Like Song Zhongji, in your thirties, you call an opa and have no sense of discord at all, and such examples abound.

Thinking that the people in the TV themselves could see alive again, Kim Jae-ho was excited again.

Of course, because it is not an official announcement, everyone is not able to make up their minds.

"How can it be today? We all know it. Liu Zaishi said directly at the beginning.

Everyone is worried about today's recording, after all, who the guest in the first link is the hole card of the program group, this began to directly play Wang Fried, and the rest are still problems whether they can be played.

Too weak and uninteresting.

Everyone knows about related things through the news, and when they talk in the group, everyone knows it, except for one person.

"What?" Song Zhixiao was confused.

"Don't you know? Zhixiao, don't you know? "Everyone was shocked.

"I just came after recording." Chitaka explained.

Came directly from the shooting site, this is also really tired, the two jobs are done in a row, but Song Jihyo is also willing, Kim Jae-ho said it is useless, and fortunately it is useless, otherwise there is another salted fish in the world...

On Monday, the two are completely different, one is happy to work, and the other is happy to work.

Then Liu Zaishi said that he found an unseen car outside and suspected that it was a guest's, but he did not expect that it was Zhixiao's, it was Zhixiao's new car, and it took a long time to change.

Chi Shizhen sighed that she was doing well.

Chi Shizhen belongs to the kind of person who will use this money to make more money after having money, this kind of man, steady.

But Song Zhixiao had an opinion: "You don't care about me at all, how long have I changed?" "

"We all seem to be tired of you going in."

As soon as Jin Zhiguo finished speaking, Kim Jae-ho immediately threw his hand and shouted: "I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!" "


【True Bird】

Song Jihyo was amused by Kim Jae-ho, and looked at Kim Jae-ho's eyes showing a bit of tenderness.

"What's the situation now?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Today's mission is..." PD said, "It's okay to know the guests." "


Why don't I believe it?

"It's a temporary change~ Everyone shows the expression of seeing through you'.

"It was really decided before." PD is also a hundred words, can not argue, the suspicion is too big, simply no longer explain, directly read the rules.

"You guys can survive today in an hour, before the end bell rings, without being caught."

"Don't you even have a mission?" Li Guangzhu asked.

"Oops, really." Liu Zaishi made a disdainful sound and wanted to laugh a little.

"It's too easy, isn't it?" Jin Zhiguo was dissatisfied because the difficulty was too low.

"Who do you look down on?" Kim Jae-ho concluded for everyone.

Song Zhixiao: "Ignorant..."

"If it's too easy, it could be a pair of eight, right?" Li Guangzhu asked.

The element is perceived, and Song Zhixiao reconnects.

"Stop pretending to be sharp!"

Li Guangzhu, who was still very excited, immediately lowered her head when she was scolded, and couldn't help complaining: "I just said it once!" "


The more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

"I didn't say it, I'm more dissatisfied with you sister!"

He threw his hands up, like a child losing his temper.

"I miss it so much~"

Everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho who spoke, and saw him looking at Lee Kwang-joo with a loving look and saying, "I was like this when I was a child." "


Looking at everyone and resting, PD quickly said: "Then again, in order to prevent you from just hiding, we have silently prepared the most high-end tracking equipment. "

"What equipment?" Everyone was shocked.

"Staying in the same place for too long will automatically reveal your location." PD said.

"So amazing?" Kim Jae-ho looked at his body, and there was nothing.

"What kind of device is it?" Everyone is curious.

"It's really the highest-end equipment, don't be scared." D laughed.

"It looks like a personal battle." Li Guangzhu said suddenly.

"Well, it's possible, but no matter where you enter..."


The second time it was ignored.

Kim Jae-ho seemed to hear the background music of the light bead ringing several times, as if he was looping a single, and the frequency was too high.

After chatting for a while, everyone was ready to go, but they did not say what the tracking equipment was.

"What do you think?" Song Zhixiao asked.


"Tracking device."

"It should be VJ's real-time location, I don't know, just think of this." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes! Yes! That's right. Song Zhixiao was shocked and excitedly shot Kim Jae-ho once, almost killing Kim Jae-ho.

"Yay! You're smart! Song Zhixiao said, "To say that it is a very high-end equipment is actually misleading us." "

"Shh, don't let them hear it." Kim said as he craned his neck and put his index finger in front of his mouth.

"Shh." Song Zhixiao also did the same.

Both of them subconsciously probed forward because of caution, and the distance between their index fingers was only a fist, and they both looked at each other with a smile.

Sang Yun next to him took the opportunity to snap, and this picture later known as Monday Couple Dedicated Picture appeared, as long as there is CP powder, there is this picture, because it is really too sweet to look at.

"Hahaha, cute is dead." Kim Jae-ho was cute.

Song Zhixiao was shy when he heard it.

At this time, Chi Shizhen in front found them: "Ah, you two and 00, secretly falling in love in the back!" "

"Oops, you found it again~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

Looking at the people in front of him stopped to look at the two of them, Song Zhixiao was even more embarrassed, this scene, still not used to it.


She quickly followed, and everyone looked at the two of them with interest, looking at Liu Zaishi, who wanted to smile and just wanted to say something, and quickly pushed and interrupted his words.

Can't give him a chance!

Haha want to talk?


Nor can it!

Everyone smiled and walked forward, letting her go.

What kind of burnout period, but from the beginning of a stranger, now treat her as a sister.

"No, what are we going to do? There is also nothing to do. Chi Shizhen returned to the point.

"There are tasks that can be completed, but can they not be completed without tasks?" Kim Jae-ho is still arrogant.

"Yes, let's not panic, just like usual, there is nothing to be afraid of..." Liu Zaishi also said, but suddenly "Ah!" screamed.

Just as Liu Zaishi was speaking, Kim Zaihao suddenly touched Liu Zaishi's back, and Liu Zaishi's whole person instantly exploded, and he was shocked to look back, this is tearing the name brand PSTD.

As soon as someone touches the position of the name tag on their back, they will feel that their life is threatened. _

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