Kim Jae-ho walked not far, and heard Song Zhongji's screams again, it seems that he has encountered something exciting, now people's life is really wonderful, I still don't bother him.

Thinking about it, Kim Jae-ho trotted away from the sound.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi was dragged to the scene of the incident by Chongxun, and Song Zhongji was being tightly pressed by Seonjun on the ground, and his mouth kept shouting: "Ah! Kim Jae-ho! Is! "

"Yay! Are you also because of Kim Jae-ho? I'll just say he's a spy! Liu Zaishi looked at the struggle while being framed and walked and said, this groove is not spit or unhappy.

"yes! Elder brother! Song Zhongji still wanted to say something to Liu Zaishi, but the person in front of him was too fierce, "Brother, wait a minute, don't!" "

"Yay! Zhongji ah! Zhongji ah! Liu Zaishi couldn't do anything either.

The same world has fallen, and it is difficult to say goodbye when we meet.

Liu Zaishi saw it in his eyes and hurt in his heart, but under the hostage of strong and evil forces, he couldn't do anything but leave with a smile.

Definitely not gloating, just thinking of happy things.

But just as he was thinking about happy things, the evil force began to speak, "Put on your clothes, it's up to us next?" "

Liu Zaishi: ???

"It's become a team." Chunghoon explained.

Liu Zaishi: ???

"Become a team?" Liu Zaishi was a little confused and had not reacted yet.

"You and I form a team and wear the same clothes as me, and then catch more and we win." Chonghoon said.

"Ah! Is that so? Yes! It turns out it's not over yet! Liu Zaishi understood.

Suddenly becoming a member of the underworld forces, this feeling is really ... It's so exciting!

Suddenly, he thought of a person...

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho! Yikes! Kim Jae-ho, you wait for me hahaha! Yikes! His excited steps were a few steps faster, and the thought of being able to personally blade Kim Jae-ho's name tag instantly burned in his heart.

On the other side, Song Zhongji, who was pitted, struggled for a long time, and finally was torn off his name tag.

"Long time no see." Seonjun actually has a face.

Song Zhongji was also laughed, who was doing whatever he wanted above me just now?

"We're a team now!" Seonkyun said.

"What do you say, brother?" Song Zhongji was confused.


"Yay! Kim Jae-ho, you are dead! "


"Achu!" In the distance, Kim Jae-ho sneezed.

"What's wrong? Got cold? Song Zhixiao asked.

"I don't know, are you thinking about me?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"You're right in front of me, what do I think you're doing?" Song Zhixiao smiled.

Kim Jae-ho's eyes grunted and he leaned in and said, "Oh! So you miss me when I'm not in front of you? "

"Yay! Where there is! "Song Jihyo punched Kim Jae-ho who came over.

After being beaten Kim Jae-ho-an, he never thought that someone somewhere had already begun to make a plan against him.

Song Zhongji Liu Zaishi's hands were raised together and shouted: "Grab Kim Jae-ho!" "

The relationship between the two of them has never been closer.

The two guests looked very happy, the eldest brother is not a team, how to make a team like, what did Kim Jae-ho do?

"We're going to go quickly, big brother, let's go first." After Liu Zaishi finished speaking, he took the lead and set off.

He couldn't wait.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo were walking, and suddenly saw a small door open in front of them, sticking out a head.

"Ah, hurry up." Ji Seok Zhen pressed his throat and beckoned, and Song Ji Hyo quickly pulled Kim Jae-ho over.

Kim Jae-ho was originally nothing, but he was directly stunned as soon as he entered this small door.

"Oh, why are you all here?"

Kim Jae-ho saw that there were so many people in such a narrow place, it can be said that they are all here.

"Shh Li Guangzhu quickly told him to shut up, Li Guangzhu even bent his back, looking scared.

Kim Jae-ho thinks this is too exaggerated, right? Fear is not like this!

Then he went to the innermost ...

"What's going on outside?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"Brother Zaishi and Brother Zhongji were caught." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Who's in there?" A voice suddenly came from outside.

Then I saw the door open and PD standing outside.

"Staying in one place for too long..."

Kim Jae-ho: "Yay! Catch in! "

Without saying a word, PD was caught in as he spoke, and the door was quickly closed.

"If you stay in one place for too long, it will lead to cutting-edge equipment." PD finished what he didn't finish.

"What nonsense?!"

Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo directly controlled him left and right, PD only felt like he had entered a den of thieves, and he wanted to say something, but Li Kwang-joo directly covered his mouth.

It didn't matter if he was quiet or not, he was directly thrown aside like a burden, and PD felt that it was too difficult.

Several people stared outside, afraid of being discovered.

"Why are you here?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It was originally moved over there." Chi Shizhen said.

Here are all water pipes, generally no one goes, everyone looked over there, suddenly Li Guangzhu lowered his voice and shouted: "Brother Dongxun!" "

Kim Jae-ho looked at it, haha is coming over there, okay, now it's a lot of people.

Speaking of scattering, the result is all here, if the guests arrive here, they will be directly swept up, and it will be difficult to run.

"Be fair, the one who loses rock-paper-scissors goes out first." Ji Seok-jin suggested, and he also emphasized to Kim Jae-ho, "Go out unconditionally?" "

"Why did you say that to me?" Kim Jae-ho said strangely.

Everyone smiled and tacitly declared.

If you don't explain, you understand everything.

Kim Jae-ho feels outrageous, is he the kind of person who doesn't follow the rules?

While cursing, he signaled scissors to Li Guangzhu.

Li Guangzhu glanced at it, understood it, and nodded his head imperceptibly.


Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho both came out of stone...

It's real on earth.

The two of them looked at each other at the same time, and the only contempt in their eyes was 'I knew so'.

There was a pause, this wave has everything, the next wave comes directly, this wave is really looking at the face, and today, it is clear that there is a person with a particularly dark face.

I saw that all the people came out of the scissors, except for one cloth that was particularly dazzling.

"Yay!" The person who came out of the scissors was instantly ecstatic, and the face of the person who came out was as heavy as water.

And this person is Brother Chi Shizhen.

Brother Wang Nose is the one who proposed this rock-paper-scissors, and he also said that he should go out unconditionally and not play tricks,

Really lifted a rock to hit his own feet, Lee Kwang-joo and Haha both laughed so much that they had to rely on Kim Jae-ho not to fall, and Kim Jae-ho laughed to beat his thigh madly.

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