Everyone stepped on the shadow and came to the second floor to practice.

What everyone never expected was that the serious musical instrument box was full of unorthodox musical instruments, how simple and simple, the only thing that was a little difficult was probably the electronic organ.

"What is it?" When Kim Jae-ho looked, there was a piano-like thing next to it, very large, but when he sat down, there was only one string.


"You will do this too?" Kim Junguo asked.

"I didn't play it." Kim Jae-ho sat down and looked at it carefully, "I'll study it." "

"Okay, then you're in charge of that." Jin Zhiguo was instantly relieved, this thing is right hand string left hand key, it is difficult to see, and now it is thrown to Jin Zaihao to tinker, it is stable.

"Orchestra, let's freeze the slogan, slogan." Kim End-guo with rhythm.

"No, brother, the musical instruments are not well divided, shouldn't you divide the instruments first?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Kim Junguo listened carefully to what Kim Jae-ho said, and then looked at everyone and said, "Don't the team all have to have slogans?" Team name? "

"Yay! Ignore me again! Kim Jae-ho smiled.


You have a point, but I don't want to hear it.

The captain has to have the captain's persistence.

If you say the team name, you will get the team name.

"Brother, brother." Kim Jae-ho shouted twice.

Jin Zhiguo, who had his back to him, turned around and said, "Don't call me brother, call me conductor." "

"Okay conductor, what do you think of our name as the Spartan Band?"

"Good!" Jin Zhiguo liked it as soon as he heard this name.

"But do you have to wear the band's slogan?" Li Guangzhu asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

"Ah, people are like this, can't you give people a face?" Kim Jae-ho reprimanded, will you speak?


How does this sound like a feeling of pity for Jin Zhiguo?

Then countless jokes happened, and everyone went to the next step.

The next steps are:

"What should we do next?" Kim Junguo asked.

The next step, of course, is to ask this question, and Kim Jae-ho said: "Of course, listen to Ni Kun's song!" Isn't it a pity that such a big handsome guy doesn't come to a song? "

"Oops, no~" Nikun postponed with a smile.

But everyone was booing and wanted to watch.

"Even if you look at it, it's in Brother Hao." Nikhun said.

"I'm tired of watching them, what's so good, hurry up, don't think of coming out of this door if you don't play a song today, don't you see our final brother's big fist?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yay! I'm strange that you're like this..." Jin Junguo is drunk, you always make him look like a person who can only use brute force.

Ni Kun couldn't shirk, so he had to come to a song, to be honest, it usually doesn't matter, playing in front of Kim Jae-ho, it's really a little nervous, isn't this Banmen getting an axe?

Sat down hard, everyone gave a round of applause, very enthusiastic, and then Nikun began to play.

Not to mention, it's really handsome, Song Zhixiao can't cover her heart, more exaggerated than her is Kim Jae-ho opposite Nikun, as the initiator, he almost turns his eyes into a heart shape now.

Holding her cheeks like a flower, the corners of her mouth hooked, and her aunt stared at Nikun with a smile on her face.

He finally understood what it was like for others to see him playing the piano, oh how handsome! Kim Jae-ho felt as if he was looking in the mirror, really handsome.

But to be honest, he is really modest, because when he plays the piano, because he has a skill bonus, it is not a problem to be a hundred times more handsome than this.

The voices of everyone's praise rose and fell one after another, and sure enough, it was necessary to see the scene.

Kim Jae-ho originally wanted to use the piano to make peace, but he didn't expect to listen to it without paying attention, and applauded wildly.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho so enthusiastic, Ni Kun was a little embarrassed, and sighed in his heart, Kim Jae-ho's character is really good!

Even if he plays the piano so well, he still doesn't skimp on applause, good man!

"How's your piano?" Kim Junguo asked.

"I know what it means, come and listen." Kim Jae-ho said and demonstrated the various sounds one by one.

This speed Jin Zhiguo is very satisfied, it is worthy of Jin Zaihao, he actually pondered this, and it has only been a long time, he has not even heard this instrument play a few times.

Kim Jae-ho is relieved, the strength of the other team members is worrying...

Lao Yi PD is also a help, he can violin, the problem is that there is no violin, the closest violin is Kim Jae-ho's one-stringed piano, but that is not the same thing at all.

"Guangzhu, you go down and look for a violin, hurry, go back quickly." Kim said.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Guangzhu and went obediently, and said uneasily: "I feel that we know who is on the other side and what instrument we use." "


"He dare?!" Kim Junguo asked.

"It's not a question of whether you dare or not..." Kim Jae-ho knows Lee Kwang-joo best, let him go alone, and even the possibility of defecting to the enemy has to be considered.

And the opposite is still Liu Zaishi haha, Chi Shizhen and other human spirits.

But this time I really don't blame the enemy for being too cunning, people didn't ask, Li Guangzhu himself revealed the information, at least the slogan that had been discussed for a long time was sent out.

Hikaru-chan never disappoints and is as stable as ever when it comes to pit teammates.

After Li Guangzhu returned, Jin Zhiguo directly disciplined him, because he didn't bring back anything to bring back.

And there is another problem.

In order to make a more special "cuckoo" part more interesting, everyone thought of optimizing it, and at this time Song Zhixiao thought of standing up and playing two notes with the flute.

Kim felt great, but he felt as if the two tones were one pitch lower.

"No, it's like this 'cuckoo'"

Zhixiao: "Cuckoo"



Kim Junguo: ...



Just when everyone was laughing happily, Jin Zhiguo suddenly said: "But you are quite cute~"

Kim Jae-ho: ???

"No, is this a confession?" Li Guangzhu complained.

Just when Kim Junguo felt embarrassed, Kim Jae-ho actually stood up directly, grabbed his shoulders with both hands and shook and shouted: "Ah! Cheer up! This is your younger siblings! No matter how cute it is, you have to endure it! "

Speaking of excitement, he directly pushed Jin Zhiguo's face, and it looked like he had slapped him.


Looking at Jin Zhiguo's appearance of not daring to return the weak palm, everyone was about to die of laughter, because it was Jin Zhiguo's own problem, and he had to face it with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho was refreshed, holding back a smile, he had long wanted to do this, which was really cool.

Song Zhixiao is cute is very difficult to resist, he knows this himself, but he personally is still very at ease with Jin Zhiguo, at least for ten years.

After a few trainings, there were boards and eyes, but I didn't expect to be able to really play.

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