It's nothing, just wearing clothes of the same color and feeling humiliated...

Although I had seen it briefly during the rehearsal, I still couldn't look at it directly...

The most terrifying thing is that Kim Jae-ho's piano sound actually strengthens this feeling, two seemingly infatuated men look at each other and sing, everyone who watches it is uncomfortable, Rao is that the white team did not see Kim Jae-ho's expression, and also laughed.

Jin Zhiguo smiled awkwardly and looked to the other side, as the proposer, he, regretted it...

It's hard, but keep smiling.

Anyway, the effect came out, although it was different from what he imagined, in his plan, this paragraph should be beautiful and shocking.

And the reality is goosebumps.

Fortunately, it was over, Jin Zhiguo hurriedly took command, just after the two of them finished, everyone thought it was over, but they didn't expect it.

The people who wandered around returned to their seats, and the performance time went to the peak in an instant, and the scene could be described as a group of demons dancing, like a bang and explosion, and any sound came out.

Kim Jae-ho finally showed his minions, stood up directly, his wrist flew over, and the movements of his left and right hands suddenly became gorgeous, and in such a chaotic sound, his piano sound suddenly came out and dominated.

It was the feeling of pulling out the violin abruptly with a monostring, and it was not an ordinary violin, and everyone was worried that the string would be sawed off by him.

My Zaihao, infinitely rampant.

Singing hi directly on the bel canto, more arrogant than the piano sound, compared with the previous paragraph, it is simply a sudden change in atmosphere.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a group of demons dancing, and in a good way, this is called impassioned.

The people in the white team are sighing, and the current people are really able to play.

Serious in the early stage, gentle in the middle and fierce in the later stage, the span in the middle is like talking to a person about the Gundam, talking about him suddenly riding the Gundam in front of you.

A cheerful ballad was played by them to the feeling of a golden iron horse on the battlefield, in which Kim Jae-ho can be described as indispensable, and it can be seen that even if it is that kind of majestic, Kim Jae-ho can also get on.

But it is best to be on a serious occasion, do not release him, otherwise the painting style is worrying.

Just when Kim Jae-ho threw his head like a rattle, he suddenly slammed softly!

Jin Zaihao, who had been laughing wildly, was instantly stunned, and looked at the piano in his hand motionlessly.

"What's wrong?"

Kim Jae-ho's strange condition is still very obvious, everyone follows Kim Jae-ho's line of sight, and immediately understands what happened?

"Hahaha! The string is broken! "Haha was the first to find out.

What everyone was worried about really happened, and under the operation of Kim Jae-ho's strength sawing string, the string was overwhelmed and finally broken.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's helpless look, everyone was about to die of laughter.

Kim Jae-ho was frightened.

The things he used have always been brand new and good, and he never expected them to break.

Just at this time, the music stopped, the performance ended, Kim Jae-ho's face changed from shock to panic to nothing, and he followed everyone to the curtain call with a weak heart.

At the end of the song, everyone clapped their hands and laughed, anyway, this is a unique and wonderful performance after all, there are paragraphs and layout structure is complete, I don't know I thought I watched a musical.

Especially at the climax of the end, Kim Jae-ho's string broke when everyone banged, which is really favored by the god of variety shows.

The applause and smiles on the faces of the judges also showed that they were satisfied, of course, they may also have been amused by Kim Jae-ho at the end.

"Ah, it's really ~" Liu Zaishi sighed, "It's not bad to do this in a short period of time~"

Liu Zaishi said this a little falsely, the black team is really wonderful throughout the whole process, blooming everywhere, but fortunately, they also prepared a little something.

"Then the next one will come to us, come on, everyone go on." Liu Zaishi said.

Kim Jae-ho was able to catch his breath and quickly fled the scene, and the staff set up the scene, and he stared at the two little brothers

Although the strings are not a very expensive thing, his nature belongs to the destruction of public property...

Looking at the way everyone didn't care very much, Kim Jae-ho sighed that he was really a handsome guy with a simple mind and kindness.

Just now when he was practicing, Kim Jae-ho showed a hand, not this version, it was normal throughout the process, his standard was normal, that is, the kind of playing and singing well, but Kim Jae-ho thought about it, this does not have the effect of the team, so it is not like that when it is official.

After all, it is a team game, and everyone is happy is the game, otherwise it is called playing together.

The people of the black team can also be regarded as handing over a relatively satisfactory answer sheet, and the next thing is up to the white team.

Liu Zaishi stood up, there was a look, and suddenly Dongwan PD snorted, which startled Kim Jae-ho, but he didn't expect that they just used this to say hello.

Jin Zhiguo did not hold back and laughed.

Immediately afterwards, they came again, and this time they raised their heads, and everyone did not hold back and laughed.

Not to mention the bells and whistles, the routine operation, the next scene made everyone laugh.

As soon as the prelude sounded, Ji Shizhen was singing there alone, Kim Jae-ho They thought it was him singing alone at first, very arrogant, but when they saw Haha in that crazy eye, they knew that it was this big brother who was in trouble.

Looking at the embarrassed closed mouth and pretending that nothing happened, but everyone could see the expression of weakness, the big guy Coke was broken.

Wait until the next stanza to start the chorus, and Chi Shizhen, who is embarrassed in it, is even more interesting.

This song is very light and very good, after all, the old classic, their performance is also not at all faulty, very joyful.

Suddenly, the music stopped, Ze performed with a design, and danced a classic scene of their 2PM, which was very interesting.

Not only Ze Xuan, but Zhongji also has a solo, but his flute is very unstable, out of tune, everyone listens to it with fear, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when he passes.

Liu Zaishi was so enthusiastic that he almost flew on the stage and sang hi as a conductor.

These are all fine, but what everyone didn't expect was that the employee couple on Monday also had a scene, and they had a dance in the middle.

When everyone thought that this was the end, Chi Shizhen actually came to a harmonica solo, which was very stable and very good, refreshing, and had the feeling of a midnight serenade.

I didn't expect Big Brother to have such a hand, and it was so stable.

As soon as Ji Shi Zhen stopped, Haha Ze began to RAP again, Kim Jae-ho sighed, this is a very flowery play!

It feels like watching a skit...

After watching the sketch, everyone shouted a Champs Elysées, and then sang again.

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