Although Lee Kwang-joo and Yoo Jae-seok strongly condemned this, Kim Junguo had no intention of letting go, and Kim Jae-ho was suddenly glad that his bag was snatched away by Haha, after all, it looked strange and pitiful like this.

Kim Jae-ho walked over and asked, "Do you want instant noodles?" It's crisp and crisp~"

"Yay! Do you see if we can eat now?! "Liu Zaishi is so angry that he can't be pressed against the wall if he wants to slip away, and you still ask me if I can eat instant noodles?

Is this mocking them?

"That's okay~" Jin Hao finished speaking, turning his head and leaving.

"It seems that they are not in the mood to eat." Kim Jae-ho said, and then went in the direction of Haha.

The plain language was full of hatred, but Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu couldn't do anything because they were choked by Jin Zhiguo.

However, because Jin Zhiguo wanted to free up one hand to search Li Guangzhu's backpack, he put "zero zero zero" and left Liu Zaishi, and Liu Zaishi found an opportunity to quickly slip away, leaving an indignant Li Guangzhu.

"Why do so many people arrest me alone? Is it bullying me weaker? "

Although it is, it cannot be said directly.

Jin Zhiguo while holding Li Guangzhu with his thigh, while saying in a coquettish tone that it is not, it is really not convincing at all, at least you also get up from others or at least let go of a hand first.

Jin Zhiguo is a relatively direct person, said to search for you, even took off Li Guangzhu's shoes, Li Guangzhu felt unprecedented humiliation, but it was useless, after all, such humiliation, lasted for many years, among which there were countless resistances, all of which were violently suppressed.

Liu Zaishi found a place and carefully rummaged through the backpack that had rummaged several times.

In fact, everyone thought that the backpack was given by the program group, but the contents were installed by themselves, so if there is something, it must be in the backpack.

Liu Zaishi also thought of it, but he looked for several times and couldn't find it, basically turned it over, just when he was complaining, he suddenly saw a seam sewn with a thread, and he realized that something was wrong.

Hidden very hidden, but if you want to find it, you can still find it, and inside is a piece of cloth with a few simple words written in search of sleeping rituals.

Then it can be combined, looking for the sleeping ritual and standing on the insole and shouting three hoorays.

Seeing this, Liu Zaishi knew that it was not enough to rely on his clues alone, so he hid this and went back to find Li Guangzhu, compared to haha, it was better to bully this child.

On the other side, haha used countless methods to shout long live is useless, now he also knows that he has to find someone else, just as he was walking, suddenly a person behind rushed over, haha wanted to run too late.

In the next second, he was pressed to the ground.

"Still want to run?!" Kim Jae-ho rode directly on Haha.

"Yay! You listen to me explain! Haha struggled to find that Kim Jae-ho had firmly grasped the end of his panties, and shouted.

"I trust you so much! You run another one and see! Kim Jae-ho's villain's speech scared haha enough.

Haha explained with a smile: "Yay! It's a misunderstanding! "

"Give me the bag!"

"Good, good, for you, but there is really nothing in it." Haha directly took off the backpack on his body and obediently gave it to Kim Jae-ho.

"Eat this!"

"What is it?"

"Ramen! Hurry up and eat! "

"Yay! Why eat this! "

"I can't finish eating! Hurry up! Kim Jae-ho said and tugged at the pants.

"Yay! Don't pull it! Yikes! Good good, I eat! Am I still okay with eating? "Haha, I had to take it.

"Hmph! Give me all to eat! Kim Jae-ho threw down a cruel word, then flicked his underwear hard and ran away.

Suddenly quiet, this encounter came and went quickly, like a dream, haha haha.

"What is it?" Haha looked speechlessly at the direction where Kim Jae-ho left, and looked around dumbfounded, but soon, he showed an evil smile, and his expression changed instantly.

"But! In Hao! I'm sorry! I lied to you again, I'm sorry, because brother I was originally such a person! Haha started a neurotic performance again, not looking very smart.

It is simple to cheat Kim Jae-ho, there is nothing in the backpack he took over, Kim Jae-ho also took it like a treasure, just in time to throw the pot to Kim Jae-ho, anyway, the contents have already been obtained.

I didn't think that Kim Jae-ho got the bag and ran to find Kim Junguo to hand over the loot.....

"Brother! You see! I snatched my backpack back! Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Well done!" Jin Zhiguo praised, and finally had a worry-free younger brother.

"But he also said there was nothing in it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Impossible, there must be something!" After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Guangzhu: "Ah! Hurry up and take it off! "

Li Guangzhu was so frightened that she continued to take off her shoes with a grievance on her face.

"Ah, brother, can you be nice to people?" Kim Jae-ho said next to him.

Jin Zhiguo was shocked, these words actually came out of your mouth?

Lee Kwang-joo was moving, and Kim Jae-ho said, "Hey? Do you see if it is possible to hide something inside your pants? "

"Makes sense!" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Right! Makes sense! "

Looking at the nest of two people, snakes and rats, Li Guangzhu's heart is cold, is this a human language?

"Brother, no, it's too outrageous to say it..." Li Guangzhu's smile hid helplessness, but his body was still very cooperative.

In fact, Li Guangzhu was not obliged to do this, but he really had nothing on him, so he was willing to cooperate in this way to prove his innocence.

Liu Zaishi came over and saw that he wanted to search his body, and he immediately felt weak, taking advantage of Jin Zhiguo not yet noticing that he hurried away, he could not prove his innocence.

He didn't notice that Kim Jae-ho behind him glanced at himself thoughtfully.

The search was fruitless, Jin Zhiguo released Li Guang 4.2 beads, Li Guangzhu saw that his backpack was still there, and the thief was happy, but he never expected that Jin Zhiguo was quietly following him behind at this time.

Kim Jae-ho found that in fact, he didn't have to do anything, just follow Kim Junguo.

Li Guangzhu found a good place and quietly began to search his backpack, although he did not find it several times, but looking at everyone's attitude, he knew that there must be something inside.

Sure enough, he found something!

And Jin Zhiguo, who was watching him with a camera a few meters away from a wall, also knew that he had found something.

In the next second, Li Guangzhu was caught, but he hid what he found for the first time, even if Jin Zhiguo searched his body, he couldn't find it.

Everyone wondered, there was such a place on his body, where was he hiding? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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