"Yay! How can this be! "

Everyone looked at Liu Zaishi, who was scared to turn back instantly, and they all laughed badly, and they were a little afraid that he would twist his neck.

The punch in the face came so suddenly, Liu Zaishi looked at Kim Jae-ho who was smiling badly behind, so angry that he didn't hit a place, didn't you tear down the stage like this, didn't you cooperate well just now?

"Yay! You're undercover, right? You are so strange that you must be undercover! Liu Zaishi crossed his waist and started shrew mode.

"What's wrong with me?" Kim Jae-ho was laughed by Liu Zaishi's appearance, and even refuted with a smile, and what was even more strange was that he also subconsciously followed the crossed waist.

Looking at the two people who quarreled with their waists crossed, everyone was happy, smiled and didn't care, and walked straight forward, this is a very normal scene after all.

It's old everyday~

After walking a few steps, Chi Shizhen also learned to give Li Guangzhu a look like this, and Li Guangzhu's reaction was exactly the same as Liu Zaishi, but he looked a little more afraid.

Looking at Li Guangzhu, whose face has changed, Chi Shizhen sighed that the young people are really interesting now.

When he was his age, he had nothing but handsomeness.

Liu Zaishi's mouth is also justified, because as such an active person, it is very likely to be arranged one to eight at a time, he is a coming person, he knows.


At this time, a very terrifying thing happened, Kim Jae-ho stopped talking, stretched his neck and listened to something.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho, who was still smelling at the mouth, suddenly turned into a mongoose state, Liu Zaishi immediately realized that something was wrong, and he quickly concentrated on listening to the sound.

At this moment, the huge exhibition hall finally sounded a terrifying bell, and the RM members, who were still laughing and joking, quickly became alert, watching and listening to all directions...

In fact, I just panicked...

No one expected the offensive to come so quickly, remembering that the last time the combination of two fierce men also arrived after a while, and there was still a lot of cover.

Today they haven't seen anything, they directly heard the sound of the bell, although I don't know if it's cover, but for the sound of the bell, they have already been engraved in their minds and give enough respect to it.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho who immediately ran, Liu Zaishi also quickly followed, Kim Jae-ho was like a signal, and everyone ran forward.

"Is it the sound of bells? It's really not like words! Chi Shizhen complained while running.

The prison foursome panicked and ran directly to a door, Chi Shizhen pulled, did not pull, pulled again.

"No, no, no! No way! Liu Zaishi hurriedly ran back, and Kim Jae-ho was in front again.

"Yay! When were you in front? "

"Calm down!" Chi Shi shouted.

"Where are you going?" Li Guangzhu was confused.

"Run!" Kim Jae-ho warned Song Ji-hyo who poked his head out next to him to observe the situation.

But in fact, he himself did not know where to run, and these people were instantly like blind flies looking for a way out, making a mess.

What I never expected was that these people were so chaotic, and the first to be topped, was Jin Zhiguo, who was calmly hiding from a distance to observe the situation.

Jin Zhiguo was the first to be discovered, but he was Jin Zhiguo after all, and he immediately ran out of the hiding place, but as soon as he ran out, the bell sounded in front of him, and he immediately turned back.

Just a second faster, the guest has come to his position just now, it is Uncle Chongxun, an old actor, this man who has countless nominations and several best actors, his skills are also extraordinary, closely following Jin Zhiguo.

And behind, the inexplicable combination of Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok slipped out from behind, looking at the terrifying scene in the distance, and he wanted to laugh a little while feeling palpitating.

"Hahaha Brother Ultimate Country~" Kim Jae-ho did not hold back after all.

Liu Zaishi did not speak, but the smile already explained the attitude.

He didn't want to laugh because he saw Kim Jae-ho laughing at him, well, that's it.


Kim Jae-ho touched Liu Zaishi with his shoulder, "Brother, let's go." "

Liu Zaishi pointed to the side and quickly ran over, Jin Zaihao pulled him, at this time this big brother can bring him a sense of security.

The two people panicked and went into the exhibition hall on the side to hide for a while, and Liu Zaishi found that Kim Jae-ho was inexplicably ingenious, and stood there rubbing his chin to look at the exhibits, opening the visitor mode.

"Yay! When was all this?! Liu Zaishi complained in a low voice.

Even at this time, he still has to complain, more than Kim Jae-ho, it can be said that if there is a brother, there must be a brother.

Liu Zaishi complained twice, and looked out at the enemy, habitually making him feel that there was an ambush on all sides and wanted to transfer, and PD also said that there would be problems if one place stayed for a long time.

However, just as he was about to go out, he directly saw Chongxun walking outside the door.

Chonghoon: Surprise?

Liu Zaishi: Big brother, didn't you go after Jin Zhiguo?

Jin Zhiguo laughed secretly somewhere.

Feng shui takes turns, Liu Zaishi ran with his legs, just about to beckon Kim Jae-ho to run together, but when he looked back, what else was Jin Zaihao?

This time it is so exaggerated that you can't even see the back!

He always felt like this kid was playing him!

After running hard back and forth, he was caught.

Ouch so angry!

There is a feeling of being sold...

Even so, Liu Zaishi is still struggling, he Liu Zaishi is not a person who can be captured!

How can a hundred million points of setbacks knock me down like this?!

Then he was caught.

"Ouch! That, Ouch Brother! Don't! Elder brother! Why the hell! Elder brother! Yikes! Kim Jae-ho! "

Feeling that he had already entered the net, Liu Zaishi was so angry that it exploded, and Kim Jae-ho, the kid, didn't even call him.

Soon he also saw another guest, completely unable to run, directly torn off by Chongxun and walked on his shoulder, I don't know why the new guest hugged him with a face full of loss.

He thought it was a greeting and didn't care, all he thought about was Kim Jae-ho.

The more you think about it, the more angry you get!

He who is angry has not yet found that today's situation is a little different, that is, the guests have been walking together on his shoulders, usually tearing off the name tag and leaving, today he is guided by the guests.

Kim Jae-ho, who escaped the disaster, had palpitations, he just felt something was wrong, so the road he came and went slipped away, and then he heard Liu Zaishi's scream, which was too bad.

I vaguely heard my own name, but I guess I misheard it.

"Brother." Kim Jae-ho saw that Song Zhongji was hiding.

"What's wrong?" Song Zhongji asked.

"I don't know, it seems that Brother Zaishi is being chased, the old is excited, there is still Brother Chengguo over there, rest assured, I won't come here for a while." Kim Jae-ho said and left.

When Song Zhongji heard this, he was also relieved, and he was not in a hurry to leave, staying in place to check the situation.

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