Miss Minjung also shook hands politely and bowed.

They were courteous to each other, while a man let out a regretful wail:

"Ah! I am number 5! Almost! "

Then this regret for himself turned into jealousy of Ou Huang, and Liu Zaishi said: "You and her really don't deserve it at all!" "

But his jealousy also ended there...

"Goo ~" Min waved two small fists as she announced who was the next person to choose.

Because Kim Jae-ho has not been acting obviously, it seems that he does not care very much, other boys are going crazy, he has always been very calm, so Song Jihyo stood next to Kim Jae-ho and asked: "Want to be chosen?" "

"It's enough for me to have you~ Kim Jae-ho compared Wink while speaking.

Song Zhixiao chuckled and raised his forehead, he really couldn't stand it, such a greasy line suddenly felt a little moved.

Because Min-jung soon announced that she was "zero zero zero", and the next person to choose was number five.

As you know, the best way to eliminate jealousy is to join it, and when Liu Zaishi also became the chosen child, he immediately reconciled with Kim Jiangguo and hugged and celebrated together, and the change in attitude before and after did not even take a minute.

At the same time as Liu Zaishi cheered, a loud sigh followed.

"Hey!" Kim Jae-ho stomped his head and lowered his hand, and his face was regretful and completely unadorned.

Song Zhixiao also stomped his foot: "Yay! Doesn't it mean that having me is enough?! "



But now the more crucial thing...

"It's so unbelievable! What if I chose you guys?! Song Zhixiao shouted anxiously.

That's right, that's the more critical thing, because it's a random selection, and she does one thing that her previous guests didn't do, which is to pocket all two mountains of RM.

"Isn't there me?" Kim Jae-ho patted Song Ji-hyo's hand and smiled.

"Go away!" Song Zhixiao smiled and slapped his hand away, not believing his nonsense now.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo also eased up, and Liu Zaishi couldn't believe it: "Ultimate Kingdom and me, are they like words?" "

"I was very irritable before I came..." haha complained.

"I take back my previous words~" Liu Zaishi was happy, "Chenglin, you just go with them~"

"What if you take away the two mountains of RM?" Song Zhixiao was not happy.

"Isn't there still me?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Song Zhixiao gave him a blank look, meaning you forget it.

"Hey?" Kim Jae-ho suddenly thought, "Then I'm not the big brother?" "

"Yay!" Haha was not convinced: "I am okay!" "

Chi Shizhen looked at them: "What are you talking about?" "


Chi Shizhen was particularly funny when he said this, and there was a sad sense of humor.

Lee Kwang-joo: Don't I deserve a name?

Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo were also happy, as soon as they were not in the younger brothers, they began to fight to be the boss, and this moment unexpectedly smoothed everyone's original emotions, and they came and went quickly, so they continued.

"Now that the Minjung team has been selected, Zhixiao has chosen two players."

"Shall I choose two?" Song Zhixiao did not expect that he had this power.

"Zaihao~" Song Zhixiao took out a hand.

"Ouch~" Kim Jae-ho said: "At this time I~"

"Where is it~"

"You see, there is also a coquettish that you will never see in your life."


Song Zhixiao smiled and patted Kim Jae-ho, this kid, tell the truth.

"Who to choose next?" Song Zhixiao asked.

Haha shrunk to the side.

When Kim Jae-ho saw it, he said, "Can't this be a follower?" Come, haha brother~"

Ha ha:???

"Good! Ha ha! Song Jihyo pointed happily at Haha and said that she liked Kim Jae-ho's words.

"What? What are you talking about? What am I? "

Chi Shizhen shouted: "Ah, you are content!" "


Li Guangzhu: "I thought it was talking about me. "

"Isn't it very disappointing?" Kim Jae-ho, who heard this, looked at Lee Kwang-joo's expression and asked.


"Oh~" Kim was weird in Haoyang.

"Don't lie~" Song Xiao immediately followed, "It's sad not to choose you~"

"No~" Li Guang shook his head stubbornly.

"My place is for you!" Haha said.

Li Guangzhu: "I don't want it!" "

"You should thank me for choosing you!" Song Zhixiao shouted.

Ha ha:?

The drama of the two of you, why are you involved in me? But haha said that I don't mind and don't mind, it's better than being picked like the two people next to you, speaking of this...

Chi Shi Zhenren was dumbfounded: "Aren't the two of us too weak?" Just the two of us in a team? "

"That really is..." Kim Jae-ho nodded.

The two were about to say something, when PD suddenly said: "Finally, there are guests who thought they were going to team up with you." "


"Big reversal, big reversal!"

Double male ecstasy, there is even a reversal?!

To be honest, the two people are ready to rely on each other today, because the program team really did the setting of the two of them and one team, because two people and one team can actually be compared, they themselves also think it is quite interesting, but now, it is even more interesting!

"Don't?" Kim Jae-ho was taken aback.

The most uncomfortable thing in the audience is probably Haha and Kim Jae-ho now, originally I still think that I am good, at least there are still candidates, but now it is very uncomfortable.

"Please call him out?"

"Guest! Please come out! Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen shouted, and a man came out with a glowing light.

Very simple clothes, very ordinary shapes, but it feels like the sun is shining, and what can give everyone this feeling is the prince of this country, Nikun, with a smile, clean, and ruthless.

As soon as he came out, everyone exclaimed, and it was not whether they were happy when Minzhen came out, or Nikun.

Well, now the worst mood is Song Zhixiao...

Everyone hugs Nikun, it looks very close, but in fact, the closest is Kim Jae-ho, after all, he died in the same year, Kim Jae-ho is still a little older, and Nikun takes care of him every time he comes to Kim Jae-ho.

"Yay! We should be a team! 4.2 Kim Jae-ho let go of Nikun and said.

"Pinch ~" Nikun nodded, but quickly returned to where he should be, that is, Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen, the two easy brothers, their expressions now are that they have the whole world.

"In this country, following Nikun is really "Chi Shizhen's expression is full of "already invincible!" "

Is it true that having a local member in a strange country is not yet taking off?

And this member is not an ordinary person, basically across the street you can see him upstairs smiling at you - advertising.

So, PD decided to give Nikun a restriction: "You can't use English and Thai, only Korean." "

"Then you don't need Nikun." Li Guangzhu's tone was very natural and full of truth, and Nikun instantly panicked.

Can it still be like this? That's too real, right?! _

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