I saw Jin Zhiguo stepping on fancy steps, and moved in front of the judges in a few steps, paying the most sincere respect to the smiling referees.

This set of flower operations turned out to be just to salute...

This set of procedures has not ended yet, after Jin Zhiguo finished saluting, he actually stepped back in space and used a classic Mike move, pointing to Ni Kun.

Ni Kun saw that he suddenly pointed to himself, and his smile, who was still smiling, instantly converged, entered the prince mode, and began to play the piano.

With the soft sound of the piano, the performance finally began.

Listening to his piano sound, the members were shocked, not surprised by his piano skills, more exaggerated than this, they can see it almost every day, they are surprised, handsome.

Sure enough, those who can debut are something.

It's really handsome~

The day is so funny that everyone ignores that the guests are all from popular boy bands, and as soon as they perform, everyone remembers.

A bar kicks off, and everyone's instrumental sounds are added to the intro, and there is an instant taste.

When everyone's instrument sounded, everyone's eyes subconsciously shifted to Kim Jae-ho's body, and they saw that he was holding the strings and did not pull them up.

When he finally pulled up, everyone was disappointed.

It's not that he doesn't play it well, the sound of the monochord is just right into the performance, without dragging his feet, and even adds a lot to the performance, but there is no amazing feeling.

No way, the expectations are too high, a runner who can run the world No. 1, even if he runs a good result, everyone will feel disappointed, everyone just expects him to continue to break records.

It gives the feeling, how to say, there is no real movement ...

Mediocre Kim Jae-ho.

However, after all, it was someone else's playing time, and everyone did not interject.

And everyone found out that the lead singer turned out to be Lee Kwang-joo...

Kim Jae-ho also sings, but it is the kind of normal people, everyone vaguely remembers that Kim Jae-ho can speak bel canto, what's the matter?

Why isn't it beautiful this time?

This time is a very ordinary performance!

Although it's already pretty good for a group of beginners.

It's just very awkward, I always feel like one of them is paddling...

At this time, Song Zhixiao suddenly stood up during the break and played the "cuckoo" sound she contracted, and everyone couldn't help but smile lovingly, and the referee who did not say that he was a fan just now showed a loving smile.

On the contrary, the other two referees who said that they were fans were very calm and calm.

Kim Jae-ho still did not move, very ordinary play.

But listening to it, everyone had a very reassuring feeling in their hearts, and sure enough, late-night music was the deadliest, and their mood improved.

As professional people, the referees are very satisfied with Kim Jae-ho's performance, because they are the closest to Kim Jae-ho, and the first thing to look at is of course Kim Jae-ho.

Every time Kim Jae-ho pulls, it is just right, and Kim Jae-ho is different from others, others are staring at the score, and what Kim Jae-ho has been looking at is his own instrument.

"Ah, in Hahahaha~" Haha said suddenly.

Everyone followed the sound and looked over, only to see that although Kim Jae-ho's singing and musical instruments were mediocre, his expression was extremely wonderful.

He showed an intoxicated expression of enjoyment along with the music, and the classic commotion really made people want to hit him.

His expression made this already joyful performance even more joyful, and then Song Zhixiao still stood up from time to time and said "cuckoo", not to mention how it was played, anyway, everyone was played by them.

Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo are singing left and right, like left and right channels, and the agent of Jia Jin is also very powerful, one person is responsible for two instruments and singing, compared to them, Sang Yoon is the most normal one, he stares at the score seriously, and from time to time shakes the cabasa in his hand.

Because he can't know staves, simple notation is also a little difficult, as a person who has not studied music theory, Kim Jae-ho personally drew a special "score" for him, after all, he came in by himself and had to be responsible.

Because he basically had to rub Kabaça all the time, Kim Jae-ho just wrote when to stop and when to start.

This is the simplest instrument here, simpler than Song Zhixiao's, but Rao is so, everyone can see that he is nervous.

After all, it was the first performance, and it was normal to be nervous, just like Kwon Lie was also nervous.

When it comes to the main song, the drum is directly added, and the drum sound seems to be beating in everyone's hearts, without him, too close...

As soon as the drums were added, it was very lively.

Kim Jae-ho is hidden in it, everyone's special is shown, everyone originally thought that the family alone did not appear, which is probably Kim Jae-ho's original intention.

Just after this short passage passed, everyone was still in the aftermath of the drum, and the playing suddenly stopped, and I saw that except for Kim Jae-ho, all the people who were sitting stood up inexplicably.

This obviously doesn't end, what's the matter?

But seeing Kim Jae-ho still sitting upright, the people in the white team understood.

Sure enough, this guy is holding back!

The first thing that appeared was the sound of the piano, very soft, very slow, but all of a sudden let bring everyone into the mood, this familiar feeling...

Oh hoo!

Sure enough, it was Kim Jae-ho!

Just standing by and listening, you can feel a creepy horror that hits your soul.


Something even more frightening happened.

A goosebumps are about to rise up La la sound, through the pinna mobile phone, through the external auditory canal vibration of the eardrum, and then to the oval window, causing lymph in the labyrinth to vibrate, directly stimulating hair cells, and then touching the linked nerve fibers along the auditory nerve to the brain, and then the whole body began to resist.

Li Guangzhu opened his mouth!

He was there alone, singing to the sound of Kim Jae-ho's piano.

His voice seemed to be amplified several times under the delicate piano sound of Kim Jae-ho, and it was forcefully stuffed into everyone's heads.

It's hard to top!

Suddenly, all the music stopped, his confused eyes glanced at the white team, infinitely greasy, everyone felt that a mouthful of oil was forcibly fed into the mouth, it was uncomfortable, some were relatively straight, and they shouted out directly.

Just when everyone ignored Kim Jae-ho because they were too uncomfortable, Kim Jae-ho suddenly opened his voice.

It turned out that Lee Kwang-joo was not looking at the white team, but Kim Jae-ho in that direction, and he and Kim Jae-ho looked at each other.

Kim Jae-ho looked back with an even more terrifying expression, the kind of expression that everyone wanted to look away from.

What a good person, it's a pity to be able to talk ...

He was playing the piano and looked back, and after looking at Li Guangzhu, he opened his mouth together, la-la la together, and just when he spoke, all the people in the black team avoided looking to the other side.

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