shi Zhen first, let him join us, and then we will tear him up the most."

Song Zhixiao and Minzhen both laughed when they heard this, "Because it's a bully, isn't it?" "

Haha nodded, "Yes. "

In this way, the three people formed a short-lived alliance, which is much more stable with Jin Zhiguo, because there is a goal, the Liu Jin alliance is based on Jin Zhiguo, as long as Jin Zhiguo is unhappy, he will tear it if he wants to.

The Sifang Floating Market gathers people from all over the world, where different customs collide with different sparks, boats gently sway with the current, and people sitting and working on it walk on the ground.

Have come to such a place, then of course you have to experience this feeling, Jin Zhiguo and Liu Zaishi came to the small boat, the rowing uncle grabbed the wooden board on the shore with one hand, stable as ... Tarzan, sunglasses on, oars to open the boat!

Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo were originally two people, but now they saw a third person, Ni Kun, who happened to come to their side.

Because of the incident on the bus, Liu Zaishi only felt that Nikun's suspicion was too great, and that innocent appearance full of confusion, those of them who were used to playing tricks were very vigilant.

They know that the more like this, the more terrible, maybe one second you are still smiling at you, the next second you are gone, the incident on the bus is an example, Liu Zaishi himself suffered.

Nikun said that he didn't hear clearly, it was really like Kim Jae-ho said, and even Ji Seok-jin didn't believe his nonsense.

However, the three people communicated across the river, but it was very smooth, Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo, of course, had to ask the most critical thing first.

"Yay! Kun, you are very suspicious, did you do the light bead? "

"Not really! I'm just here now! Brother, are you a prisoner? "(cdec)

Good guy, when the two sides meet, the first is to suspect that the other party is a prisoner, anyway, no matter what, first doubt you, whether you are or not, anyway, I am not.

Jin Zhiguo said his point, "Why did you wear makeup in the morning?" "

"Because I'm an idol." Nikkun explained.

What the hell are you asking? People have baggage~

Liu Zaishi: Is that right? I don't believe it!

It's reasonable, but I just don't believe it.

"Even so, you're not the type to wear makeup in the morning, are you?"

"You won't shoot before I come, will you?" Kim Junguo assisted.

These two people together, to have prestige, to have generation, to have intelligence, but also a little...

How Nikkun could fight the two of them with one mouth, he could only deny it constantly.

The gap in the lineup is so big that if others want to withdraw, but Nikun is different, he is very reckless, in this case, he immediately jumped into the boat next to him and caught up, because he felt that these two people were very suspicious.

Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo panicked all of a sudden, and I don't know why, but they suddenly felt weak.

Anyway, it was in such a situation that each other felt strange that the two sides began the journey on the ship.

Jin Zhiguo negotiated with Ni Kun, and Liu Zaishi was really touring, and suddenly, he saw two strange people just two meters away from him.

"Yay! What are you doing there! Liu Zaishi suddenly laughed, shouted, and then patted Jin Zhiguo, "Look! "

Jin Zhiguo and Nikun both looked over curiously, and saw two strange people with bright colors and different from others on the shore, squatting there and eating.

"Yo~Yay! Are you there! Chi Shizhen held his face and smiled at them.

"You are! Brother, you guys are there... In Hao ~ Yay! See me without saying hello? "

"Brother..." Kim Jae-ho said indistinctly, his mouth was busy now.

Not long ago, Kim Jae-ho found this treasure land, the food stall on the ship, with a special flavor, Kim Jae-ho had just finished ordering, and Ji Seok-jin came.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" Ji Seok-jin looked at Kim Jae-ho curiously.

"I want to eat this." Kim Jae-ho said, "Brother want to eat it, I invite you." "

Chi Shizhen looked at it and said, "Then I'll get a copy too." "

Getting the reply, Kim Jae-ho said to the aunt: "Mi! Then he raised a hand to indicate one, and the aunt saw the instant understanding and began to operate with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Chi Shizhen was curious.

"That means, Thai." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Yes, it can be this!" Chi Shizhen smiled and said, "I use English all of them. "

"This degree still has to be~" Kim Jae-hode said.

"Do you want coconut water?" Chi Shi Zhen raised the coconut in his hand, which had already opened his mouth, and the straw.

"Okay!" Kim Jae-ho readily agreed, but after thinking about it, he said: "Don't wait until you finish eating this." "

"Okay, I just saw that there are crocodiles over there, have you tasted it?" Chi Shizhen was curious.

"No, hey, here it is!"

After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, he took the bowl handed by his aunt.

"Where to eat?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"That's it!" Kim Jae-ho squatted to the side after speaking.

Chi Shizhen is a little embarrassed, so many people watch, squatting on the side to eat, how ugly it is~

"What? Brother, you still have idol baggage? "

"Why can't I have it? Oh, I was back then... Hey, well, thanks! Chi Shizhen said halfway, his was also done, so, the two of them squatted on the side to eat, Chi Shizhen said that, he didn't care, but found it interesting.

But some things, you do it naturally, there is no effect, you say you are not willing, still do it, only to have an effect.

The two people ate beautifully, and before they ate much, Liu Zaishi and they floated over, indeed floated over, and they were still very close.

"Oh, why are you all together?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"You are..." said Liu Zaishi, drifting away from Jin Zhiguo. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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