The two girls nodded, and then began.

First question.

As soon as they saw the topic, the three people immediately compared an X, and the girl who was carried directly said: "X-MAN"


Unexpectedly, he answered immediately, and Kim Jae-ho hadn't even thought about how to act!

Get off to a great start, excite and strike while the iron is hot!

The next question, Kim Jae-ho directly compared a thumb down slowly, and the girl who was carried immediately guessed: "Terminator!" "

In the next second, Kim Jae-ho directly pretended to be a pterosaur and soared into the sky, and also made a sound with a pterosaur, and then a tyrannosaurus, which looked vivid, and he acted like a child, and the acting skills of the two people next to him were like children...

"Jurassic Park!"

"That's right!"


As soon as he saw the topic, Kim Jae-ho's expression and action instantly changed, playing with snakes, he was serious!


His mouth is very open, his expression is extremely fierce and cold-blooded, and he makes a creepy sound, and when he hears it, it is the sound of a snake, and today he has a relationship with a snake.

And Haha and Song Zhixiao next to them are also learning snakes, but 23 is not effective, so it turns into shouting: "big!" "

Speaking of the movie of the big snake, the reckless snake, that is, the girl who was carried: "The scourge of the wild python!" "

Next, Kim Jae-ho was excited as soon as he saw it, and there will be a prequel this time next year, and there will be a prequel in a few years! He's still waiting to go to the cinema to see the premiere!

He finished this series!

He directly put his hand in his mouth, and then directly "Wow", the handle was like a snake, immediately in front of the two girls, immediately opened his five fingers, and both girls were frightened.

But frightened, the girl immediately shouted: "Alien! "

"That's right!"

Kim Jae-ho was stunned, did they come back with a king?

He just acted according to his strongest impression, but he didn't expect her to really get it!

Such a powerful one, even if it is another 2... 1 pound, he is also willing!

Just now, he played one of the attack methods of the alien, and everyone who has seen the alien should know it.

Before he looked at the alien, he thought that the aliens were the same as the kind of aliens with long faces, and they didn't feel terrible, until he saw it, he was really not afraid... He was frightened by this face-hugging worm, and it was simply scared to death!

Probably a combination of snakes and spiders, alas? Isn't that Hiroshi?

Anyway, the girls who came over by two men and let them finish this task at once.

It's not that if you can't finish Kim Jae-ho this time, they will be very disgusted, the main thing is that you have to go back on your way back, and you may have to go by yourself...

Just kidding.

"Brother, you send her back first, we will stay and take the task."

Haha looked at him in shock: Are you human?

"Come on, come on..." Haha took it helplessly, his ticket was indeed a package back and forth.

In the coaxing of Kim Jae-ho's "runnigmantaxi", haha carried the girl.

Haha: Is this the weight of the wise? It's a head-blowing...

Seeing that Haha had set off, Kim Jae-ho smiled and said to Song Zhixiao: "Then you take the task here first, and come to us when you take it." "

"Good~" Song Zhixiao agreed with a smile.

This man just had a hard mouth, saying that he was letting Haha send it back alone, and he was not soft-hearted to keep up.

Looking at Song Zhixiao's smile, Kim Jae-ho was also uncomfortable, and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm afraid that he will get lost, I'll follow to help find the way." "

"Got it, let's go quickly~"

After Kim Jae-ho and Haha returned from carrying the enthusiastic masses, they hummed in place, and they couldn't say that they were tired, that is, their physical strength was a little low...

The two people collapsed on the ground and relied on each other, and there was a feeling of being difficult brothers and brothers.

This look, was enthusiastically filmed by fans who liked them, because everyone got the news, so there were more and more fans, and they were almost blocking the road.

After they rested for a while, they saw Song Zhixiao walking over, with a mission letter that went to "thachang" to find RM width.

This name is not a place name, but a transliteration, after all, you have to find a place, this is said to the driver to know.

They go, the fans see off, the fans stand all the way, see off Kim Jae-ho and the three leave, the three people get on a small tricycle, happily moving forward under the gaze of everyone, from the street to the end of the street, there are still people waving at them, this battle, I don't know what kind of superstar is coming.

The three of them were sincerely terrified and grateful for such enthusiasm, and to be honest, they didn't feel that they had done anything great, but they were treated with such enthusiasm, which was really surprising, they didn't know that they were so popular before they came here.

In fact, they will not be treated like this when they come here alone, and the real welcome is the entire RM program group, so everyone is very proud.

"Ouch~ happy! The corners of Kim Jae-ho's mouth never came down.

"Oh, that's great!" Haha thief was excited, so excited that he was a little tired.

"Really, wow, Daihatsu, we're amazing!" Song Zhixiao sighed.

"One thing to say, indeed." Kim Jae-ho nodded.

"Then again, hurry up, Brother Shi they have already left." Song Zhixiao was worried.

"That's no way, they are lucky, and the task 000 they got is good." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Then let's hurry up and rest, and we may get off the car and have another task later." Haha said.

Looking at a pair of burning eyes on the side of the road, Kim Jae-ho suddenly felt a little weak, is he too lazy, but recently it's okay, the work is directly full, not to mention RM, it is an issue that does not fall, so during the RM shooting, there is still a little confidence.

Kim Jae-ho sighed and continued to be happy, which can make him feel a little weak, which already shows that the fans are really enthusiastic.

They are now comfortable, the other side is still struggling, and Li Guangzhu's side has been happy since he arrived.

Li Guangzhu's eyes were spent, and when they arrived at this kind of place, they really wanted to buy everything they saw, but in the end they didn't buy anything, not even food, and were dragged to the mission point by Chi Shizhen, who had been on the road, and Nikun, who had always been very self-disciplined.

Generally, this kind of muscular man is still very white and looks handsome, then most of them must be very self-disciplined, even if Lee Kwang-joo has the heart of Kim Jae-ho, he can't do it, but he is still happy because there are many fans.

The task was also simple, it was to find a blonde foreign woman in local clothes to answer the question, but it was much simpler than the one they had, but they came relatively late, and it took a while to find someone, and they were the last to complete. _

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