A few people walked forward with a confused look, and when they walked in, they saw that the banners in their hands were all RM-related, and they were shouting their own names.

"Brother! They came to pick us up! Kim Jae-ho exclaimed, he had forgotten this stubble.

"yes! Yikes! Halulu! Yikes! We are really amazing, alas! Haha pointed in a direction, there was even a banner of Halulu, and the three people were really caught off guard, and suddenly surrounded by a huge surprise.

This dense patch, the further out, the more people, the louder the shout.

"This is the first time I've been in this mood!" Haha yelled.

"Me too!" Kim Jae-ho was also excited.

This crowd, the last time they saw it was their own book signing party, but that time they were prepared, this time, unprepared, unexpected, they came here and waited for hours, just to see them...

"Brother, we succeeded..."

"yes, we made it..."

"Brother, I want to cry."

"I thought too, uh-huh..."

The two hugged each other and cried symbolically for two seconds, and Song Zhixiao wanted to laugh and cry next to him.

They know that their program is hot, but they don't know that the fire has reached this extent, a foreign country, so many people will come to pick up the airport, when the data becomes substance, it seems to suddenly break the dimension.

I remember the first episode, everyone didn't know each other, and now, there will be such a large number of people willing to come and see them.

Heartbroken, the original nobody, now has grown into a superstar, and it is then that they really realize that they really seem to be doing something remarkable - bringing happiness to others.

Once again, Kim Jae-ho was touched by the profession of a funny artist, which is a kind of heartfelt identification with his profession.

Just like a person of the opposite sex, at first, you just craved his/her body and you were cheap, but now, you are intoxicated with his/her soul, you are still cheap, but from a different angle.

After being moved, the next thing to do is to enjoy this moment to the fullest.

Wave after wave of surprises, they were almost surrounded by crowds, and there were even staff to help protect them, but they were not afraid because these were people who liked them.

"Look at that~!" Song Zhixiao pointed to a place.

"Ah! Pink-pink! Haha shouted.

Kim Jae-ho looked over, only to see a piece in the distance, wearing pink clothes, whose fan this is simply clear at a glance.

"Brother! We can't be ashamed of it! "

An unprecedented amount of confidence filled Kim Jae-ho's insides, and began...

Until he walked out of the airport, he changed a few, bells and whistles, and commotion, which can be described as eye-opening and breathtaking for those who see it.

These include inferior dance moves, excessive heart-to-heart movements, pictorial poses that think they are handsome, and excessive "muscle" displays. There is even a movement with fans, and the idol of the sand sculpture suddenly came to his side like this, and the feeling is indescribable.

Look at him, how tumultuous!

Walk a few steps to change a posture, meal by meal, as if leaving time for everyone to take pictures, haha on the side quickly followed, shouting the rhythm of one, two, three, and doing actions together, Song Zhixiao also did several, but because the shame was too high, she quickly gave up, and even haha quickly lost and lost.

In this way, you can refer to Li Meizhu for details...

In the end, Kim Jae-ho, who was addicted alone, was almost dragged into the car by Haha, and Song Jihyo stayed behind... Apologize.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my children are so humiliating, I apologize to you!" She bowed while talking, and Haha also helped, which also caused fans to laugh.

These people are looking forward to it.

But this is not the end, because the next team is Li Guangzhu with Prince Nikun, Chi Shizhen team, but the horror is that Li Guangzhu's popularity is even higher than Nikun's!

They soon set off, and when they saw this scene, the people were stupid, and at first Guangzhu did not react, until he saw many of his own names, the placards related to him, the call of his own name, and the enthusiasm that he felt deeply.

While walking, I even passed a girl with a beard, which was too exaggerated, even the beard was pasted, so ruthless.

The first time he has such popularity, he is simply blinded, is he so popular?

But the more he went, the more he knew that he was really so hot.

Along the way, Li Guangzhu was dizzy by this grand portrait, and the unexpected explosion of popularity was simply too cool, and his smile never came down.

The three of them were being surrounded to take pictures, and at this time they also saw Song Zhixiao who just got on the car outside, which shows how much time they delayed.

Kim Jae-ho in the car, waving with the fans outside through the window, the hat on his head has been changed, it is a light pink hat with the word silly ho written on it given by a fan just now, and there is a strap on the edge of the hat, black and red are very good-looking.

It also has words written on it, which says Love you forever pink!

"Ah, it's really..." Even if she has already sat down, Song Zhixiao is still a little confused, more confused than ever, and her popularity is also very high.

"I just saw a lot of Monday couples." Haha said.

"yes, what are you laughing at?" Song Jihyo patted Kim Jae-ho, who was smirking vigorously.

"This is what the people want." Kim Jae-ho shook his head, so he couldn't help it.

"But then again, we're really popular." At this time, calm down, everyone can slowly talk about this matter.

Everyone never thought about this at all, they didn't even think that someone would come to pick up the airport, just regarded it as a simple foreign shooting plus half tourism, it was to play.

So when I saw so many fans, I was really moved, which also led to the fact that now their mood can be said to be multiple excited, so excited that they have begun to pull the driver to talk.

But after trying for a while, I found that it was useless, the language he would know, the driver would not, the driver would not be able to speak, he would not, but Kim Jae-ho did not give up, he wanted to share his happiness with others, for example, eating in the car and eating delicious to the driver ...

After all, the uncle has to drive, so he can't be distracted

Knowing that Kim Jae-ho likes to eat, in addition to hats, Kim Jae-ho also got the food personally sent by fans, to be honest, there will be a little risk, but they are willing to take risks.

Kim Jae-ho generally does not eat other people's things casually, and he has a sense of precaution and eats what others are eating...

After all, you are a kind person, but you can't treat everyone as a kind person, there is an old saying, you can't have a harmful heart, and you can't have a defensive heart.

Even so, Kim Jae-ho's approach is still very doggy......_

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