"Then he at least understands." Kim Jae-ho said.

Everyone nodded, this is indeed the truth, and he is familiar with the terrain, this place is not the fog of war for him.

In fact, looking at Nikun, everyone knows, if a person is very cheerful and sunny, he exudes a different feeling, this kind of person everyone likes to be close, so some friends can also develop in this direction, life will be a lot more interesting.

Maybe pretending to be pretend, you slowly become such a person, and it is very good, the sun is positive and happy.

"Well, from now on the game starts, each mission will have a bonus, of course, the first place will get the most bonus, so after all the missions are over, only the team that reaches the final destination first will receive the prize money collected during this period." PD said.

"That is to say, even if you get more prize money, you still can't win in the end." Chi Shizhen quickly captured the point.

"That's exciting." Kim Jae-ho still looks a little excited, it doesn't matter if the prize is prized or not, he just wants to take the first place...

"A team comes out and goes alone to collect the event fee."

As soon as PD finished speaking, Kim Jae-ho came out and took 23 money, and it was not him who managed the money, but he was the first to touch it.

Then the task now is to find the suitcase, which has tips and the next task place, divided into three upper, middle and lower, the voice just fell, Kim Jae-ho was the first to run, and then looked at the sign, in addition to English, there was also the Chinese he was most familiar with, the word thief.

Soon he saw the words baggage claim.

"Hurry up!" Kim Jae-ho ran in front, and everyone in the back was following him.

Anyway, I didn't know where to go, and subconsciously ran with the first person who moved.

But I never expected that the local thief who received it was a big circle, he took very few planes, and he came once last time, and he generally couldn't take his turn to take the luggage.

But he knew what to do, and he immediately said to his teammates: "Run separately, brother, you go over there to my side, you follow Kun, take it." "

"Good!" Haha and Song Jihyo immediately agreed, every time like this, Kim Jae-ho is always the one with the fastest brain.

Because he has always been a decision-maker in the company, plus he is also a director of filming, and he plays a lot of games, and when he encounters something, he wants to do it at the first time, rather than watching how others do.

Usually he seems lazy and doesn't care about anything, but when it is critical, he is always the first to stand out, if he is not the first to stand out, then he must be lazy...

When others were still watching and confused, they ran, Kim Jae-ho directly saw the blue one in one, but he didn't want it, he also saw a lot of R labels, he didn't care, those were all tricks.

But at this time, Haha shouted over there: "I got it!" "

"Yay!!" Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo immediately cheered, Kim Ji-guk slowed down and cursed while Nikun snatched the middle, and the rest was only down.

"Well done, brother!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Of course, who am I~" Haha held up the box with the writing on it, which was very eye-catching.

"Okay, look at the box, allow you to be proud for a second." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I was almost caught by Brother Ji Guo just now, Point." Haha said.

"Well done!" Song Zhixiao also arrived, in fact, all the people opened together.

Jin Zhiguo was still there cursing, "Yay! You stopped him! Otherwise it's ours! "

Against the wind, it is reasonable, Liu Zaishi and Zhen can only listen, after all, what he said is really reasonable, it seems that this day is not very good.

The contents of the box are the team uniform and the mission letter, the mission location, is according to the different get the box to decide the departure time, five minutes after the departure of the departure, and then five minutes after the departure, this wave of gold in the ho their team got the advantage, but in fact not much.

Because there are still uniforms in the box, and there is time to change uniforms, this also counts.

"Hahaha~" Jin Zaishi saw Liu Zaishi their box, their uniforms were green.

"Brother, did you mean it?"

"How do I know!" Liu Zaishi was also happy, "I don't want to either." "

"Grasshopper, grasshopper~" Ha scoffed.

Kim Jae-ho: "Brother, you must look good in it~"

"Oh, stop laughing! We have to change our clothes quickly, otherwise this time will be useless. Song Jihyo ran after speaking, and Haha and Kim Jae-ho also hurried to follow.

Since it is a change of clothes, of course, it is to find a bathroom, Kim Jae-ho changes clothes quickly, and it is changed at once, but there is a lot of time to tidy up...

"Yay! You two hurry up! Song Zhixiao shouted outside, "How can it be slower than me?!" "

"Got it! Got it! "Kim Jae-ho hurriedly came out with Haha, and before leaving, he didn't forget to look at each other to see if there was any problem, it can be said that the ladies, grinding and chirping, angry Song Zhixiao can't do it.

This idol baggage is quite heavy.

The two men were talking as they walked.


"Yes, very handsome~"

"Brother, you are also very handsome~"

"Hey, hey~"

Song Zhixiao listened next to him and vomited: "Ah, or your group will be CP on Monday." "

"That's not okay, by the way, brother, we don't seem to have a team for a long time."

"Yes, this kind of has really been on the team for a long time, ah ~ my younger brother!" 000

"My brother!"


Song Zhixiao watched the two of them hug together, and she felt like an outsider, not even worthy of speaking.

"Alright! Hurry up and go! Song Zhixiao said helplessly.

"Hey~You're also very good-looking~Right, brother~" Kim Jae-ho blinked.

Haha pretended not to know and asked: "Is there a problem with your eyes?" "

"Too much brother~"

"Haha, do you want to die?"

"What's wrong?"

"Yay! You have to thank me for choosing you! "

"One thing to say, indeed."


The three people talked and laughed, it was considered that they had set off, they had now delayed a lot of time, the five-minute advance amount was almost gone, now they had to go quickly, but they stopped when they were making a turn.

Kim Jae-ho exclaimed, "Oh my God! "

As soon as they turned the corner, there were people in the distance, almost full of people, and the moment they saw Kim Jae-ho and them, everyone began to shout wildly.

This sudden collision into the eye caught Kim Jae-ho and them off guard, and the three of them were all stunned.

"Brother! Topmost! Kim Jae-ho said, haha also looked up, even the second floor was full of people, they had guesses in their hearts, but they couldn't believe it. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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