Later, everyone learned that he hid things in his underwear, so there may be something in the pants that Kim Jae-ho said, and there may really be something.

But Jin Zhiguo has a lower limit after all, he will not search other people's underwear, but if he is caught, he will not let it go.

He caught Li Guangzhu in a corner and was about to interrogate, Liu Zaishi also felt funny when he saw it, these two people were like conjoined babies all day.

At this time, a person appeared in the corner, Song Zhixiao, who had disappeared for a long time, and suddenly came out and stole the backpack that Li Guangzhu put aside.

Just a moment of inattention, gave Song Zhixiao an excellent opportunity, put in ancient times this is the great thief, take the general's wallet among the army, without ambiguity.

It can be said that everyone has his own way of survival, but Chi Shizhen does not...

Seeing this, Li Guangzhu quickly fooled Jin Zhiguo to chase back the wallet oh no, backpack, lied that things were hidden on the backpack, Jin Zhiguo will believe 23 will be suspicious, and finally believed, and went with him to chase Song Zhixiao, this is a strategic mistake caused by unequal intelligence.

Li Guangzhu took advantage of this pursuit, suddenly turned around and fled, and was able to run away in the hands of the able, and the most exaggerated thing is that Song Zhixiao also ran away, and as a result, Jin Zhiguo was alone, working in vain and getting nothing.

Now all the clues are clear, all the personnel are free, and the three people who have something think that they can't go on like this, they have to unite.

When Li Guangzhu saw his own things, he knew that he could not complete this task by himself, because all he had was a key, and he didn't even know where to open.

After he took out the key from his underwear, he carefully protected it, this is his bargaining chip to clear the level, but how to snatch a piece of meat from the mouths of the other two old foxes, this is the key.

This is a dance with wolves, I don't know when it will be eaten, but Li Guangzhu is ambitious, he wants to win, so he is bored and directly bumps into Liu Zaishi and Haha.

The three people communicated with each other, but still specially avoided Jin Zhiguo, Jin Zhiguo is like a ghost, haunted, maybe he is a few meters nearby to eavesdrop on your secrets.

Without the restraint of political confirmation, and they are all their own people, now he can be said to have no weaknesses, the reason why he does not mess with you is that he knows that he must put these people first, like a kite, and he himself quietly follows, as if holding a thread, and now they are secretly planning, waiting for them to succeed... Hum!

"They're dead!"


Hearing the voice coming from behind, Kim Junguk was startled, who said his inner OS, he looked back, it turned out to be Kim Jae-ho.

"You're scared me to death!" Kim said.

"Brother, you are my dearest brother Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Don't you have a brother?"

“...... Except for that, you are my first brother. "

"Of course, my brother!" Kim said he didn't know why he was making such a plan now.

"Then what information do you have, is it also divided?" Kim Jae-ho asked with a smile.

"Shh! You whisper! Jin Zhiguo lowered his voice, and he had already listened to a few people over there.

"Books... Waikui Zhangge... Shout three hoorays...!! Jin Zhiguo muttered, hammering his hand, and suddenly, he understood it all.

"Oh, brother, what?" Kim Jae-ho knew what he knew when he looked at Kim Junguo's appearance.

"Nothing, you keep watching, I'll go to the bathroom." Jin Zhiguo said, "Keep an eye on them, don't go away." "

Kim Jae-ho black question mark face, is this treating himself as a ji seok jin? In this way, he will believe it.

But he still said, "Okay, then you have to come back quickly." "

Jin Zhiguo left in a hurry after saying back, he didn't come back, he never came back...

But there was a long discussion over there, and the reason why it was long was because someone did not give something ...

Li Guangzhu put all his chips on the table for the first time, but he never expected that he was already like this, haha and Liu Zaishi refused to show their clues.

After grinding for a long time haha, he gave everyone a look at the insole, and then Liu Zaishi had to grind for half a day, and Li Guangzhu was going crazy, so sooner or later Jin Zhiguo would come.

It's the two most difficult people, he would rather stand opposite him is Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo, but also better than Haha and Yoo Jae-seok, these two people, want clues so alliance, but don't want to let their clues to allies know, which alliance is it?

Later people know that this ah, this is called the League of Betrayers, and the dirtiest people who play are almost all here.

Therefore, Li Guangzhu, who is still a little sheep, in this case, can be said to lose step by step, and now his only reliance is that his key is a unique item, which is different from Liu Zaishi's intelligence items.

The reason why Liu Zaishi delayed in saying his clue was because as soon as this clue was said, it was very likely that these two people would immediately abandon themselves and run.

But because the situation had not yet reached that point, Liu Zaishi was not abandoned for the time being, and they came up with the idea that there might be rituals on the first floor.

But the problem is that they have been shopping for a long time and found that they did not, at this time 000 Liu Zaishi pondered his clues, although they are all rituals, but these three words in sleep may be very good.

Suddenly he thought about whether the meaning of sleeping would mean underground, sleeping, equal to underground, because there is a feeling that has not yet been discovered.

So the three of them rushed to the ground without stopping, and just when the three people reached the underground, suddenly, the door was closed by the two people in front, and at this point, he was useless and could be abandoned.

This is probably the truth...

The combination of Haha and Li Guangzhu, just a look, you know what to do, although the current Li Guangzhu is not a betrayer, but the reason is only that he does not have this opportunity.

But in the end, they let Liu Zaishi in, because they found that this door could not be locked, which was very embarrassing...

"You really are!" Liu Zaishi gritted his teeth and felt uncomfortable.

"Huh? What's wrong with my brother? Li Guangzhu looked confused.

"Yay! Li Guangzhu..."Liu Zaishi was speechless, did you touch your conscience when you said this?


"Come and see!" Haha shouted, this trick was called to divert attention, and it was a great success.

Liu Zaishi walked over and found that there was another door, and it felt different at a glance......_

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