The two of them have big goals and can only travel between houses, and Song Zhixiao has small goals and can go wherever he wants, just like Mondo.

To put it bluntly, this person is instigating...

After Song Jihyo arrived, he quickly found the little prince's clothes, is Kim Jae-ho hanging this on? All this knows?

After quickly putting on the clothes, sending them back to prison is also the goal completion point.

Song Zhixiao arrived at the prison, found that there were no guests, and hurried over, Liu Zaishi was stupid, saw Song Zhixiao go over there, and also went empty-handed.

Song Zhongji and Haha instantly panicked, and at this time, they saw Ze Yan in the distance coming over.

Don't look at Ze Yan like a reckless man, he is very smart, he even walked in front of Song Zhongji and Haha, but because he kept thinking about looking into the distance, "Six Nine Zero" did not see that there were two people hidden under Haha and Zhongji's cloak.

It was really the cloak that saved the lives of two people, and four people were so scared that they almost died, which is simply a loss of life by ten years.

Song Zhixiao and Liu Zaishi fled quickly after Ze Yan walked away, and no one expected that they would not be found like this,

Haha and Zhongji did not expect that they were all in prison and feared, all relying on the cloak to bring them the space to operate, and they felt for the first time that there was also a sense of participation in the prison.

Like Ji Seok Zhen Kim Jae-ho's combination, Lee Kwang-joo also follows an ability like Kim Junguo who can live for a long time.

However, they did not walk with a grimace like Kim Jae-ho-ji Seok-jin, and this was not discovered.

But in a matter of seconds, they found a house and got into it, and found a bathroom in the house to get into, and despicably locked the door, leaving Nikun helpless.

That's a lot of fun, isn't it?

Fortunately, there was a window outside, which allowed him to have some communication with these two people, and the two of them greeted the guests in a friendly and awkward manner through the window of the toilet.

"Kun, brother's health is not very good today..." Jin Zhiguo began to play the bitter love card, "Let's go somewhere else first, brother still has old love." "

"Let's go catch someone else first, let me go, brother please you!"

The first time Li Guangzhu saw such a humble Jin Zhiguo, his face was extremely complicated, it turned out that Jin Zhiguo also had such a time.

He was suddenly a little afraid that Jin Zhiguo would kill people and kill people.

At this time, Nikun said that he wanted to play a game with Kim Junguo.

The two words that Kim Jae-ho feared the most were that I wanted to play a game with you and had a plan with me.

"What game?" Kim Junguo asked.

"The two of us guess, brother, if you win, you can leave." Nikhun said.

Ni Kun's ren, who does not match the muscles, is also very reassuring, at least not worried about this guy playing yin, if Kim Jae-ho said this, Kim Junguo will have to think about it.

After all, even if you win, there is a good chance that you will not be allowed to go.

"Yes!" Kim finally promised.

It is originally the meat of fish on the chopping board, and of course you must seize the opportunity when you can.

This game probably means that Nikhun wants. If he loses, he can go in and capture Jin Zhiguo, and if he loses, Jin Zhiguo can run.

"Then Guangzhu, you look at the catch, like me." Jin Zhiguo decisively sold Li Guangzhu, and it is strange that Li Guangzhu did not complain or oppose it in the back.

Jin Zhiguo looked back, where is Li Guangzhu's figure?

Just when Jin Zhiguo and Ni Kun were trading, Li Guangzhu had sneaked out and wanted to run while the two were talking.

Li Guangzhu watched from the side, Ni Kun and Jin Zhiguo won two in three sets, Jin Zhiguo won, at this time, Li Guangzhu immediately ran away and ran behind Ni Kun.

When Ni Kun saw it, he was not in a hurry, and after slowly saying hello to Jin Zhiguo, he happily went to chase Li Guangzhu.

Because Jin Zhiguo won, he was originally going to capture Li Guangzhu, but he didn't expect that Li Guangzhu actually ran out by himself, which saved trouble.

Seeing that Ni Kun ran to chase the light bead very calmly, Jin Zhiguo breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Guangzhu did not expect to run quite fast, after all, with a pair of long legs, his running speed in RM can enter the top three.

But what is obvious is that when the person chasing is Nikun, it is only a matter of time before it is caught up.......

Coincidentally, Li Guangzhu ran to the lookout where Song Zhixiao had just been, fortunately, Song Zhixiao had already left, otherwise he would be a pig teammate.

Looking at Ni Kun who ran over in front, Chi Shizhen was almost scared to death, but he didn't dare to move.

"Yay! Scared me to death, they left..." Ji Seok-jin finished speaking, looking back at Kim Jae-ho, who pressed his face against the wall, motionless, as if the whole world could not see him.

That's too much of an ostrich, right?

Isn't this a fool?

Ji Shizhen wordlessly patted Kim Jae-ho's shoulder, "Ah, let's go." "

"Oh." Kim Jae-ho turned around, casually tidied up his clothes, and continued to "sneak"

If it weren't for the dirt on the ground, what he did just now would have been stuck to the ground.

Just when Ji Seok-jin wanted to complain, Kim Jae-ho suddenly shouted, "Run!" "Then he turned around and ran.

"What?" Chi Shizhen subconsciously looked back and saw Ze Yan rumbling over like a tank, as if with a terrifying exhaust fume.

"Oooooooo!!oo Ji Seok-jin was so frightened that he quickly screamed and ran away, if it weren't for Kim Jae-ho shouting, he would have been caught in this second.

Because of the reaction time, Chi Shizhen ran for five seconds before being caught.

"Wait a minute, I'll get it myself!" Chi Shizhen made a final struggle. 1.1

But Ze Yan ruthlessly tore off his name tag and then bowed and left.

"That's too ruthless, isn't it?" Chi Shizhen complained.

Ze Yan smiled and bowed and left, he still had something.

"I don't know if Zaiho ran away." Chi Shizhen said.

What made him feel a little relieved was that Kim Jae-ho did not run away directly without notifying him, but also informed him while running.

Hey, no, Chi Shizhen suddenly thought, isn't this a normal thing?

Is it strange to call your teammates to run with you when running?

Why did he feel so relieved when he arrived at Kim Jae-ho?

The prison is not far away, almost next to it, dare he just ran directly to the side of the prison, which is a matter of relief. _

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