The next task is very difficult, because it is in a market, there are many people, and all are around, the most important thing is that they are all cooking, Kim Jae-ho is not very cold to these, only feels stuffy, and just wants to complete the task quickly.

The task is also simple, give the names of a few dishes, let them buy them, it is not difficult, just let Kim Jae-ho use a few words he wrote down, that is not long ago.

Song Zhixiao and Haha are both drunk, only those two sentences, how do they look like they can speak Thai...

Kim Jae-ho was a pioneer, basically he did all the communication, and luckily, they found a restaurant with all the dishes they needed, which was very comfortable, and it was over.

Bring back everything you need, all the teams have arrived, you have to eat first, and only after eating will you know if it's right, as long as it's right, then pass it directly.

This link is simple, on eating is Kim Jae-ho's strength, although the three people have eaten a little, but they run and back and ask for directions everywhere, they have long been consumed, and they eat directly.

The only thing that limits his play is the heat...

But fortunately, they eat rice noodles, sour fried rice and soy sauce fried rice noodles, which are not delicious, they are the taste that can be imagined before eating, and there is no difference.

It's not hard to eat, it's decent, if he comes by himself, these are the ones he won't try, there are so many delicious ones!

He was particularly curious about the dishes at the two tables next door, and how others saw how delicious they were.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho kept looking at them, Nikun smiled and said, "Do you want to taste it?" "

Kim Jae-ho's eyes lit up: "Is it okay?!" "

Song Zhixiao haha: "No!" "

"Yay!" Song Zhixiao knocked on his head: "How can you help others eat!" "

"Then I'll go and taste that mango from Brother Zaishi, wow! And fried chicken! "

Liu Zaishi: "Come and come!" "

Haha: "Get out!" "

Song Zhixiao: "If you want to eat, eat this!" "

Kim Jae-ho was disgusted, he felt that the things he bought didn't have to travel so far to eat!

It can only turn grief and anger into food, so that the taste is like chewing wax.

It was the first time that everyone saw Kim Jae-ho eating so unhappy, and he was the only one who was unhappy, and everyone was very happy.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Jihyo unpleasantly: "You are still laughing!" People really want to cry! You don't coax people either. "

He wanted to laugh even more like this, but Kim Jae-ho saw that it was useless, and directly hugged his hand and said: "Hmph!" I don't eat anymore! "

As soon as Kim Jae-ho struck, Song Jihyo and Haha were anxious, "Yay! Hurry up and eat! "

"I'm not eating! You don't coax either."

"How to coax!"

Seeing that Song Zhixiao was a little overwhelmed, he touched Song Zhixiao and proposed: "You feed him"

As soon as he heard this, Kim Jae-ho's smile couldn't be hidden, but he still had to hold it.

Song Zhixiao helplessly raised his forehead and smiled, and the powder stretched out to Kim Jae-ho's mouth and said: "Ah~"

"Ah~" Kim Jae-ho opened his mouth openly, "Ah! "

Kim Jae-ho is stupid, why is it so hot?!

Song Zhixiao was so frightened that she quickly retracted her chopsticks, she was really scared.

Because the rice noodles were too hot, Kim Jae-ho was directly burned, and the original romantic plot instantly turned into a comedy, and everyone was laughed.

Li Guangzhu nodded, he understood, he was also scalded just now, or fed by Nikun, rounding up almost.

Everyone riveted and ate, and finally Nikun and their three men ate first, Kim Jae-ho they ate a little slower, Kim Jae-ho almost killed half of it alone, his mouth said disgust, and his appetite was still very sincere.

The next task is very simple, that is, to do the water TAXI to find the banner, this is to play the rhythm of the characteristic vehicles in this neighborhood~

Kim quietly paid attention to Nikun next door when he took over the task, and after seeing the three of them discussing it, he pointed in a direction, Kim Jae-ho felt that he was not stable enough, or he had to follow them.

As for the money, one is 15,000, just now they arrived second, so 10,000 plus 10,000 is 20,000, and Nikun they are also 20,000, because they are the third to arrive.

But in fact, how much bonus is now is meaningless, because no matter how much money, only one team can get the money in the end, so today's task, the key is still in the end.

It's time to go, but something is wrong.

"Are you going to run with this money?!" Only then did Kim Jae-ho react.

"Yes." PD nodded ruthlessly.

"Can't I just go to the card?" Do you have to be so arrogant? What if you are robbed? Kim Jae-ho said and glanced at Kim Junguo, which happened to meet Kim Junguo's eyes.

Kim Junguk had been listening to what several of them said, and now he was drunk when he saw Kim Jae-ho's thief-like eyes.

"Yay! What do you mean?! Jin Chengguo smiled, what did this take him for?

"Hurry up!" Kim grabbed his bag and ran, they had to catch up with Nikun.

"Yay! Yikes! Hey, it's true..." Jin Zhiguo was a little embarrassed, he was not a beast.

Liu Zaishi and Minzhen both snickered, Liu Zaishi said that he understood, if he was in that position, he would panic.

Leave Minzhen the three of them, because they came in the evening, and there was a big problem, they bought the wrong one.

After they eat these, they have to buy another one, so they are not in a hurry.

"Yay! Run! Haha shouted.

The three of them had almost lost Nikun and them.

"You can't run immediately after eating a full meal, otherwise you will have a stomach problem, you see how miserable it is to see Brother Shi." Kim Jae-ho walked unhurriedly.

"He's nervous to hurt!" Haha speechless, it's not a disease, but what Kim Jae-ho said also makes sense.

And now that Kim Jae-ho has taken this pressure, they are happy to follow it slowly, anyway, it will take a long time to catch up.

"I probably know where it is, hmph," Kim Jae-ho said.

"Can you not know that this is a fan?" Song Zhixiao complained.

Because of the three of them, this road has become a road...

Li Guangzhu continued to explode in popularity, shouting his name along the way, but Li Guangzhu was happy, and his popularity was even higher than that of Nikun.

When Kim Jae-ho arrived, many people also called his name, and he greeted them happily, but resolutely did not shake hands, after all, so many people, if one of them has a problem, it may be transmitted through him to the people he touched, and it is necessary to have hygiene awareness.

But the enthusiasm still has to be given in place, he suspects that there are fans who have followed them since the airport, it is really a day trip, the attraction is them, it can be called the three words "ashes". _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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