Na Kim Jae-ho has to be an S-class attraction in this scenic area, and he poses: "Come! Shoot me! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he was hit the head, Song Zhixiao: "What to shoot!" Hurry up and go! "

"Got it!"


This kind of scene happened in front of him, and he was quite happy to see it.

Last time I took a big boat, this time I took a fast train, but why didn't Kim look like it?

"This clipper is a little slow..." Kim Jae-ho stood by the dock, where all six people were.

Nikun had the same doubt, he observed it, felt that it was wrong, and said something to his teammates.

Suddenly the three of them ran, Chi Shizhen: "Let's eat something before leaving"

Song Zhixiao and Haha were wondering, and saw that the three of them were followed by a person, Kim Jae-ho!

Without saying a word, he ran along, saying as he ran: "Take one!" "

It looked like the thieves were excited, and they really thought they were going to eat.

Li Guangzhu looked at it, "Ah! Why are you following! "

"I want to eat too!" Kim Jae-ho also thought that Nikun knew what was delicious nearby and wanted to take 000 them to eat, anyway, the boat hadn't come yet.

Li Guangzhu also had no way, now the situation is very urgent, and there is no time to say anything, so he ran with Kim Jae-ho.

Although Kim Jae-ho was a little puzzled why he had to run so fast when he ate something, he appreciated the passion for food, and he thought that he had such enthusiasm.

Maybe he wanted to come back before the boat came, but when he followed him to his destination, he found that something was wrong, was this boat porridge? How did you still bring it on board?

"Yay! Don't let him come up! Chi Shizhen hurriedly shouted.

"What for? Don't be so petty! Kim Jae-ho didn't care, just hard, he had already seen that this was the legendary "Water Express", and he had to find a way to stop these people.

He looked back and saw that Song Zhixiao and Haha had not yet arrived, Lee Kwang-joo had stopped him, and then got on the boat, Kim Jae-ho had no choice, he could only let them go, and he couldn't get on the boat without the help of the staff, after all, he was not good in water, and he was born with a fear, and he would only go to this kind of place if he was safe.

Kim Jae-ho can't let himself have an accident, what accident (cdec) can be avoided, he wants to enjoy the night, he wants to see with his own eyes when Kim Junguo is weaker than him...

When Haha and Song Zhixiao arrived, the staff had all boarded the ship and were ready to leave.

"No way, wait for the next boat." Gold.

"Missed, missed." Haha said regretfully.

Ji Shizhen and Li Guangzhu were super happy, and Li Guangzhu shouted: "This is the first time my brother and I have won the first place in RM!" "

"Yay! Is! "Chi Shi Zhenying came over, the combination of their ASY brothers is actually ahead of you, dare you believe it?

The two of them were completely taken by Nikun to fly, don't mention more, really hugged to the thigh!

Nikkun smiled slightly, basic operation, do not 6.

The next boat arrived soon, and after Kim Jae-ho helped the impatient and brave Song Ji-hyo onto the boat, he got on the boat himself, haha finally, in this way, Kim Jae-ho sat in the middle, full of security.

But to be honest, the boat is also quite long, can hold a lot of staff, and it is not particularly fast, there is an engine in the back, and after greeting the fans on the shore, the boat will go.

There is a smell of river water around me, and the feeling is very different, walking in the river, there is a feeling that you are very small, this sense of sight is stronger than the last big cruise ship.

One year after being reborn, Kim Jae-ho almost sat on all the vehicles he had never taken in his previous life, and he didn't feel anything, just a little sigh.

After a little experience, people think a lot as soon as they arrive in this open place, the thoughts are not enough, thinking about some things to sort out, thinking of the end, then no longer thinking about it, they feel very comfortable, there is a feeling of solving something.

Sitting on the boat, they are not idle, because to find the banner mentioned in the mission letter, it should be like the last stop, the vision of all three people is okay, haha's glasses are without lenses, just styling ...

Since it is a banner, it must not be on the water, so everyone only looks to the shore, so walking on the water, much faster than on land, so many alleys, really want to go quickly in a straight line, you have to walk like an assassin, walk from the roof, and pray that the ceiling of the house is strong, and you will not suddenly walk and walk with a hollow person gone...

"Ah, they are so good, and Nikkun team, otherwise they won't be ahead." Haha a little envious, "Brother is also good, there is Minzhen." "

Kim Jae-ho glanced at him and smiled: "We're not bad too, with you." "

Haha was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and looked at Kim Jae-ho strangely: "Ah, you say this, I'm a little moved..."

Saying that, the love was deep, and Haha opened his arms: "Ah ~ my good brother!" "

"My good brother! Woooo

Seeing the two hugging together again, staging a scene of brotherly love, Song Zhixiao once again felt that she was an outsider, she should usually open her hands at the bow of the boat, instead of eating a buffet in the boat...

Just kidding, she looked very happy, but she felt that Kim Jae-ho was honestly a little surprised this time.

Kim Jae-ho is not honest, what do you want to do if you sit close to each other? What more bike?

Now he turns his head too fast, and if he accidentally comes to an accident, he can even kiss it!

The kiss is gone, but the knees will touch from time to time, and they will immediately separate, and the two people pretend that nothing happened, looking at their respective scenes.

A few people chatted, a very magical thing happened, the light pearl in front of their boat didn't know why it stopped, they immediately overtook it, Kim Jae-ho was still very happy, until he ate the water that floated into his mouth because the boat was too fast...

Without saying a word, he directly took off his hat and wanted to cover Zhixiao, but when he saw it, Zhixiao had actually stood up, this woman, magical!

With such a fast speed, he dared to stand up, this is really brave!

Soon they saw the flag, and the captain didn't have to say anything to him, he slowed down, it should have been the intended destination, but at this time, Nikun and they landed first, rushed to the mission point, chose a car key, and Chi Shi Zhen very decisively chose one.

Then the three of them had to get into the van and wait for the next team of van pickers to arrive before they could go.

Now they can only pray that the next team will be as unlucky as them. _

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