Everyone walked inside, never expected, originally thought that it was already the end, but there was a larger space inside, and there was a bigger door inside the door, which was unusual at first glance.

A few people walked inside and found a long corridor, I don't know why, obviously it is a modern building, there is a feeling of running an ancient tomb, it is also strange.

This space is used for collections and sundries, so it has to be large.

A peculiar lock attracted the attention of the three, Li Guangzhu took out the key to treasure in various senses, opened this very beautiful lock, failed to open, and soon they found the exact same lock on the side and opened it.

As soon as the three people entered, they were almost blinded by dry ice, hey, this ice, made this basement ghostly, how to see how evil the lighting is even more terrifying, but this scene, it can be said, magnificent!

Such a noodle scene, Li Guangzhu did not have the kung fu to appreciate, as soon as he came in, he stared at the insole on Haha's hand.

Since opening this lock, his clues have been useless, he is very clever, and when everyone is attracted by such a strange sight, he reaches out and pulls out, but he doesn't find it.

"Yay! Do you want to die?! Haha shouted, and raised the insole on his hand to warn him.

Finally, the villagers who took the place of the brave came to the treasure house of the demon king.

"Is this the ritual of sleeping?" Liu Zaishi exclaimed.

Whether it sleeps or not, we don't know, this place is not suitable for sleeping, that's for sure.

Liu Zaishi's eyes also glanced at Haha, if he gave Haha a chance, he would be gone, and he shouted: "Light beads!" Fast! "

Then he rushed over and threw Haha down on the ground, cold dry ice hit them indiscriminately, Haha's heart was cold and cold, because he was now a man left and right, at a loss, shouting and struggling, the scene was very beautiful.

"It's mine! It's mine! "Haha never give up.

The most terrifying thing is that Jin Zhiguo actually came here, and I don't know how he did it, but he just came here, and he was overwhelmed when he saw such a scene,

"What are you doing~?" Jin Zhiguo couldn't understand it.

At this time, Li Guangzhu grabbed something and wanted to rush up to put the insole, Jin Zhiguo didn't know what happened, but he knew what to do at this time, he directly hugged Li Guangzhu, the scene was like American football.

The two people quarreled, and suddenly rushed in and quickly snatched the things from Li Guangzhu's hand.

This person is Song Zhixiao!

The woman, who had disappeared for a long time, appeared at the most critical moment, and when the men were in chaos, she saw an opportunity and took advantage of the time when Jin Zhiguo controlled Li Guangzhu and snatched the things in Li Guangzhu's hand.

However, she didn't know how to grab this, and shouted three times when she held it: "Hooray!" Banzai! Banzai! "

After waiting for a few seconds, it was useless, "It's not here!" "

Haha shouted while grabbing the insole on Song Zhixiao's hand while he was not paying attention, so far, he changed hands several times and finally returned to his hands.

This time, without grinding, he rushed up and put the insole on the footpeg and shouted three times: "Hooray!" Banzai! Banzai! "

"It's over!" Liu Zaishi said helplessly.

Haha shouted, finished posing, just like this for a few seconds, there was no response, at this time, he looked at PD, "What's going on?" Didn't I win? "

PD does not respond at all.

Everyone was confused, regardless of whether they knew the inside story or not.

At this moment, a man came in on the other side of the door, he whistled the classic "TwistedNerve", step by step, as if visiting his own back garden, walked past everyone and walked to Haha.

"Jean." He pushed away Haha, and under Haha's confused gaze, shouted three times: "Hooray! Banzai! Banzai! "

"What are you doing?" Haha dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the ritual track in front of him emitted a dazzling light, breaking through the darkness of the room, and then dry ice gushed out, and with Kim Jae-ho's excited shout, the ritual rail rose, as if waking up from a deep sleep.

At this time, Haha seemed to understand something.

"Oh, what's going on?" Liu Zaishi asked the question that everyone wanted to ask the most, "Why can't haha?" "

Kim Jae-ho turned around, gave them a conspiratorial smile, and said while taking off his shoes: "That's because, of course, there is still one insole!" "

Haha saw the insole he took out, touched the braincase with both hands, and shouted: "No!!! "

He understood everything, he was deceived.

From the beginning, he was in Kim Jae-ho's scam.

From the beginning, Kim Jae-ho knew that the contents of the backpack must be useless, and after finding a place to pour it out, he quickly found the insole, but he thought about how dangerous it was to carry this insole, and when he saw that there was a pair of insoles, he suddenly had an idea.

He put the insole back, and the other insole was in his pocket, temporarily, just hidden, and then, waited.

The person who came was the one he hoped for the most haha, sure enough, haha took advantage of Kim Jae-ho's unpreparedness and snatched the backpack away, in order not to let haha suspect, he was stunned for a few seconds and then shouted to eliminate haha's suspicions.

When Haha discovers what is inside, he will naturally feel that this is already all, and he will attract all the firepower.

And Kim Jae-ho now has one task left, hide the insoles, and follow haha, but there is something wrong with this, haha is too intimidated and can run ...

So he hid the insole in the shoe and really used it as an insole, followed Jin Guangguo, and finally when Jin Zhiguo asked him to stay, he really stayed, and knew by hearing) Li Guangzhu had a key on him, so he followed Li Guangzhu Zero.

After finally entering the basement, he did not rush to appear, after all, no one can win without his insoles.

After thinking of the most handsome way to play, he entered the field to reduce the risk when everyone was confused when he failed, this appearance can be said to be very arrogant, so it is easy to be stopped and beaten half to death, but fortunately, he succeeded.

One ring clasps one ring, the whole time, not only haha, everyone is in his bureau.

It's terrifying...

This set, it is not difficult to say, it is not simple to say, but people who can come up with it so quickly and put it into practice will know at a glance that it is Lao Yin ... Old wisdom is a star.

When everyone understood what happened, there were three reactions, the first, Liu Zaishi, scolded why he was so stupid; the second, Lee Kwang-joo, lamented that Kim Jae-ho was too cheap; The third, haha, can't face the facts......_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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